Bonnici’s shadow portfolio entails potential conflict of interest
Opposition MP Charlo Bonnici’s shadow portfolio could give rise to conflict of interest, Sunday newspaper Illum reports.
The appointment of Nationalist MP Charlo Bonnici as the shadow minister for sustainable development, the environment and climate change could give rise to serious conflict of interest, Sunday newspaper Illum reports.
This portfolio includes waste management and Bonnici is employed with construction magnate Zaren Vassallo, whose company secured waste management projects worth millions of euro.
In an apparent rush to assign a role to every MP, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil appears to have overlooked the fact that Bonnici is employed within Vassallo's management.
The newspaper also reports that the allocation of certain waste management projects to well-known PN donor Zaren Vassallo was frowned upon by other companies in the business who expressed their disappointment as to how certain contracts were allocated.
Read full report in Illum