New elderly home in Gozo

Gozo Church agrees to rent St Joseph Home in Ghajnsielem to government at a lower rate than market value.

The government will be renting out an elderly home from the Gozo Church after the latter agreed for the house to be rented at a lower rate than the market value.

In a statement, the government said the Ministry of Gozo will be responsible of the administration of the St Joseph Home.

On its part, the Gozo diocese will provide the religious services including the celebration of mass twice a day.

Government said the Gozo Ministry was planning to refurbish and expand the building to make it welcoming and more accessible.

The home will have 70 rooms and 140 beds with views overlooking Fort Chambray, Xatt l-Ahmar and Comino.

The home, government added, could serve as well as a home to foreign elderly which could lead to the birth of a new niche tourism in Gozo. 

Gozo Age Concern have been campaigning for homes to be built for the elderly for some years, but have been totally ignored until now, thank goodness the authorities have finally woken up to this injustice. Praise must go to Fr Mario Cassar who has tirelessly led this campaign on behalf of GAC