Lawyer advises Gozo Channel to give up on recovering stolen cash

First police report into ongoing organised theft at Gozo Channel cafeterias made last summer.

Additional reporting by Chris Mangion

Gozo Channel has been advised by its lawyer against seeking the full reimbursement of money stolen by employees working in the company's ferry cafeterias. The pilferage dates back to 2007, and it is estimated that 10 Gozitan employees, some of whom have been employed with the company for seven years, stole approximately €500,000 over six years.

The case surfaced in court last Wednesday, when nine of the workers pleaded guilty to theft charges. A tenth pleaded not guilty.

MaltaToday is informed that the inquiry is ongoing.

When contacted by this newspaper, Gozo Channel Chairman Joe Cordina confirmed that the company's lawyer, who surprisingly turns out to be Andrew Borg Cardona,  a well-known anti-Labour blogger, has advised the company against seeking a full reimbursement from the workers "as it would be difficult to prove the stolen amount in court."

When asked directly whether Gozo Channel would waive the stolen amount and not seek reimbursement from the employees, Cordina was non-committal.

"Our legal advisor [Borg Cardona] has suggested it would be better to reach an agreement with them... the amount stolen is unknown and the lawyers are still seeing what best course of action to take," he said.

< page 1  According to the legal advice given to Gozo Channel, it would be cumbersome to open a civil case against each worker, as it would entail proving in court how much the workers stole individually. The police investigation, Cordina said, has not established the amount stolen.

The chairman also confirmed that the workers' employment has been terminated. They have been replaced by workers from other sections of Gozo Channel.

The case has also fuelled speculation as to why the allegations are only seeing the light of day now, given that the theft spanned over six years.

Cordina, Labour's former financial administrator, who was appointed chairman last month, said he filed a police report with the Victoria police station shortly after his appointment to the helm of the ferry transport provider.

"As soon as I filed the report, a magisterial inquiry was ordered, kick-starting investigations into the case," he said.

Cordina was told by the police in Gozo that this was the first report that had been filed.

But former finance minister Tonio Fenech and former Gozo Channel chairman Paul Curmi vehemently denied that the police were previously unaware of the case. In July 2012, then-Police Commissioner John Rizzo was approached by Curmi, appointed chairman four months before, to investigate apparent widespread pilferage at the cafeterias on board the Gozo Channel's vessels.

Correspondence seen by MaltaToday confirms this.

Internal investigations suggested that the pilferage could have been happening for years.

"We never made it public because the police had suggested we keep everything under wraps until all culprits had been caught," Fenech told MaltaToday.

"One employee caught stealing had admitted to fellow colleagues doing so. The police told us to keep quiet as not to disrupt the investigation, as we wanted to catch them all in the act."

During the course of the summer investigation, Assistant Commissioner Pierre Calleja, Superintendent Silvio Valletta and CID inspector Michael Mallia told Gozo Channel that it was at fault for the thefts, given that no concrete action was taken to ensure protection from abuses by its employees.

Questions on the auditing of the company and whether the company carried out adequate assessments of inventory arose.

At this point, Fenech asked the management to appoint a disciplinary board and, if necessary, issue a concession to outsource the cafeteria.

The former Gozo Channel chairman confirmed that the outsourcing of the cafeteria had been placed on the management board's agenda. But the outsourcing never took place. Plans for the appointment of an internal auditor were also discussed but no action was taken.

"It was too short a time to take action, given that our term was to expire soon," Curmi said when confronted by MaltaToday.

Asked whether it had followed up the issue with the police after filing the report, Curmi said the management board did not remain in contact.

"We did our part when we informed the police, and it was then up to the police to continue with its investigation. Internally we discussed measures which could be implemented to avoid such abuse," he said.

Asked whether the company had at least improved its stock-taking system, Curmi said "nothing in particular changed... but we received no other reports."

Over €500,000 suspected stolen from Gozo Channel

Last week, 10 of Gozo Channel's employees were arraigned in court, charged with stealing from the company since 2007. The amount stolen is said to be €500,000.

Superintendent Simon Galea and Inspector Frank Tabone told the court that the precise amount is still unknown, as the theft spanned over six years. The employees, they said, cannot repay the stolen money before the amount is confirmed.

Nine of the workers pleaded guilty and were ordered to pay back the stolen cash. Another worker denied the charges.

