Over 50,000 pensioners on less than €700 a month

Parliamentary question reveals that 52,533 persons live on a pension less than €700 a month.

52,533 persons live on a pension less than €700 a month,  Family and Social Solidarity minister Marie Louise Coleiro Preca said.

The minister revealed the figure in her reply to a Parliamentary question by Nationalist MP Carm Mifsud Bonnici. The figures show that 35,779 persons receive a retirement pension which amounts to €700 a month, while 12,396 persons receive a widows pension of €700 a month or less.

A further 4,358 persons receive a disability pension which does not amount to more than €700 a month.

Unsurprisingly the highest concentration of persons earning €700 a month or less is in Malta's biggest town, Birkirkara, with almost 3,000 persons receiving such a pension.

On the other hand, Wardija, better known for its plush villas has the lowest number of pensioners on €700 a month or less, with a sole pensioner.

In its 2012 report 'A minimum budget for a decent living' Caritas established that r8.1% of the elderly couple households the net equivalised disposable income is lower than the minimum essential calculated benchmark, with the number of persons earning less than the minimum essential budget per annum being  1,535.   

In a separate question, Coleiro Preca said that 410 are currently receiving a pension for severe disability with Birkirkara, Qormi, Fgura, Mosta, Zebbug and Rabat having the highest number.  

Jien nemmen li b-700 euro fir-xahar, koppja issibha difficli hafna biex tghix dicentament, pero ma naqbilx li ticcaqlaq il-penzjoni ghax kollox hu marbut ma din il-benchmark. Imma, jista' l-gvern johrog terz mill-ispiza li l-penzjonant ikollu ihallas ghall-konsulti ta' specjalisti,medicinali ta' kuljum li ma humiex issussidjati bhalma jahsbu l-membri Parlamentari,cioe' li s-sahha hi b'xejn, sintendi wara li jipprezentaw l-ircevuta tal-VAT li iebsa biex tehodha!U b'hekk jinqata hafna mill-abbuzi tal-professjonalisti li ma jghatux vat receits.
One has to point out that only MaltaToday was so eloquent and caring on this situation of our pensions. Being one that fall in this bracket I have to point that this figure is surreality. After all with 700 euros a month one healthy pensioner with another part-time job he is not too bad. In my case my spouse and myself with medical old age problems have to go to private specialist for a visit, otherwise we need to wait for months from one visit to another at 40 euro a visit. What about having family problems like children with children and need help? what about house maintenance try to get government service. It is not the 700 euro that is the problem but other bills that we face every day. Well it is nice that I hear 35,000 euro political appointments but my Good God not when our pension is frozen? after all members of parliament have full pension or shall I say continued salary when they retire.
Is 700 Euros considered enough, which, in my opinion, is not? Will it be increased or left as it is?
What about those pensioners who have a commuted pension and the period of 12 months had elapsed? The Minister should do justice with these people by allowing them to have the full two thirds pension. A great injustice is being committed with those pensioners who had commuted their pension more than 12 years ago. These pensioners should stand up for their rights.
Meta ser jasal dak iz-zmien li veru niehdu iz-2/3, hawn min kellu paga baxxa jiehodha minn min kellu paga medja mhux iz-2/3 imam jiehu il-lasta. Ghaliex ma sar breakdown tal 50,000 bl-ammonti, naf min jiehu 200 u 300 fix-xahar u kellu jerga imur jahdem biex jezisti. Dan ser jibqa jigri that tal-Moviment "Malta Taghna ilkoll"?. Kemm sejrin nigu misruqin ghal dak li hallasna ghalih?
Dik il-verita sur Tonio cuc Malti. U int tigi tghid li ma kontx tghaddi b'2000 euro fix-xahar. U dan minbarra karozza u mobile u perkacci ohrajn mhallsa. Minbarra hekk dik iz-ZIEDA ta' 600 euro fil-GiMGHA li int u shabek gonzipn hadtu minn wara dahar il-poplu, tikkontrasta bl-ikrah mal-penzjoni ta' 700 euro fix_XAHAR ta eluf. Mela fittex roddt lura dak li hadt lil-poplu Malti biex forsi terga terbah ftit kredibilita.
u l-Onor Tonio Fenech qal li ma illehaqx 2000 euro fix-xahar. Tafu tisthu? Inthom biss ghandkom dritt ghal ghajxien diccicenti ja qatta IPPOKRITI. Il-Politika f'Malta u mahmuga imma inkallata u tinten pesta.