[ANALYSIS] In it for the ‘labour’

Joseph Muscat’s Malta Taghna Lkoll was a rallying cry against cliquism in government, but his major appointments may reveal that not much has changed.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's Malta Taghna Lkoll was a rallying cry against cliquism in government.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's Malta Taghna Lkoll was a rallying cry against cliquism in government.

Prime Minister Muscat gave the major appointments of trust to his most trusted confidants: campaign manager Keith Schembri became the PM's chief of staff and party communications director Kurt Farrugia his communications coordinator. His other close ally, Labour Party Chief Executive James Piscopo, was instantly appointed executive chairman of the Transport Malta regulator, taking up the position previously held by entrepreneur Mark Portelli, a close collaborator of former Nationalist minister Austin Gatt.

Labour Party Deputy Leader for Party Affairs Toni Abela is also serving as a legal advisor to the prime minister, as well as consultant to Family Minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

Also, Muscat's former assistant in the European Parliament, David Borg, is the new chairman of national waste agency Wasteserv. Borg's father, Tony, is a member of the new Malta IT Agency (MITA) board.

Other similar appointees include Louis Gatt, the head of Labour's electoral office, to membership on the Water Services Corporation and Carmen Sammut, head of party think tank Ideat, as chairperson of the Majjistral Park board.

A former Labour secretary-general, Jimmy Magro, was appointed to membership on the Water Services Corporation. And Mario Vella, former Labour Party president and former chairman of MDC under Alfred Sant, was returned to his former post on the MDC's successor Malta Enterprise.

Muscat confidant Joshua Zammit, until recently president of the Malta Employers Association, was appointed deputy chairman on Malta Industrial Parks.

Labour candidates

Several other Labour Party candidates were also rewarded with appointments to the boards of government corporations and entities: Nikita Zammit Alamango is on the Water Services Corporation; Chris Cilia and Rachel Tua, the latter serving as the PL's equal opportunities director, were installed on the board of the Lotteries and Gaming Authority; and Sigmund Mifsud, orchestra leader of Rockestra fame, failed to get elected and is now chairman of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra.

Others include Anthony Degiovanni, who is both a member of the Heritage Malta board and also chairs the Local Examinations Board, and Dom Mintoff's daughter Yana Mintoff Bland, who will be an advisor on poverty to the minister for the family and social solidarity.

Former Labour MEP candidate Maria Camilleri chairs the Family Commission, which includes Albert Gauci Cunningham - who featured on Labour's billboards during the election campaign.

Joe Cordina, a financial controller for the party who withdrew his candidature in the middle of the campaign, was made chairman of the Gozo Channel. He was joined by former Labour MEP candidate Christian Zammit as deputy chairman.

Former MPs and councillors

Former MPs were also given positions: Charles Mangion is the chairman of energy corporation Enemalta, Gavin Gulia is the chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority, and Anthony Zammit is a member of the Heritage Malta board.

Ta' Xbiex mayor Antoinette Vassallo - wife of former Labour MP Adrian Vassallo - was appointed chair of the Housing Authority. Architect Alex Buontempo, brother of Parliamentary Secretary for Youth and Sports Stefan Buontempo, was also appointed to the Housing Authority's board, as was Labour candidate Ivan Grixti, who is interested in a bid for the European Parliament.

Labour local councillors have also been given placements: Sliema councillor Nicolai Gauci is on the board of the Malta Sports Council, while Marsaxlokk mayor Edric Micallef serves on the Wasteserv board of directors.

Former Labour MP and retired judge Philip Sciberras will serve the government on the commission for the holistic reform of justice, chair the Embryo Protection Authority and also form part of the new management board at the St Vincent de Paul home for the elderly.

Former Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who celebrated Labour's victory at its celebratory rally in Floriana and then at Castille, was retained as chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology, while former Nationalist MP Franco Debono was appointed coordinator of the convention for constitutional reform and also commissioner of laws.

Party and business

Other party supporters who lent their faces to the Labour campaign or endorsed Labour's message by participating in election events were also given public appointments.

At Enemalta, former chairman Joe Ellul Vincenti was made deputy chairman. During the electoral campaign he justified Labour's energy plan to convert to gas. Lara Boffa, granddaughter of former Labour prime minister Pawlu Boffa, who also endorsed Labour at its manifesto rally, was appointed a member of the board.

Stockbroker Paul Bonello, who addressed a Labour rally, has been rumoured to expect a nomination as chairman of Malita Investments plc, though no company announcement has yet been issued.

Carmen Pullicino Orlando, wife of former Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, was appointed to the board of Transport Malta, which also includes former party volunteers Alison Zerafa Civelli and Paul Muscat.

General Workers Union financial controller Robert Borg was appointed to the Water Services Corporation.

