Former permanent secretaries get alternative postings

Two permanent secretaries who did not resign paid three months’ salary

The former permanent secretaries who were asked to resign by Labour's incoming head of the civil service, have been posted in alternative positions inside the civil service.

A parliamentary question revealed that former civil service head Godwin Grima was now head of data management.

The permanent secretaries as well as regulatory heads and other members of government boards, commissions and companies appointed by the previous administration were asked to voluntarily resign their posts as an act of courtesy with the advent of the new Labour government.

The Opposition protested the decision, saying the resignation of permanent secretaries was unconstitutional. Only two of the former administration's permanent secretaries - James Calleja in the education ministry and Alfred Camilleri in the finance ministry - were retained at the head of the ministries.

Other permanent secretaries were moved to different positions: John Inguanez handles major projects in the Gozo ministry; Frans Borg handles projects in the ministry for the family and social solidarity; John Gatt handles cohesion policies inside the Malta IT Agency; and Anthony Camilleri handles European funds.

Chris Ciantar and Peter Portelli, formerly permanent secretaries in George Pullicino's rural affairs ministry and Mario De Marco's tourism ministry, will be paid their salaries equivalent to 90 days' employment. The two secretaries did not hand in their resignations.

The government says that its request for permanent secretaries to resign was in line with regulations, after consulting the Public Service Commission. "This was not the first time this took place. In the preceding administration, other permanent secretaries were asked to hand in their resignation."

The new salary packages for the former permanent secretaries will be equivalent to that of director-generals in the civil service.

I believe that Godwin Grima should be investigated for the handling of the Rita Schembri affair and his possible involvement in her meteoric promotion in such a short period of time. If his involvement is proven than PSC and court action should be taken. The PN did not treat PL members the same way and it so unfair and unjust that these people should continue to be employed at DG status
Niftakru, hbieb, li fl-1987 il-Gvern gdid tal-PN kien waqqaf salt kummissjonijiet biex jinvestigaw il-korruzzjoni, il-promotions, l-injustizzji, ecc ecc. Nispera li dan il-gvern ser jaghmel l-istess. Bil-garanzija li l-qabda tkun akbar minn dik tal-1987.
Irriduhom hemm biex ikunu WIDNA ghal membri tal-Oppozizzjoni? Ghalhekk qedgha tahraqhom qalbhom ta' TeamPN???
@Alex. Hallasna tant minn imniehirna qabel issa qed tarfu lill-Gahan! Kellna gvern li kien faqaghha l-kaxxa ta' Malta. Tghid Gahan ma hallasx dakinhar?
Too many salaries... Malta will sooner or later be very hard hit financially. There's still too much waste, too much senseless doling out of government money to too many different people. Government needs to put the nation's interest before political considerations. The sooner the better.
Mela insew x'gara 1987 that Eddie Fenech Adami meta ha il-Gvern, u x'gara f' 1996 wara Aflred Sant. Jekk had ma jiftakar jien ghadni niftakar kemm gejt imzeblah. Meta mort ghand tal UHM dak iz-zmien kien hemm Alla jahfirlu Maurice Agius u dan qalli "dawn l-affarijiet ma grawx qabel,qedin jigru issa, u min dak il-hin irrizenjat mill UHM biex qatt aktar ma hallas union bla dik. Dak ix-xoghol li kont naghmel jien, dahal ragel min barra u Alla ibierek ghamluh Manager imam jien ghanki l-allowance li kelli ridu jiehduli min dak in-nhar li hadtu. Dik il-Gustizzja li jghidu biha tal PN.
And what about Kenneth Grech formerly permanent secretary in Joe Cassar's health ministry. He has been given an alternative position as Director General to relinquish his former position. However has any action been taken to investigate this person for his involvement in illegal employments and employments without financial approval that have been given on his insistence under the PN Government, according to public statements that have not been in any way denied?
Hi Alex, qabel x'kont taghmel, mhux thallas ukoll?!?
Too many chief! I hope there is left SOME Indians? after all that is what it means Malta Taghna ilkoll. A lot pay for the few to party.
Alex Grech