Zammit Lewis attends EU Digital Agenda meeting in Luxembourg
Parliamentary Secretary for economic growth Edward Zammit Lewis attends EU Telecommunications and Energy Council.
Parliamentary Secretary for economic growth Edward Zammit Lewis is in Luxemburg to discuss the EU Digital Agenda at the Telecommunications and Energy Council.
The council is discussing and debating the Digital Agenda for Europe and the role of telecommunications and it sectors.
The Telecommunications and Energy Council will among others discuss the October European council which will focus on the compilation of the Digital Agenda and Innovation for Europe.
In his intervention Zammit Lewis emphasised that Malta is committed in reaching the objectives of the Digital Agenda leading to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth across the European Union.
He reiterated Malta's commitment to support the Digital Agenda actions on the Digital Single Market.
"Through the National ICT Strategy Malta remains committed to harness the digital economy for stimulating economic growth and creating new quality jobs."
During the same council the EU Irish Presidency presented a progress report on the proposed directive concerning measures. This initiative is being taken to ensure a high level networking and information security across the European Union
Zammit Lewis outlined Malta's perspective on the Cyber Security Strategy that supports an open, safe and secure cyber space that makes the EU's online environment the safest in the world.
Furthermore, the council discussed the proposal Regulation on guidelines trans-European telecommunications networks and the proposed Regulation on measures to reduce the costs of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks.