Mallia announces three-month amnesty for convicts

Home Affairs minister to grant 100 days' conditional amnesty to prisoners.

Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia announced a 100-day amnesty for prisoners during an event held at Corradino Correction Facility earlier this evening.

The partial amnesty, not expected to be awarded to convicts sentenced on charges of child abuse or paedophilia, will be conditional and could be suspended, according to a source speaking to this newspaper earlier today.

Mallia visited the Corradino Correction Facility to deliver a speech during an award-giving ceremony in recognition to convicts involved in making a large Christmas log submitted for the Guinness World Record.

During the event, Mallia stopped short of making any comments to the press, saying that he will make an official statement in parliament tomorrow.

Asked about whether there was any connection between the amnesty and the administrative shortcomings within Corradino Correctional Facility that Mallia had made public thanks to a surprise visit last April, the home affairs minister said that the reason for the amensty is purely a historical one.

"Historically, amnesties are given in the wake of important national events. In this case, the event in question would be the national election," Mallia said.

Prisoners have not been granted an amnesty since 2000, even though regular appeals were made during the second visit of Pope John Paul II in 2001 and Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.

Labour had already granted an amnesty to 80 prisoners in 1996.

Yeah great. The criminals win again. What kind of amnesty is promised for the victims of crime? Not a lot, methinks.
YES of course dear minister and dont forget to lay the red carpet outside the gate for them it would be a complete kind hearted reward.
im sure his legal firm will be doing brisk business when they get caught doing something illegal again. after all most are his clients already. GIMMICK
Will this amnesty make the prisoners show any remorse for their victims or just get them out faster to prey on more victims? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No "amnesty" is ever given to the victims of these prisoners who get their valuables stolen , their memories stolen, their safe being stolen ANT THE TRAUMA OF BEING A VICTIM , which a victim just never forgets and is the first thought every time one puts a key in the lock or the last thought before going to sleep! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And the prisoners keep getting time off to share and pay off their lawyers , THEIR EXPENSIVE LAWYERS , from their spoils!
Minister tal-fanfarri! Ara trid tkun espert fit-tejatrini ta' biex thabbar amnestija tal-habsin tinqeda mill-pozizzjoni tieghek u tmur quddiem il-habsin thabbrilhom din I'd-decizjoni bla sens halli joqghodu jcappcpulek u forsi jgholluk ukoll! Avolja ikollhom kedda! Sur Reno Bugeja ara ittini nix illegal ta....ghax din zgur fiha news value ghalik iggib il-BOSS tieghek fuq l-idejn tal-kriminali! Sur Ministru dik kienet 'rakkomandazzjoni' okra ta' Silvio Scerri, dak li qed itik ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet fit-transfers tal-pulizija?
A very welcomed step indeed
A very welcomed step indeed
Errrm... am I supposed to feel good about convicted criminals coming out 100 days earlier? Well, maybe it's me, but I don't!!!
In Malta the sentences are already too light, apart from most getting away practically scot free thanks to getting "suspended sentences". I would understand an amnesty specific to a particular individual case, but is there really the need for a general blanket amenesty to practically all and sundry?
Seems like that the PL are trying to make friends with prisoners now to win their votes for the next elections. They first ditched Meritcracy all along, now its for Accountability to go. How dare they override and disrespect court sentences just for the sake of giving an amnesty because of the past general elections, which have nothing to do whatsoever with prison sentences after all. What will they be giving to victims? What will they be giving to who is sentenced two or less months? A credit note or a voucher for the difference?! Totally insensible and unfair.