10% reduction in registration tax for used vehicle imports

Registration tax reduction for Euro-4 engines imported before 9 April.

Used Euro-4 engine vehicles (M1) with a seating capacity of up to eight seats will benefit from a 10% reduction in registration tax, if they were imported before 9 April or placed on order before the same data and which arrive in Malta by 25 June.

The reduction in registration tax represents the rates that were in effect before the increase was announced.

This only applies to vehicles that are imported or brought into Malta as "used", meaning that they would have already been registered in another country, and as long as they have been ordered before 9 April 2013 and are registered on or before the 25 June 2013.

Motorists and importers will have to deposit their purchase documents at the drive and vehicle licensing unit (Hall C) in Floriana by not later than 15 June.

Documents to be deposited must include a copy of the registration certificate and notice of arrival of the respective vehicle for those vehicles that are already in Malta. In case of vehicles on order, a copy of the order and exporter's invoice are to be submitted for each vehicle.

Any vehicles falling within the scope of this notice that have already been registered, will automatically be issued with a refund by Transport Malta.

More information on Freephone 80072309.