Fenech does not exclude Excessive Deficit Procedure was 'intentional'

Former finance minister Tonio Fenech does not exclude that Malta’s inclusion in EU Excessive Deficit Procedure was intentional, as an 'excuse' not to implement 'certain costly' electoral promises.

Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech "did not exclude the possibility" that the Labour government had intentionally entered the EU's Excessive Deficit Procedure to use it as an excuse and refrain from implementing certain measures.

"I don't exclude that the government wanted to intentionally enter Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) as an excuse not to implement certain promises and then blame the European Commission for the restrictions," Fenech said.

Saying that this could be the government's intentional strategy, Fenech added that it was "evident there are certain electoral pledges which the government cannot finance."

According to the former finance minister, the government has "miscalculated massively".

"The government wanted a buffer zone to spend more - as to spend more it had to increase the deficit benchmark. Maybe Edward Scicluna thought that 'knowing' the Commissioner for Economic Affairs [Olli Rehn] they could reach an agreement... but the European Commission doesn't base its decisions on friendships," Fenech said.

Addressing a press conference on the European Commission's decision to put Malta back into EDP, Fenech blamed it on the Labour government's inertia in taking concrete steps to ensure that the deficit does not surpass the 3% threshold. He argued that slightly surpassing the Maastricht criteria did not automatically place a Member State into EDP.

"If a government presents the Commission with a concrete plan on how to address deficit and the Commission analyses those figures and sees the result will be positive, it would not implement the EDP," Fenech argued.

However, he said, the EC was expecting a deficit of 3.7% for this year and a 3.6% deficit for next year.

"The Labour government is not understanding the repercussions of what EDP would mean to Malta, even in international fora and how foreign companies would perceive it. While he [Joseph Muscat] is still in time to prepare a plan to reduce deficit, he is content with telling the Commission that Malta will reduce it to 2.7%," Fenech said.

According to Fenech, the high deficit was the result of "wrong decisions" taken by the government such as increasing exponentially the expenditure through the salaries of a larger Cabinet and an "excessive intake" of staff employed with the 14 ministries.

"This alone will increase government's expenditure by €6 million every year," he argued. He refuted suggestions that he had any responsibility to shoulder on the result insisting that the Budget 2013 as presented by the Labour government differed from the one he presented in November.

"As Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said, the framework and positive measures were retained while government's income and expenditure were revised," he said, adding that the decision to revise the deficit from 1.7% to 2.7% meant the increase to a €600 million debt over three years.

Fenech also defended himself from Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's accusations that he had "badmouthed" Malta with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While Muscat had refused to name Tonio Fenech as the "former minister badmouthed Malta", media reports referred to Fenech as having been the one.

"Like any other agency, the IMF meets with both government and opposition representatives. When the then Labour opposition used to accuse government of hiding its debt with the IMF, we never accused it of incitement. I hope Muscat doesn't want to take us back to the Mintoffian years were criticising government would be considered as treason," he said.

Challenging government to say where he had badmouthed it, Fenech said he told IMF that Malta's banking system was sound and that, if the debt level remains as is, it is sustainable.

"This however would change if government continues to increase its debts," he said.


