Updated | Excessive deficit procedure for Malta imminent

Prime Minister says ‘matter of semantics’ as to when the European Commission will be taking action against Malta.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with British Prime Minister David Cameron and Bulgarian Prime Minister Rosen Plevneliev.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with British Prime Minister David Cameron and Bulgarian Prime Minister Rosen Plevneliev.

It was only a "matter of semantics" as to when the European Commission will be taking action against Malta as deficit reached 3.3% of the GDP.

Addressing the Maltese press in Brussels, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat admitted it was likely that the European Commission will be issuing the EDP against Malta for having failed to keep its deficit under 3% as required by the Maastricht criteria.

He said that once a country exceeds the 3% deficit, a country automatically falls into EDP.

Muscat was however confident that government's plan would succeed in bringing back the country's deficit to below the 3%, adding that the Commission was looking at this plan positively.

Muscat's comments confirmed Tonio Fenech's suspicions who yesterday told the parliamentary committee for economic and financial affairs that it was likely that Malta would fall back into EDP. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said the government was doing all it could to convince the European Commission otherwise.

"The European Commission is not believing us when we say that we are going to consolidate our fiscal slippage. Last year, the government had given its word it would cut €40 million from its budget. But it didn't keep its word. And now, we are in a weak situation with the European Commission. Whatever we're promising is not being believed," Scicluna replied.

During the press conference, Muscat also accused a former Cabinet member of the previous administration of having "instigated" representatives of the International Monetary Fund against Malta during meetings held with members of the Opposition this month.

Muscat accused an unnamed former minister of "inciting" the representatives against the government's economic and financial policies.

"An ex-minister of the former government incited these individuals against Malta's economy as they prepared to make a report on the country's financial and economic situation," Muscat told journalists.

He added that this person had said "things" about the Maltese economy that up until "a few months ago, he would have never admitted them".

According to the Prime Minister, the former minister spoke about "non-credible economic figures and energy plan".

The IMF is mandated to oversee the international monetary system and monitor the economic and financial policies of its 188 member countries, including Malta. As part of the surveillance process, which takes place both at the global level and in individual countries, the IMF highlights possible risks to stability and advises on needed policy adjustments.

It carries out surveys of the state of a country's economy and makes recommendations towards achieving a sustainable fiscal position and debt management structure.

In Malta, the IMF carries out annual rounds of consultations with the two major political parties, members of the government and the Central Bank amongst others.

@joexerri @serracin All you Labourites know how to do is blame the PN for everything. Try *governing* instead of finding excuses!!!
@ aviator Igifieri int tahseb li id deficit tela mghola is smewwiet f dawn ix xharejn Li ilu il pl fil gvern? LOL!! L anqas int mazzun ukoll! Anke il finanzi Tal partit harbattu ghax fallut ahseb u ara kemm hadtu hsieb Il finanzi tal pajjiz habib!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
The legacy of the last PN government !!
Tattika laburista antika din!!! Fejn jibdew jehlu u jlaqalqu jibdew iwehhlu f'ta qabilom biex taparsi jghidu "mhux jien!!" Nesa Scicluna kemm qalilna qabel l elezzjoni li ghandu soluzjonijiet u idejat!!! Fejn qeghdin????
Elwenzu int f'Malta tghix? Mela ma tafx min kien jghida "money no problem" u faqa il-kaxxa ta' Malta b'dejn lu qatt ma rajna bhalu ? Vera trid tkun qabar imbajjad biex tigi tghid li MuscatLP ghandu trend ta' money no problem !!!
@ Carras1 If it is as you say, then the Nationalist Party is MORE CREDIBLE IN OPPOSITION than the Labour Party is in GOVERNMENT!!! Trust Joseph Muscat to try to blame the PN rather than put forward good arguments to the contrary. The PL is just a bunch of losers and, as the PN said, in just two months we can already see ourselves being driven into the wall!!! Why don't you just admit that the PL has no clue how to govern?! This is the result of a massively expensive cabinet and all the consultants being appointed not out of need but as rewards for their support prior to the election. This is REAL CORRUPTION -- literally paying people for their support!!! And to finance this, the PL government is already cutting overtime and benefits across the board -- for the 'little people' who the PL always says it is there to defend. Hypocrites and opportunists -- that is the Labour Party!
Stop moaning Scicluna and start delivering. Utter incompetence!
This problem has been caused by the PN administration who had the wrong attitude of money no problem. Months prior to the election many promotions,new jobs, recruitment drives and overspending on various sectors and areas were taking place. Now the PL have to bear the brunt of this vindictive approach of the previous government. I suggest that the new government carries out a full audit of its various entities and tries to examine those areas where resources are still being excessively wasted.
@elwenzu: your PN CORRUPT Government lied all the way to the European Union and we now suffer the consequences of their mismanagement and lies. It was only a few months ago when your very dear Gonzi, having taken €500 rise per week behind everyone's back, described € 60 million as peanuts. And elwenzu is distracted enough to keep backing the losing horse. When can the Maltese people learn to open their eyes to the truth.?
THE MALTA FILE all over again from TeamPN this time ! PNteam must have roped Eddie in! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the press conference, Muscat also accused a former Cabinet member of the previous administration of having "instigated" representatives of the International Monetary Fund against Malta during meetings held with members of the Opposition this month.
The trend of MuscatPL's "money no problem" isn't going to help much either.
This person should be named and shamed! Had we lived in a earlier era, I would have called for his stoning at Gozitans hands seeing that they are the main beneficiaries of the Government's coffers.
Rita Pizzuto
Why am I not surprised by such behavior from the PN? It is in their DNA that when in opposition they try to harm Malta as much as they possibly can. Don't you remember the way Fenech Adami worked in opposition? First he favored Gaddafi over the interests of Malta over the oil exploration incident, and then blatantly published a dirty book titled Malta is Burning. These people (people?) do everything to tarnish Malta's name so long as they don't have the power to rule. Do they really think that by trying to give Malta a bad name with the IMF they would win the people back? No way!, shame on you!