PN calls for urgent Parliamentary discussion on road safety

The Nationalist Party calls for discussion on road safety in Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee.

Recent traffic accidents, including a fatal accident last week are a cause of concern, the PN said.

Earlier this week, newly elected MP Tony Bezzina brought up the issue during a Parliamentary Social Affairs Committee meeting and argued that the committee should discuss in detail road safety.

He also called on the committee to identify measures, which could improve road safety and reduce accidents.

Insisting that the issue should be discussed urgently by the Parliamentary committee, the PN stressed that it would not "remain passive" because human life is above partisan politics.

Pointing out that the government has so far failed to take any concrete action, the PN said it had brought up the subject because "everybody should be committed and involved in implementing measures to reduce traffic accidents."

"This can be achieved by carrying out the necessary studies and involve experts to make our roads safer at the earliest and ensure that the measures introduced by previous administrations are strengthened without cutting expenses in such areas."

In 25 years of PN governments they didn't see any urgency on this issue.
And about time too. Maybe the honourable gentleman would explain how his Party dealt with road safety during 25 years in government. He should also recommend for Gieh ir-Republika the buffoon who spent so much time, money and resources on a road going from nowhere to nowhere when 90% of roads being used daily by motorists and pedestrians are a shambles: "worse than Third World countries" some foreigner commented officially.
So, in 25 years, what did the PN do about road safety- absolutely BUGGER ALL. They must think we are all stupid when this PN failure keeps on spouting such verbal diarrhea.
Tony Bezzina, li qieghed fil-parlament ghall-ewwel darba, messu ghamel ftit studju fuq is-suggett qabel fetah halqu. Mela ma jafx dan kemm tkarbu n-nies ta' Hal Qormi biex isir bridge fil-bypass wara li kienu mietu dawk iz-zewg tfajliet?? Imma l-gvern tal-PN ipprefera jaghmel il-bridge li ma jwassal imkien milli jaghmel il-bridge li jintuza min-nies. Nesa dan Tony Bezzina li l-PN kien ilu 25 sena fil-gvern u li l-PL ilu biss 3 xhur?? It-toroq li ghandna f'pajjizna huma l-istess toroq li kien hawn 3 xhur ilu. Imma skont Tony Bezzina, dawn it-toroq li sa 3 xhur ilu ma kienux perikoluzi, issa saru tali.
Priscilla Darmenia
It is good to discuss road safety. In my opinion even if we have the best roads in the world we will still have accidents. Accidents are mainly caused by lack of observance of the laws by drivers, so parliament can enact a million laws to improve traffic with no successful improvements. If our drivers remain indisciplined and our courts so lenient when dealing with irresponsible drivers, we will continue to have serious accidents till the end of time.
Emmanuel Mallia
PN had so many years to improve road safety. Now they expect PL to do it in a few days ?
Insejtu kemm hallejtu imutu nies inhabba bicca bridge f'Kara u Hal-Qormi? Stawsu li Wistinu dak li donnu mar l-ewwel wiehed jghix go Mars, biex umbaghad infaqna il miljuni biex ikolna bridge ghal go nofs il-bahar hux veru Wistinu?
Apparently the new PN under the leadership of Busullotti think that when they were in power no traffic accidents and fatalities ever occurred. No wonder the people dumped them on Maghtab.
One of the very best suggestions by PN.
Recent traffic accidents, including a fatal accident last week are a cause of concern, the PN said. Have they already forgot that they were responsible for roads safety for the last 25 years? Fejn kien il bully tal infrastrittura? I cannot stop saying hypocrites
:) Imma dawn bis-serjeta? Dawn minn liema pjaneta waqghu, fejn kienu dawn l'ahhar ghoxrin sena , kemm qatghu zigarelli u kemm il-darba fethu l'istess triq u kemm marru off target fl'istimi???? U HALLUNU U MORRU KOMPLU ORQDU!
Igor P. Shuvalov
The only explanation for this kind of action from the new PN Leadership is that they are doing their best to distance themselves from the past Nationalist Government... conveniently forgetting that for almost the whole 25 years the Maltese Islands were administered by a Nationalist Government.
what was the PN doing for the last 25 years you bunch of Hypocrites. You're confirming that under the PN Regime, nothing was done except pushing this country of the cliffs in all sectors especially in the debts, deficits, water and electricity bills, state of the Maltese Roads, pensions,but the PN both politicians and some of their supporters went off very well like the 500 euros weekly, arloggi tal-lira, benefits and allowances etc etc
Bongu perit Bezzina. Issa li qomt minn raqda ta 25 sena, staqsi ftit lil siehbek Aust u Delia kemm aghmlu toroq tajbin fi zmienhom. Iktar karozzi fit-toroq u iktar toroq b'one lane. Dak kien l-ippjannar tat-toroq. Issa tridu diskussjoni b'urgenza? Tipruvawx tkunu arroganti anke mill-oppozizzjoni, jekk joghgobkom.
Paul Sammut
GonziPN MarkII is looking more and more like a scrambled ant's nest where everyone is running amock trying to jumble together some sense out of the deep distress and misery brought about by GonziPN Mark I. Ghadhom anqas indunaw x`laqathom.
Stembhu wara 25 sena! Minn jaf ghala qatt ma dahal l-breathalizer?
This is another caricature as J Muscat told you this morning,to divert the readers attention from the corruption cases committed by the PN.MR T Bezzina,ask this same question to M L Coleiro Preca and ask her if she has been begging your PN for A footbridge in the QORMI by pass for the over 15 years were two little girls were run over and killed as they had to cross the by pass by foot.Your Question is over 15 years late.
I think that the PN should rephrase by saying something like this' reassess previous studies undertaken by their experts intended to minimise hazards and possible loss of life.... '