Updated |De Marco, Fenech Adami new PN deputy leaders

Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami elected as PN deputy leaders.

Mario de Marco standing for deputy leader for parliamentary affairs cast his vote this morning.
Mario de Marco standing for deputy leader for parliamentary affairs cast his vote this morning.

Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami were elected PN deputy leaders in the first round of the PN leadership elections.

De Marco, the only candidate who stood for the deputy leader for Parliamentary affairs post, obtained 96.1% while MP Beppe Fenech Adami was elected as PN deputy leader for party affairs after obtaining 76% (668 votes). Runner-up Claudette Buttigieg in the party affairs contest, garnered 24% (211 votes).

Mario de Marco obtained 840 votes, while 34 councillors voted against.  

Candidates needed to achieve two-thirds of votes cast by the 887 PN councillors who cast their vote in order to secure the post. The results mean that there is no read to hold a second round in either election.

New PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil will therefore be flanked by the heirs of two influential political dynasties, following in the footsteps of former PN leader and Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and his historic right-hand man, the late Guido de Marco.

The voting opened at 10am and closed at 9pm. New PN leader Simon Busuttil and the three contenders cast their vote at 11am while former leader Lawrence Gonzi voted at 12:30pm.

887 votes were cast in the General Council President contest, with the same number of votes cast for the deputy leader for party affairs and parliamentary affairs elections. This adds up to 99.2% of eligible voters cast their vote in the three elections. 

The PN councillors also voted for the President of the General Council, with current President Paula Mifsud Bonnici confirmed in the role after beating off the competition of Louis Bonnici.

Mifsud Bonnici, also a daughter of a former PN stalwart, Antoine Mifsud Bonnici,  obtained 84.9% (747 votes) of the vote, to Bonnici's 133 votes.

Councillors also voted for 13 vacant posts on the PN executive committee, for which 43 nominations were submitted. The result is expected to be announced early Sunday morning. 


