‘Shame on you… you’re going round in circles, baby’ – Pullicino tells Mizzi
House of Representative turns into arena of shouts as Energy Minister tries to explain BWSC claims saga.
For an hour, the House of Representatives turned into an arena of shouts as Opposition MPs Tonio Fenech and George Pullicino challenged Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi to publish a report which recommends government not to take BWSC to the London court of arbitration.
The former finance minister went through the roof when Mizzi informed the House of government's decision not to take the Danish company to the London Arbitration of The International Chamber of Commerce.
"It's shameful that you gave up so easily, when not even 100 days have passed since you've been in government," a livid Fenech told Mizzi.
But as the energy minister attempted to explain that if Malta had taken BWSC to court it would have ended up in favour of the Danish company, Fenech and Pullicino kept shouting from the other side of the House for Mizzi to table a copy of the report.
As Mizzi continued to make references to an €8 million paid to BWSC by Enemalta, even though these services had been removed from the contract, Pullicino accused him of repeating the same words.
"Shame on you," Fenech and Pullicino kept shouting together, as Pullicino added "you're going round in circles... baby".
A baffled Konrad Mizzi was constantly urged by Speaker Anglu Farrugia to ignore the two - as they had already made their questions - and to instead focus on replying to their questions.
"Don't worry, I am here to protect you," Farrugia told Mizzi, much to the amusement of the Nationalist MPs.
But as the Opposition MPs, joined by David Agius and Claudio Grech, continued to hit back at every statement made by Mizzi, the minister insisted that he was there to "defend the interest of the people".
An agitated Pullicino at one point stood up and asked for the report to be tabled in parliament, while Fenech questioned who the government's lawyer was.
"I am not here to defend the mess you made," Mizzi told Fenech, who in return quipped "you're going to make your own".