Air Malta denies eyewitness claims that flight got delayed for CEO’s wife

Air Malta denies claims that KM117 from London Gatwick was delayed for 48 minutes because of CEO's wife Sue Davies.

‘Hold your horses… my wife’s coming aboard’
‘Hold your horses… my wife’s coming aboard’

An Air Malta flight was delayed for 48 minutes to allow the wife of airline chief executive Peter Davies board the flight from London-Gatwick to Malta, last Friday 24 May.

A passenger who spoke to MaltaToday said he recognised Sue Davies, the wife of the €500,000-a-year chief executive who was entrusted with the turnaround of the national airline back in March 2011.

But in a statement issued at 8:19pm Friday, the company said Davies was a passenger on the flight in accordance with Air Malta's industry standard staff travel policy.

"Incorrect information has been leaked to the media with the malicious intent of implicating Mrs Susan Davies, wife of the CEO, Mr Peter Davies, as the cause of this delay," Air Malta said.

"She reported for the flight one and a half hours prior to the scheduled departure time - well ahead of the required time. At no time was she handled any differently to other staff passengers and neither did she cause the aircraft to be delayed by her own actions or the actions of those acting on her, or the CEO's, behalf.

"A misunderstanding by Air Malta's new ground handling agent in London Gatwick Airport in processing overbooked passengers on that day's flight was the causal factor for the first twenty minutes of the delay. Once all passengers were on board the aircraft and ready to depart there was a further twenty-eight minute delay due to air traffic congestion at Gatwick airport and London airspace. Such air traffic delays are common at busy international airports," the company said.

The eyewitness claimed that although KM117 was expected to depart from London Gatwick Airport at 11:55am, the flight was delayed for 48 minutes so that Sue Davies, who runs the couple's Mill End Hotel in Devon, could catch the flight to Malta. A company source also confirmed the witness's claims, saying that Davies had asked Air Malta's area manager at Gatwick to allow his wife to board the plane if there was availability.

The passenger who spoke to MaltaToday said he saw Ms Davies seated in seat 3B, where an empty seat separates club class passengers from the economy class, which at the time was full.

"Air Malta appreciates that its customers expect to depart and arrive on time. The airline takes on-time-performance very seriously and its employees do all they can to ensure that the operations runs to schedule.

"All aircraft operations are tracked and recorded electronically and all delays are subject to scrutiny of Air Malta. Remedial or disciplinary action is taken wherever appropriate and relevant," the company said.

"Air Malta is satisfied from all documentary evidence available that Mrs Davies, or anyone acting on her behalf or in her interest, did not cause flight KM 117 to be delayed in any way whatsoever."

Reports of company potentates and government ministers asking the airline to delay a flight so that they catch the plane, are not new.

Peter Davies came to an embattled Air Malta with a brief to turn around the airline into a profit-making company. But his appointment found resistance amongst pilots who questioned his initial decisions.

Davies has however presided over a fresh rebrand of the airline, and the company's losses in the year ended March 2013 were €25 million, compared to a €55 million projected operating loss in the adjusted budget of two years ago.

Davies's mission is to bring profitability to Air Malta by 2016, which is also accompanied by a massive downsizing of 600 employees, two less aircraft, new work practices, renegotiated third-party contracts, as well as the loss of some profitable routes as compensatory measures. The company has received some €230 million in state aid, under European Commission rules.

