Retail Price Index up by 0.78%
In April, the Retail Price Index went up to 108.08 from 107.24 in March.
In April, the Retail Price Index went up by 0.78%. This primarily reflected an increase of 8.19% in the Clothing and Footwear Index, mainly due to seasonally higher prices of garments.
A rise in furniture prices resulted in a 0.85% increase in the Household Equipment and House Maintenance Cost Index.
The Beverages and Tobacco Index registered an increase of 0.67%, mainly due to a rise in the price of cigarettes.
An upward movement in the price of fuels caused the Transport and Communication Index to go up by 0.63%.
The Recreation and Culture Index went up by 0.62% as a result of higher tuition fees.
Higher fruit prices caused the Food Index to go up by 0.11%. The Housing Index edged up by 0.05%, mainly due to higher charges for certain construction works.
A drop in the price of gas underlay a decrease of 0.12% in the Water, Electricity, Gas and Fuels Index.
The Other Goods and Services Index went down by 0.09% on account of lower jewellery prices.
In April, the twelve-month moving average rate of inflation stood at 2.3%, whereas the annual rate stood at 1.40%.