New yacht marina for former Shipbuilding site in Marsa

Government launched expression of interest for development of maritime hub

The former Malta Shipbuilding site will be turned into a maritime hub
The former Malta Shipbuilding site will be turned into a maritime hub

Economy minister Chris Cardona today launched an international call for the expression of interest to develop a maritime hub at the former Malta Shipbuilding site in Marsa.

The EOI document will be available from the Privatisation Unit from Wednesday, 5 June up until Friday, 28 June, with a closing date for submissions on 5 August 2013.

The minister said "The maritime industry in Malta is vibrant and together with other sectors which we have successfully established such as financial services, we could continue developing Malta as a centre of maritime excellence."

It is anticipated that the hub will include yacht marina facilities and quays, a wide range of services including modification, conversion and maintenance of yachts, super yachts and other small-to-medium vessels, support services in ship management for insurance, maritime legal services and facilities to foster research on maritime development.

It is thought that the government is also considering the inclusion of the Maritime School in the maritime hub, however this depends on the projects submitted by the interested companies.

"We believe that Malta has great potential in the sector, thanks to our geographical position and harbours, but above all we have a tradition and culture which date back centuries," Cardona said.

Pointing out that the maritime services in Malta go beyond the country's strategic geographical position, Cardona stressed the need to build upon the excellent legal and regulatory frameworks which have made Malta the largest shipping register in Europe.

The land measures approximately 175,000 square metres and the land will be leased for 45 years. The expression of interest will be advertised on internationally renowned publications such as The Economist and Llyod's List, as well as on Euronews and local media.

"Government is looking towards boosting the maritime industry and also foster economic growth and increase the country's competitiveness," Cardona said.

I hope that the projects kicks off by first and foremost cleaning out the Menqa of all that debris and hulks and oil slicks and foul water. If govt and whoever developes the site is serious about his intentions and not out for a quick buck, we could have something rivalling resorts, like Monte Carlo or Cannes. But it will take a lot of hard work and planning and upgrading. Good luck.
Imnalla m'hemmx Simon PN fil-Gvern ghax kieku the usual people kienu 'jirbhu' dan il-progett!
I hope they take the opportunity of making a passage for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
... afli qed thawwdu tafux !!!! ..... dan il-progett kien hasbu, ippjanah, iddizinjah, wettqu u ghamlu success mill-akbar dak l-gharef u kbir ministru austin gatt li llum qed jahdem ma' ta' hili (li kumbinazzjoni indunaw kemm hu bravu u kbir!!!) ..... minn dak in-nhar li inawgura din il-marina fil-marsa gonzipn, sa issa rmunkaw fiha hamest elef, seba' mija sitta u tmenin yacht li bejniethom ihaddmu elfejn haddiem u li sa issa ga nefqu fil-pajjiz tlett mitt miljun ewro .... u dan kollu bis-sahha ta' austin gatt .... u mela jigi issa chris cardona jipprova jiehu l-mertu hu tax-xoghol kbir u siewi li kien ghamel wistin gatt tal-belt qabel ma jahdem ma' ta' hili ....
Well done Chris