PBS’s new head of drama on €28,000 contract

Face of Labour’s ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ billboards and campaign video gets drama position.

Frederick Testa, addressing an audience at Labour's conference for its electoral manifesto
Frederick Testa, addressing an audience at Labour's conference for its electoral manifesto

The Public Broadcasting Services' new head of drama, Frederick Testa will be paid €2,350 a month or €28,200 on a 12-month contract for "specific projects" at the public broadcaster.

Testa's appointment comes in the wake of his open support for Labour's campaign, appearing on billboards, having a speaking part in Labour's campaign song video 'Malta Taghna Lkoll', and also addressing the Labour Party's conference during the presentation of their electoral manifesto.

Testa has directed and acted in TV fiction drama Santa Monika, Farfalla and Dellijiet amongst other productions.

MaltaToday has tried to establish Testa's responsibilities at PBS, to no avail: Testa himself referred this newspaper to Ramona Portelli, the communications coordinator for the home affairs ministry, who referred this newspaper to PBS chairman Anton Attard.

On his part, Attard only revealed details of Testa's salary package, but not what his responsibilities will be. "Mr Frederick Testa is not employed at PBS but is engaged on specific projects on a contract for service. He is engaged for a 12 month period and his remuneration is €2,350 per month," Attard said.

And how much are the Journalists employed three months before the election getting? Not to mention "Journalist" Norman Vella who asked Joseph Calleja "ON AIR" if he had any intentions to represent Malta in the Eurovision? Frederick Testa has proved himself over and over again, he was just never given the space by the PBS Regime!
@ elwenzu. Since pre-electoral lying is not illegal, our political parties will continue to violate and abuse the public’s trust, as long as the means will lead them to the pinnacle of power. Once elected, our electoral system will ensure their immunity from immediate repercussions while counting on the lack of choice and the short memory of the electorate to repeat the process, come next election.
Oh dear, cronyism rears it's ugly head again. I thought we'd seen the last of that kind of thing. + Moral, NEVER believe what a politician says; lying to the people is part of their DNA.
Whilst it is good to know what the New Head of Drama is receiving as a salary, which of course is coming out of our taxes, it would be also good to know what the PBS Chief Anton Attard is getting!! I assume he doesn't come cheap!!