Emmanuel Mallia
These stories happens frequently at Air Malta. I remember once on a flight from Rome, we had to wait for over an hour check in, simply because an Air Malta employee pretended to jump the que, as the flight was fully booked and was no place for her. AirMalta personnel travel free, but only where seats are available.
If as they say the Air Malta scheduled flight was oversold, how did Mrs Davies a Non Paying Passenger managed to be accommodated on the oversold flight? Up to now this is all speculation and I think that Mr Matthew Vella, the author of this article is obligated to show proof that the delay was caused by or intended for Mrs Davies. Airlines usually are not in the habit of delaying a flight to accommodate a Non Paying Passenger, unless Air Malta operates under different rules, which after the 35 minute delay at the Milan airport almost a year ago, seems that is not to be the case. I pity the LGW agent working the flight on that day because he will definitely become the scapegoat? On KM seat B in FC or Business Class is used as a separator between seats A and C to accommodate the the FC passenger?
Air Malta is a scheduled airline and nobody has any authority to delay a flight for a NON PAYING PASSENGER (Caps intended)as happened in Milan a while back. By the way maybe that incident is still under investigation after all this time, since we haven't heard about the final outcome? Yeah right?????? If and I mean if, somebody delayed a scheduled flight at London Gatwick Airport for an employee or employee dependent it should be thoroughly investigated by the airline and the FAA. Even on an oversold flight the airline tries to depart on time. If Mr Davies had any personal reason for the delay of the flight then he must answer to Air Malta and to the FAA. Please also remember that higher ups get positive space privileges, even though the ticket is free. But as always Full Paying Passengers GO First especially on an oversold flight. Higher ups are also privileged to fly First Class if there is room in the FC cabin. The Paper should investigate further to find out if this is just a mere accusation or the delay was really caused by an employee of Air Malta. Again, nobody is authorized to delay a scheduled flight for a NON PAYING PASSENGER like they did in Milan. If anybody has proof that the flight was delayed to accommodate a Non Paying Passenger, namely Mrs Davies,then Mr Davies has a lot of explaining to do. This is a huge offense and if found guilty should be fired but first the Air Malta board of directors need solid proof that this was the case.
Maybe Air Malta could answer a few more questions. Was the flight full? Was Mrs Davies put in the middle seat of the club class area? Were the two club passengers either side of her given a refund of their club ticket? If so how much was the refund? Was the flight delayed? If so by how long? what is the official reason for the delay?
Emmanuel Mallia
If it was denied, then most probably is true. This has happened before !!
Joseph MELI
Furthermore,perhaps Air Malta may elaborate on this "misunderstanding " by the airline's ground handling agent in LGW that was allegedly responsible for the first 20 mins of this delay?
Joseph MELI
Exactly how may Air Malta confirm that the good lady checked-in an exact 90 mins prior to departure.What measures are in place to determine and establish exactly what time a person checks in for a flight ?What about the other as yet not clarified and unspecified reason for another delay for a KM flight caused allegedly by Capt Azzopardi in the "Milangate" affair -shortly about to celebrate its first birthday since being the subject of a "probe" by Air Mlata hierarchy?
One can see what respect Mr Davies has for Mrs Davies. Charity begins at home, not like us the Maltese, where charity begins elsewhere but not at home. Half a million euros for just one job which a Maltese has done with very efficiently and profitably bot for Air Malta and the Maltese coffers. Thanks Mr Davies for showing us how we should treat ourselves. Only Mintoff trusted the Maltese and he knew we could do better than others in our business, because as Hon Tonio Fenech once said "mela xi CUC Malti" Tonio Fenech who screwed our present and our children's future together with that person who took 500 euros weekly while giving others 1.16.
Allow me to say it Matthew: These things only happen in the land of the Fairies and in La La Land. My gosh this is how it is, those with half a million euro salary a year keep piling their riches and us with a government pension pay tax on it.
Ghalkemm ma naqbilx mal-hajm li ghandhom l-pilots ta Air Malta-kollha kwazi jorqdu fis-sodda taghhom night after night-b'differenza ta pilots ma airlines ohrajn- xorta nahseb li In-Nazzjon halliet barra din il-headline-bhal ma ghamlet media Ingliz tas-soltu, biex jghattu x'turhom! Ghandu ikun li jilaqghu lil barranin u li ma jammetu qatt li zbaljaw hi xi haga naturail ghalihom?
This reads like a standard "admit nothing-blame someone else" scenario. Totally expected from the parasites that have been put in place at Air Malta.
At no time was she handled any differently to other staff passengers!!!!Mrs susan davies travelling on staff ticket!!!You must be joking,getting paid half a million euros and she uses a reduced staff ticket!!!