The workers are Anthony Mercieca, 47, from Xewkija, Alexander Cini, 40, from Zebbug, James Joseph Muscat, 35, from Xaghra, Darren Xerri, 29, Joseph Azzopardi and Herman Mifsud, both 35, all from Ghajnsielem, Lee-Anne Portelli, 34, from Victoria, Sara Buttigieg, 32, from Sannat and Dery Joseph Gauci, 31, from Kercem.

Sara Buttigieg was also charged with breaching the conditions of a previous sentence.

Those who pleaded guilty to the charges were placed on probation for three years.

James Joseph Muscat, who pleaded not guilty, was granted bail against a personal guarantee of €4,000.

In 2007, when the theft started, the company was reeling from the €70 million purchase in 2006 of its three ships, Malita, Ta'Pinu and Gaudos. At the time the company's assets stood at €14 million, and in 2006 Gozo Channel registered an operational loss of €50,507.


Tiskanta. Kull fejn iddawwar wiccek hlief nies ta' gonzipn ma tarax appuntati. Minbarra Borg Cardona jien n'ghandi l-ebda dubbju li l-akkuzati huma ta' Giovanna. Imma dawn jistghu jaghmlu li jridu ghax hekk rabbew il-mentalita wara dawk issnin kolla fil-gvern. Min jaf li kieku il-flus li insterqu kienu ta' Borg Cardina innifsu, x'kien jipproponi dan l-gharef avukat ?
“Superintendent Simon Galea and Inspector Frank Tabone told the court that the precise amount is still unknown, as the theft spanned over six years. The employees, they said, cannot repay the stolen money before the amount is confirmed. Nine of the workers pleaded guilty and were ordered to pay back the stolen cash. Another worker denied the charges. Those who pleaded guilty to the charges were placed on probation for three years.” ......"Our legal advisor [Borg Cardona] has suggested it would be better to reach an agreement with them... the amount stolen is unknown and the lawyers are still seeing what best course of action to take," he said.....Mela x’ammettew biex jinghataw probation ghal tlett snin u ghaliex ma tpoggewx fuq att t’akkuza bhall ma sar fuq dak li m’ghammettix…mela nofs miljun cajta. Izjed ma jinqara inqas jinftihem. Nisperaw li l-kobba ma tkomplix tithabbel aktar u jigu ccarati lis-spekulazzjonijiet li ghaddejin bhalissa. Li hu zgur li l-grieden inqabdu hekk kif tela l-PL fil-gvern….u dan ghaliex??? Spekulazzjoni ohra!! Il-cameras fuq il-kaxxiera minn dejjem kienu hemm u fejn jidru mill-passigiri wkoll…Spekulazzjoni ohra?? Jekk dan is-serq gie stabbilit li kien ijlu mis-sena 2007…rizultat skjett ta’ mismanagemet totali u tidhol spekulazzjoni ohra jekk kienx hemm serq iehor?? The chairman also confirmed that the workers' employment has been terminated. They have been replaced by workers from other sections of Gozo Channel. Jidher li l-cafeteriji mhux qedin jinfethu dejjem u gieli rajna zewg kaptani biex jghamlu n-numru tal-crew (mhux flus fil-hela dan..u ghaliex). Mhux ahjar li jiddahlu casual workers ghas-sajf bhal ma jsir fl-Air Malta li issa gej il-peak tas-sajf….ghax jekk le l-overtime jisplodi. Jidspjacina biss ghal bord il-gdid ghal problem li sab ma wiccu.
What do we pretend that Dr Borg Cardona will advise to take to Court people tiven jobs by PN? Gozo Channel shojld seek advise from another lawyer
Alibaba and the Gozo ferry loaded with thieves
Hemm bzonn il-Ministieru ghal-Ghawdex li hu responsabli mill-Gozo Channel jordna li issir inkjesta b'magistrat ghax min dan ir-rapport jidher li hemm tahwid kbir,Ghalkemm ma jinhiex ta skola ma narahiex b'sorpriza li kien hemm min kellu xi skop li dan il-fatt ma johrogx,tghid kieku ma kienx hawn bidla fil-gvern,l-affarijiet kienu se jithallew ghaddejjin qisu ma kien qed jigri xejn ghax sitt snin jabbuzaw l'anqas biss timmagina.
is-serq jibda fuq il vapur u jkompli fuq l art ta gozo,u jista jghidilna l avukat, l'interess ta min qieghed jiddefendi!!!
"Over €500,000 suspected stolen from Gozo Channel" That is a lot of money and it took six years for the police to bring it all out in the open? Now I see why Commissioner Rizzo was demoted and replaced. On another note. Why were all the employees involved all from Gozo? This is definite proof that this type of service should be privatized and not owned by the government at the public's expense. More proof of how corrupt our country is?
