Marthese Portelli calls for district-by-district report

Opposition MP Marhese Portelli satisfied with PN electoral defeat report, calls for separate report on party’s performance in each district.

The report analysing the PN's electoral defeat was a "good" exercise, however it should be complimented with a separate report focusing on the party's performance at a local and district level, former PN executive council president Marthese Portelli said.

Speaking to Sunday newspaper Illum, Portelli said that the report reflected the thoughts and perceptions of the persons who got in touch with the commission who authored the report.

Asked why PN leader Simon Busuttil was omitted from the report, Portelli said that although some persons might have attributed the defeat to Busuttil, he must have been omitted because the number of mentions did not reach the commission's threshold for the factors listed in the report.

"Therefore it is pretty clear that Simon Busuttil was not one of the factors which led to the PN's defeat," Portelli said.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Kemm int brava! Din meta hsibtha meta qatt tikolha lil Gvern tghid li board member WasterServ, tisserva b li int Ghawdxija u tattendi ghal board darba biss b'hames snin!!! U ghalfejn ma tghidx ghalxiex qed tichad li int Ghawdxija, wara li injorajthom kompletament u imbghad tippretendi li tigi eletta. HALLINA!!!
Ms.Portelli…It is better to remain silent and let the Maltese electorate think that as a rookie MP you views about the PN political disaster are hollow statements of inexperience, then to keep delivering ridiculous assessments that will expose your election to the Maltese parliament as another mistake.
Tgħid se mmorru għall meta kienu waqqfu li skema tal-ispijji f'kull triq? U min tant nies,din giet titkellem? Mhux aħjar qaltilna kemm ħadet flus fi ħlas zejjed meta kienet fil-bord tal-Wasteserv,fejn kienet qed tisraq flus il-poplu meta kienet tieħu allowance għax suppost li kienet tgħix Għawdex? Dawk huma ir-rapporti li jmissha turina Marthese.
Emmanuel Mallia
Look who is talking ! An ex top official of PN responsible for the landslide defeat !
She has plenty of time on her hands- she should commit HERSELF to creating her report- IF she knows how to make a report in the first place!
How can anyone judge Dr Busuttil's performance on such a short time in the political areana.... if anything he brought some hope back although admittedly it was too little and far too late.
Marthese ma tafx li l-partit kien rieqed raqda papali u f'kull distrett fejn dawn waqfu jiffunzjonaw hlief meta tigi l-Indipendenza!! mhux ahjar li tmorru personalment fil-kazini u tbiddlu l-kumitati distrettwali ghax dawn kienu biss biex certi deputati jzommu is-siggu fil-parlament u mhux biex il-partit ikun qrib in-nies. Hemm kumitati li ijlom ma jiffunzonaw is-snin u ma nafx kif inharigilom il-vot ghal votazzjonijiet li saru!!!.
I attribute the PN loss to PM Lawrence Gonzi,for ignoring the call of the people. MP Austin Gatt for the fiasco he caused with Arriva and the lack of discipline in controlling Transport Malta, but most of all, the arrogance of the man towards the people. Then there is MP Tonio Fenech who under his watch, let Air Malta go to the brink of bankruptcy and then pumped more than 200,000,000 million euros to cover the mistake. Most of all there is Dr Franco Debono who held the trump card and he played it well at the end.One can attribute the PL win to this man but one can also attribute the PN loss to the "Arrogant" one who decided to carry the fight all the way to the end. The PN has five years to correct their past mistakes and stay away from past hurdles.
Back to the EFA 's Street Leader era.... Il-QUDDIEM jew lura????
OH what a bright idea! Why not start from the district Marthese Portelli contested? One can then commission the famous PN street leaders.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dear Marthese, if the report maintains that the reasons people voted PL were only perceptions against the PN, than you, whoever wrote the report and the whole PN party did not learn anything. Why waste time and money to make a report district by district. Franco Debono (one of the south districts) said most of those reasons mentioned in the report reflecting his constituents’ feelings, JPO (one of the north districts) also pointed to many shortcomings by the GonziPN government mentioned in the report. It seems that all Malta and Gozo had the correct perceptions but not your party leadership and members. It seems that even now after the report has been published, it pointed fingers at those who were telling the GonziPN government that it was on the wrong paths and these people instead of being listened to were kicked out of the party, and those who damaged the party and government got standing ovations at the general meeting. Perhaps in 20 years time, when (and if) there are really new faces in the leadership; I may re-consider returning to the PN fold.