PN says Enemalta should not have dropped arbitration on BWSC claims

Opposition claims BWSC is now part of Labour’s ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ band of friends

The Opposition has accused the government of refusing to contest €9 million in claims from Danish contractor BWSC, after Enemalta and the supplier of the Delimara power station extension reached an agreement not to pursue arbitration claims in London.

Energy minister Konrad Mizzi yesterday told Parliament that Enemalta's legal consultants had warned the energy corporation it had weak grounds to pursue arbitration on the damage of a steam turbine, because it had still utilised eight other machines at the Delimara power station.

BWSC itself was also threatening Enemalta with claims on late issuance of MEPA permits and late payments.

In a statement, the PN has asked for the settlement agreement to be tabled in the House, along with documentation on the legal and technical advice submitted to Mizzi, whether the Attorney General was consulted, and why Mizzi did not allow Enemalta to independently pursue arbitration on its claims against BWSC.

"It is clear that the government has saved BWSC €9 million in claims that the corporation had, so it's legitimate to ask whose interests Labour is protecting: maybe BWSC has become part of Labour's 'Malta for all' slogan," the PN said in a swipe at the PL's meritocracy slogan that was put paid by political appointments for party volunteers, activists and other supporters.

Enemalta paid Danish contractors BWSC an extra €8 million over and above its originally stated contract price for the Delimara power station extension, without ever verifying why the company was raising its price after it had been successfully selected for the installation of its turbines.

In a ministerial statement yesterday, energy minister Konrad Mizzi revealed in parliament that BWSC had raised its original bid of €147 million to €164.9 million during tendering, to include strategic spares and a higher chimney.

Given that BWSC had already been officially selected as the winner of the tender, an agreement was carried out to halve the items added on by BWSC, namely amounting to €3 million for the chimney height and €5 million for strategic spares, which meant a final increased price of €8 million on the original BWSC bid.

"BWSC managed to charge Enemalta €8 million more for items that were not included in the original contract, and which were not even carried out," Mizzi said.

Mizzi also put paid to claims by former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi that BWSC had accepted to pay back any losses incurred in the repair of the damaged steam turbines that occurred during the testing phase for Delimara's extension in October 2012.

As it turns out, BWSC was claiming €13 million from Enemalta due to delays in issuing permits from the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, as well interest on late payments. The minister added that an alleged claim €4 million Enemalta was preparing to make against BWSC was never even submitted, because there were no legal basis for it.

Mizzi announced in parliament that both Enemalta and BWSC would cease making legal claims that were planned to take place against each other, over damages incurred in the testing phase of the steam turbines and delays in the issuing of permits to BWSC, because of the expense involved in pursuing these claims.

PN YOU should be ashamed of yourselves. When you made the contract you chose to make any arbitrations in London courts. This is a disgrace to us all. Toqodux id dejquna iktar please.
First the Corrupt GONZIPN changed the air pollution laws to suite their BWSC partners, then they got the most polluting power station on record paid for by YOU and ME, taking immeasurable handouts in the process, then the BWSC plant contract was designed in such a way that arbitration was set for the UK Courts not Malta, betraying our Country, then the BWSC plant fails the performance tests miserably, then GONZIPN in election campaign stated that BWSC had agreed to pay compensation for € 8 million only to find out that GONZIPN did NOTHING to claim them, probably because they too were advised that it was futile the way they had betrayed the Country's interests. NOW THEY WANT TO BLAME THE PL. These people really have no heart, not one iota of honesty in their bodies,they lie and cheat like hell, and to boot, they claim they are the embodiment of catholicism.!!!
Opposition claims BWSC is now part of Labour’s ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ band of friends..... bhal Franco Debono, JPO, u xi 36,000 ohra li qallu lill P.N. "IRRIDU SERJETA , KONTABILITA FIT-TMEXXIJA!" Cans kellhom il-PN imma ipreferu joqghodu jghalqu il-Parlament u jaharbu voti parlamentari u il-taghhom stess! Issa oqghodu kwieti u araw kif ghandu jitmexxa il-pajjiz BIT-TALENT BLA LIMITU tat-Team tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u mhux bhat Team li kellu Gonzi mieghu MIT-TALENT LIMITAT TA' GonziPN!
Beda bit-tajjeb l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni meta l-bierah sema u ra b'ghajnejh il-kollegi tieghu b'liema dizonesta' ippruvaw jirribattu d-debate fuq il-kuntratti skandaluzi li ffirmaw qabel l-elezzjoni mal-BWSC. Tghid kienu inefficjenti jew kien hemm interessi ohra, tghid ghad inkunu nafu? Povru Simon b'min hu mdawwar!
These dastardly GonziPNisti never learn!! If I were them I would hang my head in shame and go hide under a stone. But as any lawyer would advise you, attack is the best form of defence. Of course, GonziPN has already been attacked and buried under an avalanche of adverse votes. But these people still squeak missives like they are God him(her)self.