Confusion reigns over resignations of permanent secretaries

Opposition laments lack of information in reply to question raised by MP Mario de Marco.

It is not clear whether permanent secretaries serving under the PN administration were asked to resign by the new administration or whether they 'voluntarily' handed in their resignations.

The issue arose this evening in parliament after Opposition MP Mario de Marco asked the Prime Minister to explain why the permanent secretaries had been asked to resign.

Parliamentary secretary Michael Farrugia, who answered the question instead of the Prime Minister who left Malta to Brussels, provided the House with the list of permanent secretaries who served between 1992 and 2013.

But when the Opposition asked for clarifications as to whether the permanent secretaries had been asked to resign, Farrugia suggested that the MPs table a question in parliament which would be subsequently answered by the Prime Minister.

Protesting, Opposition whip David Agius argued that Farrugia should be in a position to reply as the question had been a continuation of a series of questions.

"This is not the first time we are raising questions about permanent secretaries and therefore Farrugia should have been prepared," he said.

Nationalist MP George Pullicino also asked the government to clarify whether the resignation of the permanent secretaries was according to the Constitution.

In what appeared to be a "clean sweep" of permanent secretaries across the board, the Labour administration had accepted all but two resignation letters handed in by the permanent secretaries.

A third one had been placed in a different ministry.

When the designate-head of the civil service Mario Cutajar invited all permanent secretaries and other government appointees to hand in their resignations, Nationalist MP Mario de Marco had lambasted this request, insisting that it went "against all standard procedures and ignoring Constitutional provisions".

The permanent secretaries were asked to resign and they did so why the stupid question? Why should there be permannent secretaries which are inherited from one government to another. Like Austin Gatt once said "Ministers should be surrounded by people they trust". I guess the boot is on the other's foot so stop acting like cry babies especially you Dr Mario Demarco people expect more seriousness from you than the likes of Pulicino and Fenech
Demarco, taf int x'imur kontra il-Kostituzzjoni. Dawn l-affarijet saru tahtkom kemm mal Gradi l-KBAR u kif ukoll maz-zghar. Dan ghamiltuh ma mijiet ta nies fic-civil. Lehqu nies in taghkom li lanqas biss kienu intizi fis-sugget. Ezempju min ma jafx x'inhu kompjuter ghaliex kien widna taghkom lehaq Administrator min skala 14 tele skala 9 u dan lanqas jaf x'differenza hemm bejn hardware u software. Iehor ha is-sistema tal-kompjuter fid-dipartiment meta lanqas bis kellu l-icken qualification fis-sugett u minkellu giet morni. Dan sehh fil-Ministerju tal-finanzi, jekk tridu l-isem tad dipartiment lest li nghidu ukoll. Il-whistle blowers ACT baqet fuq l-ixkaffa. Hemm hafna Hnzrijiet li ghandhom jinkixfu.
Rita Pizzuto
I wish that Marthese Portelli, the new PN parliamentarian could tell me, and others, how many of the jobs she occupied during the PN in government were not as a result of her connection with the PN. She was with Malta Enterprise; Transport Malta; Bank of Valletta; Malta Information Technology Agency; Fenech and Fenech Advocates; Misco; Malta Tourism Authority; Wastserve Malta Ltd (2008-2013); Projects manager Datatrak IT Services Ltd (2005-2008); Operations Manager Datatrak IT Services Ltd (2003-2005); Ministry Representative on the Council for Children within the Commissioner's Office. No wonder she did not attend (but once) the wasteserve board meetings but still got paid a 'salary' as a board member and also as an allowance.
Come on. Is the Nationalist Opposition being serious when it says it expected the new Government to keep all Permanent Secretaries appointed under its term in Government? Many of these individuals were appointed on the basis of their political connections and looking back at the way they handled matters it becomes evident that they cannot enjoy the the trust and confidence of the present Prime Minister to whom all permanent secretaries are accountable. The present Principal Permanent Secretery brings with him a wealth of experience in the field of of human resources and industrial relations and has enough common sense to determinedly avoid acts of sabotage against the present Labour Government.
There's no confusion whatsoever. The Permanent Secretaries had to go. Pity not all have been removed. I only hope that many of them will be investigated for the dirt they have left behind them, the promotions unjustly given, the transfers, the injustices among Labour sympathisers. They should pay for it, not just given other duties as if nothing has happened.
Shut up PN. Remember the 1987 mass transfers 'vendikattivi' of Labourites across the whole Civil Service? Shame on you! Not just Foreign Affairs, as Skocciz said, but from ALL departments and Ministries. It was humiliating for some who were left for a year or more doing nothing, some even without even a desk. In contrast to this new PL government, the PN government of 1987 came back to power with a vengeance. Christian Democrats indeed!
Jaqaw tal-PN irriduhom hemm biex joqghodu jfesfsulhom f'widnejhom x'inhu ghaddej ... jew jghamlu il-bsaten fir -roti minn that u undercover ????? X'interess ghandhom il-PN li jriduhom hemm?????
Ma kienx hemm xi Laburist tghid bhal permanent secretary mal- PN!!Tal-qalba biss kienu jintghazlu u l-ebda gazzetta ma kienet tghid xejn: illum sabu ma ma ghandhomx ghalfejn ikomplu jahbu u iservu ta gatekeeprs ghal ghal GonziPN. Malta Today hija l-eccezzjoni li kient il-kometa li kient titfa ftit dawl dwar l-iskandli li GonziPN li kien jipprova jahbi bl-ghajnuna ta 'media' friendly...too friendly for comfort!!
Since the PN is being so vocal about the 5 permanent secretaries that were not kept in their position, can they explain the reasons behind the transfer of over 70 high officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the 1987 elections? I was transferred from our embassy in Brussels to the social security department but NO ONE ever opened his mouth! Unless similar empathy is expressed towards these 70 officials, even though 26 years have elapsed, I feel that the current PN members of parliament are acting as pure hypocrites with all their hype.
Joseph MELI
Get Roberta MEP on the case