Renee Laiviera, historically active in the Labour Party, was appointed to the Local Examinations Board and made deputy chairman of the Domestic Violence Commission, which is now chaired by lawyer Yana Micallef Stafrace, daughter of former Labour minister Joe Micallef Stafrace.

Phelim Cavlan, who assisted Labour's IT efforts during the election campaign after serving as business development manager at Allied Newspapers, were appointed to the Malta Communications Authority.

Raymond Fenech of the Tumas Group was appointed chairman of Air Malta, having served the Nationalist government as chairman of the Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools. He is joined at Air Malta by entrepreneur Joe Gasan.

Joe Cassar White, former Malta Drydocks chairman and advisor to former Labour PM Alfred Sant, was appointed chairman of the Bank of Valletta.

Members of the business community appointed to boards include Ta' Cenc hotelier Victor Borg and George Said, the son of former Heritage Malta chairman Joe Said, on the Gozo Channel board. Kevin Decesare is on the Water Services Corporation, and Tony Meilaq and Saviour Zammit of Liquid Studios serve as chairman and deputy chairman, respectively, of the Water Services Corporation.

MHRA president Tony Zahra was appointed chairman of Malta Industrial Parks, where former One TV chairman Michael Vella Haber was also made director. Marlene Seychell, owner of a clothing franchise who was dubbed by Labour media during the campaign as a 'PN switcher', was also appointed to the board of Malta Enterprise.

Arts and media

Prominent One TV presenter and Labour supporter Jackie Mercieca was appointed a member of the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts together with Frederick Testa, who lent his face to the taghna lkoll video. Testa is also the head of drama at Public Broadcasting Services. Film director Mario Philip Azzopardi, who was behind most of the Labour campaign featurettes, was appointed a member on the Manoel Theatre board.

Psychologist Peter Muscat, often invited to programmes on One TV, was appointed as a member of the Heritage Malta board. Even William Mangion, sometime Eurovision hopeful, was given a 'job' finding space for music bands to rehearse - a gift, ostensibly, for having switched from doing the PN's electoral music video in 2008 to doing Labour's Taghna lkoll jam in 2013.

The former chairman of PBS, Albert Marshall, was installed as deputy chairman of the PBS board and, more crucially, appointed chairman of the Arts Council.

PBS itself has a former editor of the Labour organ Kullhadd, Felix Agius, as a member of its editorial board, together with Martin Fenech - the latter a former PN candidate.

Another former PN candidate and party official, Frank Portelli, was appointed to the board of directors of PBS.


