PN hits out at ‘paranoid’ government

Opposition accuses Labour government of ‘paranoia’ over statement issued yesterday by Labour Party.

The Nationalist Party insisted that it is in the national interest to ensure that any project handled by the Labour government is compliant with all EU rules, from transparency to health and safety and all environmental concerns.

"The hysterical statement issued by the Labour Party alleging that the PN leader used EP contacts to question Labour's power station plans is seriously worrying and undermines the Labour Party credentials," the PN said.

Yesterday, the Labour Party issued a statement in which it accused newly elected PN leader Simon Busuttil of using his European Parliament contacts to hinder the government from continuing with its plans to reduce electricity tariffs.

Labour took umbrage at a question tabled by a member of the European People's Party in the European Parliament and said the PN refused to understand that a heavy fuel oil power station and the controversial BWSC contract were the worst possible choice for the country.

In a statement issued today, the PN retorted that it is the right of every EU MEP to raise questions on the actions of member states, their relationships with the EU and the body of directives and regulations.  

"The Opposition has proven to be very responsible throughout the process, not adopting the Labour-in-Opposition tactics of past legislatures that used to leave no stone unturned to hinder and disturb national scale projects like BWSC, the St. Antnin waste treatment plant and other important initiatives, at every stage of the process," the PN said.

The PN also pointed out that it had raised its questions transparently in the Maltese Parliament, "even though the Government has not been forthcoming in its response, choosing instead to go round in circles when answering Parliamentary questions."

The government seems to be ignoring that there is a world outside Malta that includes international bidders who have contacts with EU MEPs and with whom they might have spoken and raised responsible questions which the Government has in turn failed to answer, the Opposition added.

"The Government needs to respect democracy both at a local and a EU level, and needs to do away with its agenda of attempting to silence anyone who questions it by labeling them as "xewwiexa" - to use Joseph Muscat's words, and as acting against the national interest."

Who is, in truth ParaNoid ? ;) P N tomime Season in full swing!
Mhux ahjar li l-PN l-ewwel jiknes it-trab li hemm taht it-tapiti ta' lis-stamperija u b'minn hemm fuqom wkoll qabel jibda jikkritika u jipprova jnessi dak li gara u t-tkaxkira fl-ahhar elezzjoni.
Il-Labour m'ghandux jaqa ghan-nassa ta Gonzi/SimonPN Part2 ! X'jimportana x'se isaqqssi xi pappagal imqabbad mill-PN fil-Parlament ta L-Ewropa? Ghandu kull dritt isaqsi; imma ahna ir-risposti nafuhom ghax fuq il-BWSC, L-EneMalta u l-iskandli taz-zejt, proklami, u parentela ta ministri u l-bella kumpanija gbajna nisimghu!
"Transparency my foot" every body know why the PN didn't choose gas.
PN back on their feet!!
The PN under Simon Busuttil has gone masosado! This latest sado prank will inflate the 37,000 thrashing into a 60,000!!
Minn tkaxkira elettorali nobis dawn tal-PN ma taghlmu XEJN. Ghadhom jahsbu li l-Maltin huma 'cwiec' - the Tonio Fenech Syndrome!
Priscilla Darmenia
Why does the PN always take us for fools all the time and when they will start respecting our intelligence? Is their memory so short that they forgot that the GonziPN government changed the environmental laws for the worse to accommodate the BWSC tender to use heavy fuel oil, one of the most polluting fuels on earth? Did they care if polluting our air was in line with the EU regulations? – Yes I now know. They have 2 rulers one to measure the PN and another to measure the PL and others.
The PN insists on 'transparency to health and safety and all environmental concerns'. Really??? Do the terms 'BWSC', 'Yellow Pages', 'Heavy Fuel Oil' ring any bells? These people never change. They either call the shots or they do their best to ruin everything for anybody else.