‘Substantial amount’ of transfers at SVPR prompt industrial action ordered by UHM

Union Haddiema Maghqudin says transfers ordered do not conform to any established model

The Union Haddiema Maghqudin has ordered industrial action after the management at St Vincent de Paul Residence ordered a "substantial amount" of transfers.

According to the union, no established model - such as last in, first out - was followed. The transfers were reportedly issued on Friday to be implemented on the following Monday.

"It is unacceptable for the management to order transfers at such short notice with the excuse of reform," section secretary Gian Paul Gauci said.

The union said heads were appointed to new sections "without any form of transparency".

"The union expected such choices to be based on meritocracy by issuing an expression of interest and making the process more transparent for those who were interested in the post," it added.

Gauci said the union should have been consulted. Until such changes are carried out in a transparent manner, the union will continue to order a series of industrial actions at the residence, he added.


Emmanuel Mallia
Has PN never approved of transfers after an election ?
Din l-azzjoni tal-UHM sieheb ta meta Gejtu Vella,li kien Segretarju Generali tal-UHM u spicca johrog ghal elezzjoni ma gonzipn, Dan kien talab 9 liri Maltin zieda fil-gimgha meta kien hemm gvern laburista. Ara f'dawk is-snin kolla ta gvernijiet nazzjonalisti lanqas qatt ma fetah halqu. Anka b'dik iz-zieda infami ta' 1 euro 16 cent il-UHM kienet happy.
Din l-azzjoni tal-UHM sieheb ta meta Gejtu Vella,li kien Segretarju Generali tal-UHM u spicca johrog ghal elezzjoni ma gonzipn, Dan kien talab 9 liri Maltin zieda fil-gimgha meta kien hemm gvern laburista. Ara f'dawk is-snin kolla ta gvernijiet nazzjonalisti lanqas qatt ma fetah halqu. Anka b'dik iz-zieda infami ta' 1 euro 16 cent il-UHM kienet happy.
When nurses where transfered BEFORE the election, no one complained. Why the fuss now?
Mela meta jitla Gvern Nazzjonalista kollox jitsa isir biex jinqdew in-Nazzjonalisti u meta ikun hemm haddiehor il-UHM taqbez fin-nofs, meta iggieldeu tal-UHM meta fim 1987 saru dawn il-hnizrijiet kola, jien personnali kont fil UHM u mort ghand Alla jahfirlu Maurice Agius u qalli " dawn l-affarijiet saru, ghandhomisiru u jibqaw issiru" Imma meta ma jamilhomx gvern Nazzjonalsita dawn ma jistawx issiru. Trid issir GUSTIZZJA ma dawk li baghtew, ma dawk li hadu postijiet ta haddiehor ghaliex kienu Nazzjonalsiti. Insew tal UHM meta dahlu ex servicemen mal gverm gew mibghuta id-dwana u tak- UHM qallulhom wara xi 3 gimghat biex jidhlu fil UHM halli igibulhom is-siggiejiet, Veru Sur Alfred Chetcuti? Int kont taghmel parti mill UHM dak iz-zmien. Hadd ma irrid il-Gustizzja wara biebu, imam trid issir GUSTIZZJA ghasliex inkella addio voti f'kull elezzjoniet ohra li jigu. Tal-Moviment telghu biss sahha tal-kaccaturi u had ta aktar. Veru li kien hemm xi ftit nazzjonalisti genwini li ivvutaw li tal-moviment, u lil dawn ghandhom jiehdu hsiebhom. Pero il-maggoranza kien laburisti li kienu ilhom ma johorgu jivvutaw. tghid ser jerga jigi dak iz-zmien li ingemmaw il-voti?
Can the UHM inform what action it took in 1987 when Minister Censu Tabone transferred two-thirds of the staff at the Foreign Office and the 21 Maltese embassies? The permanent secretary at the time wrote to Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami stating that he preferred to see empty desks than Labourites. A member of the European Parliament referred to this action at the time as something pertinent to a banana republic. How credible UHM is with today's industrial action when it has a history of keeping its both eyes completely shut in much worse circumstances?
Tajjeb elwenzu!!! Nies li kienu ilhom igawdu ghal 25 sena issa mhux sew li jaghmlu l-post ghal ohrajn li ilhom jigu diskriminati ghall-istess zmien. L-korrotti jridu li dawk li dahlu l-ahhar jigu transferred l-ewwel. B' dan il-metodu, dawk li gawdew l-izjed dejjem jibqu hemm. X'gustizzja tal-grieden din??? Meritocracy is given to those who have merited the place but were discriminated against for 25 years. Elwenzu meta ser idahhala f' rasek li l-Partit tieghek kien, ghadu u jibqa KORROTT u juza kull mezz, anke l-UHM sabiex jaghmel il-bsaten fir-roti.
Dear Joseph get over from your honeymoon. Please do things the correct just and polite way. This is a great shame coming from the MOVEMENT I voted for. Please get things moving in a civilized manner ASAP.
Here we go! Why doesn't the UHM bring back nationalist candidate Gejtu Vella! Can the UHM give us any example of transparency during the past 25 years when many hard working persons were passed over simply because they did not form part of the clique!
JPG is contesting the fact the UHM was not consulted, transperancy was lacking and a model should have been used. This is the same person who did not consult the AHC managers and other paramedics during the sectoral agreement, did not want to discuss a managerial model, and transperancy was hidden by asking the negotiating committee with secrecy. Hallina JPG you have no negotiating skills and your actions will soon adversely affect UHM membership.
JPG is contesting the fact the UHM was not consulted, transperancy was lacking and a model should have been used. This is the same person who did not consult the AHC managers and other paramedics during the sectoral agreement, did not want to discuss a managerial model, and transperancy was hidden by asking the negotiating committee with secrecy. Hallina JPG you have no negotiating skills and your actions will soon adversely affect UHM membership.
JPG is contesting the fact the UHM was not consulted, transperancy was lacking and a model should have been used. This is the same person who did not consult the AHC managers and other paramedics during the sectoral agreement, did not want to discuss a managerial model, and transperancy was hidden by asking the negotiating committee with secrecy. Hallina JPG you have no negotiating skills and your actions will soon adversely affect UHM membership.
U Alla jbierek il-Malta Union of Nurses imexxija min Colin Galea u Paul Pace baqghu cassi quddiem dan kollu avolja qedghin 'xalata min fuq il-membri' go l-Awstralja! Dawn it-tnejn jafu x'inhu ghaddej ghax kienu infurmati l-hin kollu u kull ma qalu lil infermieri li sabu ruhhom barra min posthom kien li jmorru ghand is-supretendent u jaraw fejn ser jibghathom. Evidenza cara li MUMN kienet konfoffa mal-PL biex tghinhom palata. Shame!!
spionkop jidher li ma tafx x'jigifieri tmur ghax-xoghol flghodu u ssib karta li tghidlek MIN GHADA inti irraporta fir-relieving pool ghax hawn ser jinghalaq u filfatt tkun skuza biex jidhlu nies ta Malta Taghna Lkoll!
Meritocracy and the "new PL" just DON'T go hand in hand.
BBsaten fir roti. Allura l gvern ma jistax jaghmel transfers? Mela skond il UHM dawn l ahhar 25 taht gvern nazzjonalista, dawn qatt ma hargu transfers