Government consultants can be paid additional €20,000 ‘expertise allowance’

New guidelines for Labour government’s ‘strategic priorities unit’ can include up to 80 consultants

Joseph Muscat's chief of staff Keith Schembri will vet consultants' appointments
Joseph Muscat's chief of staff Keith Schembri will vet consultants' appointments

Consultants appointed by Joseph Muscat's government will be eligible to a maximum annual salary of €33,853, according to guidelines issued last week.

The consultants will be part of a unit dubbed the Strategic and Priorities Unit (SPU), that falls under the responsibility of each ministerial chief of staff.

The SPU will meet with ministers or their parliamentary secretaries and chiefs of staff.

While the prime minister is entitled to eight consultants, ministers with parliamentary secretaries can appoint six consultants, while ministers alone will appoint up to four consultants.

That would mean a maximum of 80 consultants if all of Muscat's 14 ministers and eight parliamentary secretaries appoint the maximum number of consultants.

Every consultant will be contracted on an annual contract, or on three-year contracts. They will also be entitled to mobile and ADSL connections to their homes up to a maximum of €815 per annum.

They can also benefit from a €2,320 car allowance if a consultant is employed on a maximum weekly hourly schedule of 20 hours, or a €4,659 car allowance if they were work between 21 to 40 hours a week. The allowance would required a justification to be awarded.

In exceptional cases only, where the prime minister approves it, a consultant can get an "expertise allowance" of €20,000 per annum, or a €2,000 expense allowance.

All consultants will be vetted by Muscat's chief of staff, Keith Schembri.

I can't say that PN were angels, but surely Muscat and his PL don't seem much better either! This continuous saga of chosen friends with expensive perks is not helping much our national economy!
Emmanuel Mallia
Carry on PERKING !!
Dawn lis spejjez ha jiswew lil kaxxa ta Malta bil wisq izjed mill Eur500 zieda likienu hadu il Ministri ta qabel!! Spiccajna ghanda izjed Ministri u konslenti milli ghanda l Amerka!!!
Very disappointing following all the fine rhetoric of the campaign. A "consultant allowance" actively invites the ministers to engage in corruption and nepotism. If a government needs to get external help with something (which should not be an everyday occurrence), then make an open public call. This is just retainers for the boys.
How about comparing this to how the previous government employed consultants, and what were the outcomes.
Dear Elwenzu, your GONZIPN Ministers gave themselves €500 per week, € 2000 per month, € 24000 per year EXTRA pay, plus perks, 2 cars each, drivers, and countless party funds and travel expenses. And all behind even their own back bencher's backs. And believe you me they were NOT experts except for the art of lying, and discriminating against honest citizens. So why don't you check your facts before you exhaust your one phrase you have learnt.
Emmanuel Mallia
Its no wonder that Muscat never mentioned PERKS in the last campaign ! Perks for politicians, chairpersons, CEOs and top government officials topple their salaries in value !
Money- no problem!