@ serracin Franco Debono was, and remains, only interested in himself and his own voice. And he betrayed all those Nationalists who voted for him by doing so much damage to their party. JPO is not different. I still think that the blame rests with the PN for not screening their candidates better, since such egocentricity is not something that appears overnight. In this respect, the PN let us down very badly. We expect people who put the country first, not themselves. Oh, and yes, of course the PN left the country's finances in good shape. The EU told us that, and Joseph Muscat told us that too when he was elected. Forgot already?
@ Accountability Who should officials of the party have listened to? You? The Labour Party? That's too funny. Oh, and typical of you to say that the PN is responsible for the excessive deficit procedure. Since the PL is not capable of governing, the only thing it knows how to do is to blame the previous administration when, get this, THE EU CONGRATULATED GONZI AND SAID THAT MALTA WAS AN EXAMPLE TO ALL OF EUROPE, and Joseph Muscat himself said, when he was elected, that the country's finances were on firm footing. And YOU talk about "l'ikbar trux min ma' jridx jisma'"???? In fact, and I already explained this below, and you did not refute it, the excessive deficit procedure has been triggered by the cost of all the political appointments required by Labour's cronyism!!! Imma, x'taghmel, l-ikbar trux min ma' jridx jisma'!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
@ tweetybirdie Do you still believe that Gonzipn government left our finances strong. This is all lawyers talk talk, no wonder PN always chooses lawyers for their leaders. Its the way the local banks work, that kept our finances going, not some PN government policy. As for Franco and the rest, they stood to their principles, and Gonzi did not believe in dialogue, as Fenech Adami.
@tweetybirdie: I am so very sorry for you to have gone completely deaf ("l-ikbar trux hu min ma jridx jisma") and now also blind - blind to the very facts that are so blatantly clear as to what corrupt Government we had, officials of the same Party which have not listened to the people, and elected the same old cronies again. Tonio Fenech, the recipient of the Golden Award of the Arlogg tal-Lira, is the one responsible for the Excessive Deficit Procedure, and as usual, being so holy and Christian, he lied to the people and keeps lying to the people - as if lying for political gains is not still lying! and therefore Christianly acceptable.!!
@ Jonas Cord Jr. In fact the then Prime Minister Gonzi was absolutely right -- people on the 'team' like Franco Debono and JPO were only interested in themselves, as we have seen by them teaming up with the other side and betraying all those who voted for them on the PN ticket. It was that 'team' that the PM was referring to, not his cabinet. One thing for sure: the PN transformed this country from a place where you had to wait many years to get something as basic as a telephone (it took our family over 10 years to get one) and had to sneak in Mars bars as if they were illegal drugs, to a country which is a fully fledged developed nation -- and Gonzi did anything **but** run this country into the wall, which the new Labour government has, after two months, almost already managed to do. So just keep appointing idiots with no qualifications except that they are 'tal-qalba' to Chairmen and Board Members, and let's all sail straight into it at full steam!!!
@tweetybirdie-One here has to ask if what tweetybirdie posted here is for real. Has tweetybirdie been in hibernation these past twenty-five years when he says that PL followers are brainwashed? And who was that Prime Minister who told the US ambassador that he did not have the right team to run the Country? Tonio Fenech, who labeled all Maltese as ĊWIEĊ, if one remembers well was included in that team. As tweetybirdie said "l-ikbar trux hu min ma jridx jisma" but he must have forgotten that "l-ikbar għama hu min ma jridx jara".
@Accountability The PL has a definite advantage in Malta – its followers are so brainwashed and unquestioning that they cannot follow the simplest arguments and take them to their logical conclusions. Also the PL always blames the PN for its bad performance as soon as it gets into government; it then performs miserably; and when eventually it leaves, the PN pick up the pieces and bring prosperity back to the country. It has happened time and time again, and it will happen yet again this time too – especially because, more than ever, Joseph Muscat has appointed a bunch of incapables to run the country as a gift for their support, and this at great cost. The cost of the new massive cabinet is tens of millions, and all the new boards and consultants he is appointing will cost tens of millions more. No wonder he is heading for the wall which is the excessive deficit procedure. The fact is li l-ikbar trux min ma jrindx jisma – and that is all the PL followers like yourself!!!
Tonio Fenech and co have banjrupted our country and even their own political party now he has the gaul to critisize the opposition where was he during the oil scandal, where was he when the previous goverment squandred away billion of euro into white elephant projects. He should be held personaly accountabile for all those lossses our country suffered under his guidance.
Is this the same saintly former minister who said that he witnessed the apparation of the Holy Mary crying when local political parties were battling it out for the introduction of divorce in Malta two years ago? This former minister has always been known for cheap propaganda.
Emmanuel Mallia
The man who claimed he had no money, when he was a minister. We are no fools ! We know that as a minister you had a ministry car, yet, you still got monthly petrol allowances, which probably went to your pocket. Your water, electricity, mobile, tv and telephone bills were paid by parliament ! You have a free lifetime life insurance for you, your wife and kids, because the Maltese, cannot cope without you ! You still have free Airmalta tickets for private use ! And an ever ending list of other , yet unknown perks, yet unknown to the public. Oh , how poor he was !!
Peress li l-Accountant Tonio Fenech halla dejjem surplus fil budgets tieghu u peress li nizzel id-dejn sena wara sena jista u ghandnu dritt jaghti l-pariri! X'arroganza u x'misthija! Kif ma jisthux? They have burned the ground and u qeghdin ikantaw: 'Mhux jien, mhux jien, li gibt id-deficit u id-dejn!
Dal-politikant tal-habba gozz jaf jisthi? Dan kif ghad ghandu l-wicc jidher quddiem in-nies? Ghax ma jmurx jaghti l-habel l-arlogg?!! Jaqaw qed tahsibna cwiec Sur Toni ta' l-Arlogg?! Aghmel pjacir lil Malta u lil partit skadut li gej minnu u stahba! Possibbli li ghadek ma ndunajtx li issa hadd ma ghadu jemmnek?!
Mhux ta b'xejn li shabu stess tmejlu bih u ghazlu lil Simon minn floku u b'maggoranza kbira. Jghid lil haddiehor cuc meta hu l-akbar wiehed. Ahjar imur ihallas id-dejn li qal li ghandu maz-zija ta' Mallia.
Dear Mr Fenech,You are only distorting the truth.What you gave us Fake Promises.
Who does this man think he is fooling? This is a man who has been caught telling massive lies many many times. Only this week he claimed that he had to live on 2000 a month, when this was just the increment he gave himself. Whatever Labour does, the fact that people like him are no longer around is in itself a bonus.
@ tonio Kliemek sar bhall hanqa ta hmar, hadd ma jghati kasu!! Ftit ohra u Tohrog il verita kollha fuq it tbazwir li ghamilt int u shabek. Kif ma Tisthix tidher quddiem in nies?
Kif ma jisthix dan Tonio jitkellem hekk? B'dan iridt jghabbi Simon? Bl-istess nies who have an axe to grind fejn konna se nibqghu1 Sa issa hlief lanzit, qrusa u seksik ma harigtx mill-PN !
Is this guy for real ? As Finance minister he was the prime culprit in increasing our national debt burden to astronomical levels. He presided over the squandering of millions upon millions of public funds on useless consultancy fees , wage increases etc etc. Why does he not shut up for a year or two and hope that the people of Malta will forget the absolute mess he left behind ? Why does he not set an example and repay his dues to the exchequer before he faces a camera ?
Emmanuel Mallia
We do not believe PN anymore ! Not even the funny declaration made by simple Simon, that RCC & Gatt are no longer involved in PN. How can you expect us to believe you, when THEY were the ones who anointed you !
These political "falluti" are just something else! Is it possible that they manage to keep a straight face when lording their dirt over us, lesser mortals, and their blatant lies and inaccuracies? Has arrogance been so imbibed into their system that they feel they can invent or badmouth anyone and get away with it?