Lower LPG prices for June 2013
Liquigas Malta Limited announced price reductions of LPG in cylinders
The new prices are effective as from Saturday 1st June 2013, being the beginning of the month.
Full Liquigas prices can be found on Liquigas' website: www.liquigasmalta.com
Distributors of Liquigas cylinders are not authorised to charge additional prices over and above the above prices.
LPG Mix |
Consumers Price including VAT for June 2013 |
12 kg Cylinder |
€16.60 |
15 kg Cylinder |
€20.75 |

@fufa. Vera dan Busullotti qal hafna affarijiet. Imma ma qal xejn meta il-prezzijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, tal-gass u hafna affarijiet ohra splodew il fuq, dan waqa ful-muta. L-istess bhal meta iffacjah Franco Debono, baqa gol-aquarium qiesu tigiega mxarba.

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@pmurray. W'il-istrina. Qatt m'intom kuntenti. Issa ghax qed jorhos il-gass ukoll qed issibu xi skuza. Fejn kont siehbi meta kien dejjem tiela l-fuq?

Joseph MELI •
Furthermore,I direct your attention to the last paragraph .Why not ask Liquigas(and why is there never any mention of Easygas?) or the government authority tasked with ensuring prices and how these are made public(and I hope you have better luck than me -as all correspondence has been summarily ignored).As how are consumers made aware of current prices by the distributors to prevent them being overcharged?Where or how do the distributors show to the public these prices and why are no receipts ever given?

Joseph MELI •
The price of LPG on the world market went down in April (in fact it into freefall)also but no reduction was announced.In fact ,no announcement whatsoever was made on the 01st May as per the norm .As even when prices are unchanged this is usually made known at that time -but silence reigned last time .Why no announcement and why no reduction then also?Why no announcement about fuel prices yet?

Kif kien jghid Simon. Il-PL gas down (mhux ghal gol-hajt imma). Ghidt wahda tajba Simon.