Clearly the persons in charge are not fit to manage this company.
Biex jinqata l-abbuz huwa sempliciment taghmel kaxxiera wahda qabel ma jibda l-kju u min ikun sejjer jixri jghidilha xi jrid jixtri, jhallas hemmhekk u l-kaxxiera taghti l-biljetti bl-ammont li jkun hallas u jmur jiehu mill-kafettierija u b'hekk ir-responsabilta taqa' fuq kaxxiera wahda biss u x'hin tispicca mix-xhift taghha jinqara z-Z-Reading u hi tghaddi l-flus lil persuna responsabli minn tal-Gozo Channel u dan jghaddi rcevuta tal-flus li kien ircieva. Semplici u effettiva u jekk isir abbuz ikun qed isir minn persuna wahda u mhux ikun hemm supett fuq 10 jew izjed. Proset Sur Cordina ghax kullhadd kien skantat kif il-Gozo Channel sejra lura meta kienet qed iddahhal daqshekk cash kulljum. Issa nispera li ssir nvestigazzjoni fuq il-fuel u l-biljetti ghax hawn l-ghajdut li trakkijiet kienu qed jinghataw biljetti ta' karozzi u kullhadd jghatti wiehed lil iehor. Bis-serjeta naslu kullimkien, bil-fottiment hemm biss dizastru jistenniena.
We as citizens first of all have a right to know how much money was stolen. Secondly, change the lawyer ASAP. Remeber this person dejjem hadem contra PL. So send him off with his hat.
Will this "lawyer" advise Gozo Channel to give up on paying his legal fees with a stupid statement like that? A simple paper trail will expose the criminal activity, assuming, of course, that Gozo Channel do have records of their trading practice.
It pays to be a thief in Malta.
Il veru qeghdin sewwa hawn Malta.Dawn ma serqux xi bott zebgha ta.Ghallura kif jista jkun li temmen lil min kien imexxi il kumpanija.Come on qumu min hemm u ghamlu xoghlkom sewwa.Il poplu ghandu ghajnejh miftuhin berah rigward dan il kaz
What a country! Not much of a deterrent. Incredible and unacceptable.
Hekk sew. Il-flus ma jistghux jingabru. Ihallas il-poplu. L-accountant u l-awdituri fejn kienu? Mela fi zmien GonziPN in-nies li kienu jintghazlu minn entitajiet pubblici kienu jintghazlu fuq il-meritokrazija, mhux hekk? Illum qed isir plejtu fuq in-nies li jintghazlu mill-gvern tal-PL. Nahseb li Borg Cardona jaqsam lejn Ghawdex (u ta sikwit hafna) gratis ukoll. Erehilu l-Gozo Channel jaghmel it-telf. X'ahna sbieh min jaf jarana.
company"s lawyer should be changed as soon as possible .
Now I know why Dr Andrew Borg Cardona goes to Gozo so frequently. He travels free as Gozo Channel's company lawyer. And he often claimed that he enjoyed no perks under GonziPN. The masks are falling
As an accountant I can vouch that every penny missing will be recorded if a thorough audit is carried out! The Tax Compliance Unit recovers all monies : Gozo Channel No? Dr Andrew Borg Cardona is not an expert on accounts; though he is a good lawyer for Gozo Channel and a good blogger to criticize Labour, he should get advice from accountants.!
This us not bloody axepted.This pilfering going on for at least 6 years and that show that the person who received the cash new,the Manager new,the chairman new,and the one BUT not least the AUDITOR new all the time.The Police new also,WHY it has to be a new government to uncover this SIMILAR case as the VAT FRAUD.No it must be EVERYONE from top to bottom to pay for this,otherwise the new PL will be placed in the same PN category.
Pajjiz tal-kummiedji u l-kummidjanti bhal dan ghadu jrid jinholoq. U l-Gahan Malti jhallas. Bi kwalunkue gvern fit-tmexxija.
Good job Mr Cordina,how about those once that they are very rude to the people when parking the cars and trucks.
Good job Mr Cordina,how about those once that they are very rude to the people when parking the cars and trucks.
ps. Check all invoices and payments made for supplies and check what was the income including profit registered by the company as compared to what the company should have received. They stole the difference.
Stole €500,000 and the company's lawyer tells the company to forget it? NO WAY ABC. We, the people who have been robbed of this money demand that it be paid back IN FULL with interest. Time to change the company's lawyer.