Emmanuel Mallia
@spionkop Il-PN dejjem kellhu nies ta stoffa u ghad ghandu. Imma il klikka oskura, li verament thaddem il partit, ma thallihomx jitkellmu. Djalogu ta zmien Fenech Adami spicca ghal kollox. Il-PN kien u baqa mahkum min klikka oskura, ta wara il kwinti , jekk mhux min ghaqda oskura ukoll !!
Jien nahseb li Dr. Guido de Marco qatt ma kien "the right hand man of " Dr. EFA. Infatti kien hemm zmien li sa anke ried jehles minnu Dr. EFA meta ,wara li kien ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi hallieh itajjar lit-tifel ta' Dr. Borg Oliver mil-missjoni Maltija ghall-Gnus maghquda, biex jilhaq hu, Dr. Guido de Marco bit-tama li dan de Marco jiehu postu fi New York u jehles minnu ghax l-Inkjesta kienet poggiet lil dan de Marco f'dell ikrah fil-kas tal-frame-up ta' Karm Grima, li tieghu l-avukat kien Dr. de Marco stess u deher bic-car li de Marco kien orkestra l-frame-up stess biex jakkomoda lil-Kabinett Lorry Sant.
Nies bla sustanza. Wahda mil vantagggi tal PL hija li tal PN ma ghandhomx nies ta kwalita. Simon Busuttil kien responsabbli ghat telfa li qala il PN fl ahhar elezzjoni waqt li BFA u Demarco intazlu ghax figli di papa
The tandem (of the fathers) De Marco/Fenech Adami worked fine as they had the ‘Religio e Patria’ moral values. The PN is competing with the PL to become a secularized party. In fact secularization is something of the past; post modernism is now in the process of desecularization and the PN must offer an alternative to the PL and not competition.
bravo. Out with the old and in with the old.
Very nice Boogie Night.Fenech Adami De Marco 80s night
FUFA - mela insejt li MLP b'telfa wahda wara l-ohra lil min kien lahaq deputati mexxejja? LIL ANglu Farrugia u TONI ABELA lol( tal Blokka l-bajda)U biex tkompli tghaqqad rega laqa fi hdaniu nies ta zmien Mintoff u KMB. Vera kien igedded il - lejber ukoll lol
Oh,how great was the Desire Of Claudette Buttigieg Pace Biex flimkien ma Mario u Simon Toħroġ tmur tfittex in-nagħaġ Ħareġ Beppe jikkontesta Qal li hu kapaċi wkoll Għalhekk sejjer nikkontesta Hall il-vot jorbot u jħoll Il-bieraħ saret l-elezzjoni U ħareġ ir-rizultat Min ħareġ rebbieħ u jidħaq u min ħareġ irrabjat Kellu bzonn jieħdu lezzjoni Kellna poplu irrabjat Għallhekk fl-aħħar elezzjoni Ivvutaw Joseph Muscat Lilu jridu il-Maltin Imexxi għall ħames snin
After weeks of speculation Malta have now, a renewed restoration of changed faces with their outdated ideas and policies called the new PN.Time will tell.
So what's new..... not even the names are new let alone the ideas or the "wrapping"! Now the BIG questions: WHO WILL ANSWER TO WHO? WHO WILL LEAD? WHO WILL LEAD WHO? WHO WILL FOLLOW? WHO FROM THESE THREE IS WILLING TO TAKE ORDERS FROM WHOM and have the last say ? ...... not thalk ie mention the fact that all three are Lawyers and talk in Lawyer jargon! ;)
Emmanuel Mallia
Nothing new ! The same rhetoric PN ! Layers, lawyers and lawyers and what do you expect from lawyers ? The trio already anointed, and approved by RCC and Gatt. And simple Simon wants us to believe that RCC and Gatt are out. Lawyers talk talk !! Perhaps simple Simon would care to tell us who are his new advisers, rather than staying at the backseat, obscure helm.
David Bongailas
DeMArco, Fenech Adami, Mifsud Bonnici.........so much for renewal! Dr.Franco Debono was right. It is all about dynasties......dynasties and surnames.
Abdullah alhrbi
So what's new pussycat? The PN entangles itself more in the web of southern Mediterranean kinship ties by entrenching dynastic patterns. Lol how European is that Simon, succession based on surname and gender? Clearly Simon's PN is still as patriarchal as its founding fathers yes yes we have the token females here and there but not where leadership matters. So how will Simon detoxify the undemocratic truth of patriarchy and dynastic succession ? Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, n'est-ce pas cher Simon?
Labour supporters below seem pretty worried...and with good reason!
..... veru hasra li l-buzu ta' mannarinu ma irxuxtax xi hadd mid-dinastija ta' gorg borg olivier jew ta' ragonesi... la ghogbu li jkahhal madwaru lil fenech adami u lil demarco .... xejn xejn, la ghogbu jitkahhal ma' dawn iz-zewg familji (tafu intom, kemm hawn min jadurahom !!!!) .... seta' jdahhal lil dawn it-tnejn tal-imghoddi wkoll fil-klikka ta' madwaru ... all in the (PN) family .....
Nothing's changed ; two political surnames are still going to dominate the Nationalist Party! What next ; Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici as general secretary so we'll have three political dynasties instead of two?
Dejjem l-istess familji? Jekk mhux Borg Olivier, Fenech Adami, jekk mhux Demarco, Mifsud Bonnici? M'hemmx min hu kapaci b'kunjomu differenti? Jien ghalek tlaqt mill-PN wara snin fl-adoloxxenza nigri bhal hmar ingorr il-karettun ta dawn il- familji! Qishom tan-North Korea certu dinastiji biss jistghu imexxu lil PN? Dawk ta rieda tajba meta se tnehhu l-aljenazzjoni u tghixu ir-realta?
Min imaqqdar irrid jixtri jghid il-Malti. Issa opposizjoni ta' vera mhux tal-GIMMICKS bhall ma hu il-gvern presenti. Dahak bina ghax'TAGHNA LKOLL TA GEWWA'. VENI VIDI VINCI Vot liberu,
Min imaqqdar irrid jixtri jghid il-Malti. Issa opposizjoni ta' vera mhux tal-GIMMICKS bhall ma hu il-gvern presenti. Dahak bina ghax'TAGHNA LKOLL TA GEWWA'. VENI VIDI VINCI Vot liberu,
Min sejjer imexxi il-min ? Min ha joqghod ghal ordnijiet ta' min? Il-PNtomimi jkomplu ..... xejn gdid, lanqas il-kunjomijiet !
Igri jehilsu mill-elezzjonijiet dawn tal-PN. Qisna n-North Korea. De Marco jtellaq wahdu u jivvota lil De Marco u ohrog il-ghageb jistenna sa bil-lejl biex jara lil De Marco jriduhx. Imbaghad jerga jistenna u jara lil Beppe jriduhx, halli jergghu jkunu like father, like son. Iwa daqshekk inbidel il-PN?
This election will expose a number of shortcomings: 1. The role of party councilors in the electoral fiasco has been mistakenly underestimated; 2. The search for party leadership is overlooking and missing the golden opportunity to look outside of the box of the traditional political dynasties: The 5OKvotes swingers must be fuming in silence; 3. Out of three posts to fill, failure to include a female will alienate a fringe of the electorate who will perceive the party as a macho club; When the leadership contest is over, it will become business as usual as any one can and no one is irreplaceable. The choice of the leadership team and their attitude will determine the number of legislatures in opposition.
Jien qatt ma rajt lill xi hadd pruzuntuz daqs Claudette (desire). Possibli il PN daqshekk nieqes minn politici tajba li jaqa ghak kantanta biex tmexxi parit
Jien qatt ma rajt lill xi hadd pruzuntuz daqs Claudette (desire). Possibli il PN daqshekk nieqes minn politici tajba li jaqa ghak kantanta biex tmexxi parit
I am also sure that Dr Beppe Fenech Adami will make it!
THE successors will be anointed!! No matter what!! The party is ours!! The voters we will use to satisfy our dreams of grandeur!!
Spoilt for choice ............. hahahahahaha !!
My prediction: Mario de Marco he is the sole runner so he is in with 85% of he votes. Beppe Fenech Adami will get around 85% to 90% of the votes while Claudette B?uttigieg will get less than 10% of the votes for the post of deputy leader for party affairs. She must learn not to jump up the stairs otherwise she will come tumbeling down.