George Abela not interested in second term, speaks out on MCCF controversy

Even if the Prime Minister were to ask George Abela to remain on as President of the Republic, he would refuse.

President of the Republic George Abela
President of the Republic George Abela

President of the Republic George Abela was not interested in serving a second term even if this were possible.

Following his philanthropic mission to Peru and his active participation in L-Istrina, many have signed up to a Facebook page urging George Abela to remain on as President.

Speaking on TVHemm, were for the first time he also spoke about the controversy which engulfed the Malta Community Chest Fund in the past days, Abela said he had no intention of serving another term.

Abela defended MCCF's decision to offer its secretary to have a Master's degree subsidised by the charity fund, insisting the charity organisation had assisted other persons in furthering their studies.

President George Abela however insisted that the decision to suggest that the MCCF charity funds a Master's degree on eating disorders for its secretary Darlene Zerafa, was not his but he still was the one to make the proposal to the board.

Zerafa, who is the sister of Abela's daughter-in-law, is also employed as the personal assistant to the President's wife Margaret Abela.

Leaked minutes of the MCCF show that Abela suggested that the charity funds Zerafa's distance-learning Master's degree, which deals with eating disorders, because it would serve in good stead for Dar Kenn Ghal Sahhtek, a foundation jointly run by the MCCF and the health ministry.

"Zerafa was giving voluntary help to the organisation as it plans to set up a home for persons with eating disorders," Abela said, referring to the Dar Kenn ghall-Sahhtek project.

The home is to open in autumn and can offer professional help and care to 30 residents for up to six months.

Abela said he had asked Zerafa to leave the room when the proposal to grant her financial assistance was made.

"I did not take part in the discussion and it was all up to the board to take its decision," he said, stressing that Zerafa herself had refused the offer.

The President also condemned whoever leaked the confidential minutes of the MCCF meeting.

"All I can say right now is that whoever was responsible for this must should his or her responsibility. Minutes of the MCCF meetings can be very sensitive and therefore cannot be published," he said.

Emmanuel Mallia
The authorities should set up an authority to regulate charitable institutions
Sur President, meta int kont fl-esekuttiv tal-MLP, jien kelli scholarship ta' 5 snin li tellifuli Lorry Sant ghax xi hadd mill-Fgura li mar floki qallu li missieri kien dak li mar biex joqtol lil Mintoff, cioe dak li iffrejmjajtu biex jinhbew dawk li marru jistorbjar il-belt fil-15/10/1979 u int kont wiehed minhom,Mela dan mhux one off incident. Illum li taf b'kollox u tlabtek tghini int irrispondejtni" Jien x'nista' nghamel?" bhallikieku id-dmirijiet ta' l-istat tieghek, se nghidulek jien!
I can never understand all this hatred in some of the Maltese blood.
Maureen Attard
Agreed 100% xufajk. And to have the second term you will need also the yes of the Nationalist opposition.
This shows how desperate the pn are. Jew nilghab jew inharbat. Isthu jekk tafu kif.
Lawrence Covin
Calling it a 'one off' means 'I'm sorry, I won't do it again' in plain English. I think the President has admitted discomfort; well, nobody is exempt from errors of judgement, and hell can be paved with good intentions -the existence of which, in this case, I do not doubt.
I want to be one of the 400,000 persons in Malta to choose my President. If he is to be our President we shall choose him. He should be given executive powers. Stand up and be counted Citizens of Malta
The President will not seek a second term. Best news ever. Will the Office of the President clarify: 1: when did HE visit the Todi hospital? 2: when did Ms Zerafa enrol for her MA studies? 3: why did HE float the idea to MCCF Board members to refund her the expenses? 4: Is it true that MCCF funds were used for restoration projects at San Anton? If in the affirmative by what amount?