Speaker makes strong case for Parliamentary autonomy

Parliament should no longer be considered as a government department, Speaker Anglu Farrugia says.

Everyone has had enough of hearing about the need of Parliament autonomy, Speaker Anglu Farrugia said as he called for concrete and urgent action from the political class in the customary Sette Giugno speech.

"We need to proceed from words to facts," Farrugia stressed, noting that broad political consensus exists on Parliamentary autonomy.

"Thus, the next step is to put this general will into action so that we ensure that this right which is missing today in the Maltese Parliament finally begins to form part of a series of rights which, as a Maltese people, we have achieved throughout the years since the 7th of June 1919.  It is also necessary that this step is taken within the shortest time possible as I believe that everyone has had enough of hearing about the need of Parliament autonomy from the Speakers Emeriti, to whom I pay tribute today on this occasion."

Farrugia stressed that Parliament can never be free and unshackled unless it is no longer considered administratively as a government department.

"Parliamentary authority and autonomy, though different, are intrinsically linked to each other. To achieve an active parliamentary democracy we should not be afraid of taking the next step towards an autonomous parliament," Farrugia said.

Recalling the events that followed the fateful day in 1919 when British troops fired into the crowd, killing four,  following a series of riots by the Maltese population, Farrugia noted that from that day onwards all Maltese leaders advocated for the progress of the nation, leading the country to Independence and the removal of foreign military influence.

He added that the "road was long but today we are a people with an identity, a sovereign nation. But more still remains to be done. After our experience of more than nine years of European Union membership, our Parliament has still not reached the desired level of autonomy which other national Parliaments enjoy within the same European Union."

Following in the footsteps of his predecessor Michael Frendo, Farrugia underlined the fact that although Parliament is the highest institution in the country, it enjoys no autonomy and does not have the administrative capacity to manage independently its requirements in order to fulfill its constitutional functions.

"In other words, Parliament should have the power to prepare its financial estimates and to manage its own resources unhindered, independently and in a distinct manner from any type of influence from the Executive," Farrugia said.

Emmanuel Mallia
Speaker after speaker has been saying about autonomy for at least 15 years now ! Do it, but please let us know all your perks !
FIL-1990,Carmel Grima, iben Karm Grima, dak li kien wehel inturtament bl-irvellijiet tal-15/10/1979 u intbghat Monte Carmelis ghall-ghomru fuq tlitt certifikat medici foloz, (li kien infurmat l-Imhallef Lino Agius imma ma tax kasi,ghax kellu ordni minn qabel biex jew jitfa lill-missieri ghomru Monte Carmelis fejn irid imut bhala mignun u qatt ma emnut x'kien veru gara dak inhar jew imut maqtul, bhalma kien ga ipprova joqtlu il-Lorry ghal erba, darbiet qabel il-guri)ktibt lil Dr. EFA u ghidtlu b'kollox u dan ghamel l-Inkjetsa Muscat Azzoppardi,pero kixfet kollox u dan hbija ghax kien imdahhal l-avukat tghana stess , Dr Guido de Marco, fil-frame-up.
L-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi u is-serqa tghaha kixifha Dr. Austin Gatt f'Mist. Parl. 14066, sed 225, tal-8/6/98 u kien jaf kollox thalla jsir hekk bl-approvazzjoni tal-Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjoni Dr. EFA.li ghandi x'jitlef jekk tinkixef din l-inkjesta
Min irid ikun jaf iktar fuq dan il-frame-up fahxi ta' missieri, Karm Grima, u x'sabet din l-inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, jibghatli email fuq [email protected] u jien intieh kull informazzjoni li ghandu bzonn, obvju kollox konfermat.
I perfectly agree with 'malonki' on the supposed autonomy of local institutions, especially the Ombudsmab's office which is a disgrace to anyone filing a complaint. My complaint took two whole years and the conclusion was as confounding as one could ever imagine. It is clear that at the moment the Ombudsman is above any law of the country and can do whatever he pleases and treats complaints differently. Shame.
Sur Grima jekk joghgbok elabora ftit fuq din i storja Ghax qatt ma smajt biha kemm ghandi zmien.Vodieri inti qed takkuza li Dr Sant seraq xi inkjesta.Issa nispera li Dr Sant jitfa ftit dawl fuq din li storia
... naqbel mija fil-mija ma' dak li qed jghidu serracin u Grima Karm ..... f'dawn l-ahhar snin hloqna ghadd gmielu ta' entitajiet, korpi, awtoritajiet, etc li jippretendu li huma awtonomi biex ikunu jistghu jaghmlu li jridu u ma jindahlilhom hadd .... issa halliha li huma jghixu bis-sahha ta' fondi pubblici li jghaddilhom il-gvern ta' kull sena .... dan mhux sew .... HADD nirrepeti HADD ma ghandu jinghata fondi pubblici u jaghmel lit-torok irid bihom u ma jindahallu hadd ... lanqas li ma ghandniex bizzejjed dizastri madwarna ... ibda l-ewwel nett mill-Ufficcju tal-Ombudsman ... istituzzjoni mitluqa ghal rihha, bla ebda rwol, hadd ma ghadu jaf li tezisti, bla direzzjoni, ombudsman mohhu fil-perkacci li jdahhal u xoghol u serjeta lanqas jaf fejn joqoghdu .... taparsi jaghmel tlett sighat xoghol kuljum u mbaghad imur ghas-siesta u ghall-arbitraggi .... u d-dinja ghaddejja ... mhux tajjeb hekk ... the show must go on .... ghal hekk biss tajbin ahna .....
"to manage its own resources unhindered". U jekk jabbuza mir-rizzorsi li waqghu taht idejh jien lil min se nirrapurtah biex insib gustizzja;hekk per ezempju Dr. Alfred Sant seraq l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzopardi f'Novembru 1996, dik li inkjestat il-frame-up ta' missieri Karm Grima u sabithu innocenti,mela seraqha biex jinhbew il-vjolenti tal-15 ta' Ottubru 1979, ara mist. Parl. 140ss ta'' Dr.A Gatt. jien se nibqa bil-gideb imcappas mieghi li qalghu kemm il-MLP u l-PN li huma mifthiema biex ma jikxfu xejn minn dak li hawdu bejniethom dak inhar?
Emmanuel Mallia
Parliament autonomy means hiding the current perks and add more perks to politicians !