Speaker 'censures' Prime Minister's words

Parliament suspended following Prime Minister’s accusation that Opposition gave International Monetary Fund wrong impression on Enemalta.

After more than two hours pondering on the Opposition MP's request to run a ruling on the Prime Minister's accusations against MP Tonio Fenech, ,a nervous Speaker Anglu Farrugia ruled that Muscat's words were harsh.

"The words used by the Prime Minister 'incitement' (xewwex) and 'undermine' were harsh" and equated to offensive or inappropriate Farrugia said.

The Speaker ruled that "the choice of words was unfortunate," however failed to ask the Prime Minister to make a formal apology. He then went on to proceed with the session's adjournment.

On hearing this Fenech asked whether this meant that the Prime Minister's words were in breach of Parliamentary conduct, the Speaker said "the ruling is what it is."

Approached by Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil as the session was adjourned by deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech, Farrugia could be heard explaining that although his ruling did not equate to a breach of privilege, he had "seriously censured" the Prime Minister's words.

Earlier, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat accused the Opposition and former finance minister Tonio Fenech of "undermining" Malta's credibility by badmouthing the government's policies at state utility, Enemalta and "installing unfounded doubts" with the International Monetary Fund.

This provoked a strong reaction by the Opposition MP Tonio Fenech who demanded an apology from Muscat. On seeing that Muscat would not retract his statement, Fenech asked the Speaker Anglu Farrugia to deliver a ruling citing Parliamentary Standing Orders.

Article 60 of the Standing Orders says that "no member shall use offensive or unbecoming words against the character or proceedings of the House or in reference to any Member thereof. No bad motive shall be attributed to any member."

The following article, says that any member having used objectionable words "and not retracting the same, or offering apologies for the use of thereof, to the satisfaction of the House, shall be censured or otherwise dealt with as the House may think fit, and any Member called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain."

The ruling was provoked by Muscat's reply to the Opposition's questions on his statement on last week's EU Council Meeting.

"At a moment when Enemalta is under observation of the EU and rating agencies it is very important to make it clear that the government is not subsidising Enemalta. We will allow the Opposition to undermine the government by giving a false impression of the state of affairs," Muscat said.

Calling for a point of order, former Tonio Fenech denied that the Opposition had met the International Monetary Fund to undermine the government and said that the PN only had a consultation meeting as the Labour Party did on many occasions while in Opposition.

Fenech insisted that in his meetings with the IMF he had only defended Malta's banking system and the financial situation, but admitted that had noted that the government did not seem as committed as the previous one to rein in the deficit.

"I hope we do not return to the Mintoff days where anyone who criticised the government is labelled as a traitor," Fenech said.

"The Standing Orders impede members of this House to attribute a malicious intention to what another member says. I therefore ask the Prime Minister to apologise, otherwise I ask for your ruling Mr Speaker," Fenech said.

However, Muscat failed to track back and said: "Mr President, Fenech's problem is that he still believes that he is in government. We know what you told IMF but I will not breach confidentiality. What I do know is that we had to toil day and night to rectify the bad impression Fenech gave the IMF. He (Fenech) should be ashamed of what he did. I have nothing to apologise for and In will not take back what I have just said.

On hearing this Fenech jumped out of his seat and asked the Speaker to pass a ruling and despite being given more than one chance to clarify his statement, Joseph Muscat did not apologise and the Speaker of the House suspended the session in order to retreat to his office and ponder on Fenech's request for a ruling.

During the session's suspension which lasted over two hours, MPs lingered around and shared a few jokes as some MPs resorted to their tablets and laptops to kill time. At one point, in an attempt to break the boredom that descended onto the Chamber, home affairs minister Maunuel Mallia rang the Chamber's bell which normally signals the Speaker's arrival. This false alarm solicited smiles on both sides of the House as MPs waited patiently. 


The last time the Speaker was asked to give a ruling was at the height of the political tension which preceded the downfall of the Gonzi administration in December, where former Speaker Michael Frendo had delivered his ruling at 2am. 

Emmanuel Mallia
The excessive deficit report on Malta, says it all. The so called " finanzi fis-sod "that Tonia Fenech and Gonzipn tried to feed us.
We are lucky we now have a Guardian Angel in Parliament, taking care of every one.
Kieku jien kont flok L-Onor. Muscat u kelli 42 sena ma kontx nirtira kliemu u nibqa insostnieh; kieku kelli 52 sena u kont flok Dr. Muscat kont nidhaklu lil l-Onor Fenech u b'taptipa fuq spaltu nistiednu biex niehdu drink u ninsew kollox; illum jien ghandi 65 sena u kieku kont flok Dr. Muscat kont nitolbu skuza, wieghda li ma nergax inkun hekk pripotenti,u li fil-futur irrid nirrimedja ghax hekk ikunu nies serji u umli u kbar bhal Gandi.
ma hadtx ghalik meta ghajjart lilek innifsek 'CUC' ghaziz Tonio, ser tiehu ghalik issa? Relax u oqghod hares lejn l-arlogg.
ma hadtx ghalik meta ghajjart lilek innifsek 'CUC' ghaziz Tonio, ser tiehu ghalik issa? Relax u oqghod hares lejn l-arlogg.
ma hadtx ghalik meta ghajjart lilek innifsek 'CUC' ghaziz Tonio, ser tiehu ghalik issa? Relax u oqghod hares lejn l-arlogg.
ma hadtx ghalik meta ghajjart lilek innifsek 'CUC' ghaziz Tonio, ser tiehu ghalik issa? Relax u oqghod hares lejn l-arlogg.
Tonio Fenech should say under oath waht he actually told IMF.
For the attention of il-bully. 'We know what you told IMF but I will not breach confidentiality. What I do know is that we had to toil day and night to rectify the bad impression Fenech gave the IMF. He (Fenech) should be ashamed of what he did. I have nothing to apologise for and In will not take back what I have just said' What do you expect, for Dr Muscat to breach something which he received confidentially. From past happenings concerning both Muscat and Fenech one has ample proof as to who of these two can be trusted on his word. No need to elaborate, justv see some of the other comments on this subject
din parti min ta Malta Taghna ikoll? Irridu nuru kemm ahna bravi, sewwa li issir Gustizzja, imam dejjem. qatt kien hemm xi speaker Nazzjonalist li ghamel dawn l-affarijiet jew ghamlu bil-kontra????????
Min mindu il-verita twegga!!! Tonio Fenech akkusa lill-Martin Fenech u partners b'involviment dirett fl-iskandlu taz-zejt, akkuza lill-Dr Farrugia Sacco u lill-Dr Manwel Mallia b'involviment simili, ammetta li mar jiftah halqu mal-IMF u issa wara dan kollu jrid apologija? Ara inkredibbli l-wicc vili ta' dawn in-nies. U sabiex nidru sbieh maghhom ghax forsi qed jibzghu minnhom, immorru ghal ghajnhom. Il-Malti jghid " Il-qahba milli jkollha taghtik"!!
Harming the country will only backfire, we have family incmes at risk here. Also the froga we are still in is TF own doing, we are still with a PN budget.
Shame on Tonio Fenech for harming our country. Same PN politics of the past - New PN leader but old dirty tactics. The PN's 'clique of evil' is still alive and kicking. Tonio Fenech's credibility says it all. Remember all the lies about the infamous Maltese clock?
This is not the 'New Way' of doing things. Dr. Muscat, sure put Mr. Speaker in the hot seat and Mr. Speaker came out with flying colours. Is this another one off the hat as what happened during the contesting for leadership with an anonymous flysheet was passed having allegations on his main opponent(half truths are worse then lies). The result was Dr. Muscat became leader. It is easy to throw mud after all some will stick, of course you can always substantiate your allegations Dr. Muscat and come out with full honours otherwise this is another like malta taghna ilkoll.
Imma kif dejjem l-istess? Volpi? X'volpi hu? Ghadkomm kemm gejtu sfiducati bl-akbar telf ta voti fl-istorja, u se tibqghu bl-istess kantaliena-mhux ta Caxxaro- imma tas-soliti kunjomijiet: Adami, Demarco, Said, Busutill?
In the angry exchange, PM Dr Muscat may have been "out of order" - BUT - is Tonio Fenech shielding himself behind the skirts of Parliamentary Privilege? The Government should publish the FULL TEXT of what Fenech told the IMF because the public has a right to know. As an elected representative, Tonio Fenech is PAID by the public and was SPEAKING on behalf of the public and the public wants to know what was said IN THEIR NAME. Albert Fenech.
Il volpi digs beda jikteb sufu dawn qatt ma jinbidlu u ma tistax tejt xi haga li ma jaqblux mahha ghax bhal Lorry Sant jaghmel.Ser nergaw nigu bhal fi zmien Mintoff jekk ma ta qibla mieghu int traditur.Diga qed issir buli kibritlu rasu.
Emmanuel Mallia
Tonio has gone too far, and he still considers himself a minister !
If Tonio is trying to score credibility points he is wrong, he has lied too much in the past even on a simple clock that whatever Joseph had to say about him is true. He is one of the cheapest politicians that have appeared in the Maltese parliament. There is no way Tonio is going to wipe clean his slate of mismanagement, he lied about the €500 weekly rise, he lied about the refurbisment of his villa he lied about the Lira Clock and no one believe that he did not try to undermine the government with the IMF. I do not beleive Joseph was harsh, whatever the speaker has to say you cannot not call a spade a spade, black black or white white and Joseph did well not to appologise to Tonio who should be ashamed . Labour has experienced this underhandedness in the past even from stalwarts of PN who roamed Europe during Mintoff's time trying to convince gother governments to either withdraw their support or for businessmen to withdraw they investments or not to invest. It is on decency that keeps one from naming those who today are dead but left a legacy of dirty politics.
HARSH? Ma dawn in-nies li ma jifilhux jaqghu aktar fil-baxx bl arroganza li ghandhom? Meta ha jaccettaw li illum huma fl' Opposizzjoni u li l'INTERESS TA' MALTA u mhux tal-Partit jigi l'ewwel u qabel kollox ??????
Lawrence Covin
I challenge Mr Fenech to produce a genuine transcript of what he said before I believe him. He lost a lot of credibility some time ago.
bdew bil-bsaten fir-roti... L-opposizzjoni kostruttiva ta Simon Busuttil mhux bizzejjed gabu lil Malta f'hofra finanzjarja ta EUR5,000,000,000 - vera nies bla sinsla u ma jisthux!!!!
Mahruq Toni ta' L'Arlogg ghax qedin jonqsulu l'Ammiraturi u b'din ir-rata jkomplu jonqsulu sew jekk joqghod iharbat il-festi , qisghu tifel kapriccuz isabbat saqajh ghax ma ghaddies tghaddi tieghu...... GHAL GRAZZJA TA'ALLA u ta' l'elettorat Malti !