@sparku And as for how long our wait is, we shall see. I have a feeling you may be disappointed!!! :-)
@ sparku No, we can all judge whether the PL conned voters -- all you have to do is look at its words and its deeds. PL voters are, of course, hardly unbiased, since they voted PL. Or are you saying that PN voters are biased in favour of the PN but PL voters are not biased in favour of the PL? If you are, then you are very funny indeed! :-)
David Bongailas
@tweetiebirdie......the only people who can judge whether the PL conned voters or not are Pl voters themselves and judging by your biased posts you are not one of them. I voted Labour for the first time (i was stupid enough to vote PN in the past) and do not feel conned, it is only natural for a governement to appoint people he can thrust in prominant positions. One word of advice.......take a chill pill........cause you and your party are in for a very long wait....this is not 1998 dear.
@ sparku Of course this is still a 'labour rag', and so it will remain no doubt. Which is why I read it and dispute all the crap that it, and people like you, write -- in case someone might be tempted to believe it! And besides, it gives me great satisfaction to see that you cannot respond to what I say, because you just brought up a lot of rubbish that has nothing whatsoever to do with the argument here. :-)
@ serracin Perhaps it has, and what you are doing is confirming that nothing has changed, especially with the PL. So you are also confirming that the 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' battlecry, which both explicitly and implicitly suggested that Labour would be doing business differently, and that "Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma tahdem maghna" was nothing more than a bare faced **LIE**! Well done for having CONNED THE PEOPLE into VOTING FOR YOU!!!
@ serracin Perhaps it has, and what you are doing is confirming that nothing has changed, especially with the PL. So you are also confirming that the 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' battlecry, which both explicitly and implicitly suggested that Labour would be doing business differently, and that "Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma tahdem maghna" was nothing more than a bare faced **LIE**! Well done for having CONNED THE PEOPLE into VOTING FOR YOU!!!
@ serracin Perhaps it has, and what you are doing is confirming that nothing has changed, especially with the PL. So you are also confirming that the 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' battlecry, which both explicitly and implicitly suggested that Labour would be doing business differently, and that "Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imma tahdem maghna" was nothing more than a bare faced **LIE**! Well done for having CONNED THE PEOPLE into VOTING FOR YOU!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
It has always been like that ! A government chooses his most trusted persons ! PN did the same !
David Bongailas
@tweetiebirdie........people from your beloved party including your """new and fresh""" leader admitted that the nationalist party was detached from the citizens, that many people within the party were sidelined for god knows whatever reason, that the honararia fiasco was handled badly, that the arriva reform was a PR as well as general fiasco, that many ministers had become arrogant............imbghad tigi int bil-PL has conned people.......allahares rega tela il-partit tieghek! U by the way din il-gazzetta ma ghadhix "labour rag" issa ?
@ alan smith Yours are just allegations, which are very easy to make – and they are incorrect, because I know many labour people who were on boards under the nationalist government. In fact, many nationalist supporters complained that their own people were not well served, and that the PN government bent over backwards to keep labourites happy in the hope that they would turn. No chance! In fact what they did was put spokes in the wheel and sabotage the previous government wherever they could! The fact is this – that the incoming Labour government lopped the heads off ALL Chairmen and Board members, and installed the neverending list of labourites we see above – for ‘services rendered’ as opposed to ability!!! THAT IS FOR ALL TO SEE. So it is hardly addressing the imbalance, but creating a NEW imbalance. If you do not see that, you are indeed blind! Also, due to the nature of their appointments and the fact that the appointees have neither knowledge, experience nor qualification in the domains they have been appointed, this is being done at the expense of the country, and it is inevitable that they will drive us into the wall very very soon. And, no doubt, Labour will blame the previous government for it – because that’s the only thing it knows how to do. Meritocracy? What a joke! Labour conned the people to get into government, and that's all there is to it!
Ghalhiex mhux TGHNA WKOLL? Are PL supporters to be treated as "CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD even by the PL in Government ? They were never given a chance by Nationalist administrations so what's wrong in giving them a chance now ..... after all even GONZI complained of limited talent pool within GonziPN, where he found even difficult to form a Cabinet! THANK YOU WIKILEAKS !
tweety bird if you were wide awake in the last 25 years you would have realized that no one from the labour camp was ever selected on any board, on any prime time TV prog on PBS or in any high position in the EU or embassies. It only stands to reason that that imbalance needed to be addressed and that some people who were sidelined for their political views were to be brought on board. There are even others who are apolitical or outright PN on boards. Are you to tell me that you know are declaring that no labour appointee is capable and that all the previous boards were full of bright PN sparks? If so could you kindly explain why AIr Malta went through 14 years of consecutive losses, why ARMS and enemalta are such a mess? Why MEPA losses millions and needed overhaul after overhaul, why Arriva thanks to Transport Malta was a great flop despite around 80 million in subsidies. These are facts now whether the labour appointed boards will be better or worse is something we will see in a couple of yaers time. At the moment just keep watching NET and some vile blog for your "info"
Do these people deserve these posts or not?
With all these appointments if something goes wrong Labour cannot blame the PN of putting spanners in the works as there are no Nationalists left!!
@ alan smith You guys have given up denying your extreme cronyism, and keep trying to point the finger at the PN in order to justify your own bad behaviour. How very convenient that you have already forgotten that Labour was elected on the battlecry of 'Malta Taghna Lkoll'! Do you, or any Labourite for that matter, have any idea what that battlecry actually meant? Or does your version of 'meritocracy' require one qualification only: to be Labour?
Sur elwenz Jjien ma nhemminx li int ivvutajt ghal labour lahhar elezzjoni jew inkella ma kontx tghix malta fil 25 sena ta qabel Ibatli il lista ta minn kienu id Diretturi Laburist li servew taht il gvern Nazzjonalista !!!!!!!!!!!
Well this shows that no government is different. It is a pity that an electoral slogan was forgotten so quickly. People should be appointed on merit and capability to do a good job. The mentality has not changed and clearly shows that if you are not within the Red or Blue loop you will never stand to gain. Is this the kind of politics the maltese want? I think voters had other expectations and have been really fooled and the PM does not comment... seems he has already lost control like his predecessor
David Bongailas
Very good analysis Mr.Vella, however I believe that labour still represents a lesser of two evils. A confessional nationalist party with Simon Bsutill as leader and Fenech Adami as deputy is not a viable option.......at all!
Maureen Attard
I will not vote Labour again next election. I am not one of the loughing stock of Joseph Muscat.
"but his major appointments may reveal that not much has changed." I beg to differ. Much has changed but not for the better. And worse is yet to come because PL is getting nervous by the day. One cannot say that PL lost the plot because PL never had one in the first place. The only ploy was that Joseph Muscat conned individuals with the promise of personal reward as soon as elected. The ploy worked. Your excellent contribution shows us what we are getting in return.
Matthew jaqaw qed jiddispjacik li ma mortx ticcelebra r-rebha u bqajt barra?
Now how about making a list of all those who sat on boards in the last 25 years and maybe trying to make the same connections.
VERY disappointing. I won't be voting labour again, that's for sure.