Police Commissioner reveals there is no case against John Dalli

No criminal evidence to arraign former EU Health Commissioner John Dalli, MaltaToday reveals.

Former EU Commissioner John Dalli
Former EU Commissioner John Dalli

The Police Commissioner, Peter Paul Zammit, has told MaltaToday that there is no criminal evidence to arraign or accuse former health commissioner John Dalli. Zammit said that the police investigations in relation to the OLAF report were ongoing, but as things stand today there is no evidence to incriminate John Dalli.

Dalli, a former PN leadership contender and longstanding finance minister, served as EU health commissioner until he was forced to resign. He has always insisted that he was a victim of the tobacco lobby and the various political interests in Brussels and Malta.

Dalli has maintained that he never knew of any bribe or masterminded any bribe and that he never had any intention of watering down the tobacco directive. He has since returned fire at Jose Barroso, president of the European Commission, and at Catherine Day, EC secretary, accusing them of stalling the tobacco directive, which has yet to come into force.

John Dalli reacts

"The statement issued by the Police Commissioner is a closure of a malevolent and defamatory case in my regard, which has damaged Malta's image worldwide.

After months of anguish caused mainly by politically motivated leaks in the press just before and during the election campaign, I can now concentrate on fully restoring my integrity as well as Malta's name at an international level, which is of the utmost importance.

I will proceed with the cases that I had already instituted last December in the Belgian Criminal Court, a case for defamation against Swedish Match for maliciously spreading fabricated information, and another in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg for the annulment of President Barroso's decision to terminate my term as European Commissioner. President Barroso based his decision on the OLAF report which is now being heavily criticised for breaching both human rights and normal rules of investigation and procedure. This report has also been heavily criticised by the Supervisory Committee set up to scrutinise OLAF's procedures.

I am also presently considering other procedures that I may present in the Maltese Courts and in foreign courts.

My family and I can now recover from this ordeal and start rebuilding our life. We thank all those, in Malta and abroad, who have shown solidarity with us, especially those who actively gave us much needed support."

Il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghandu mill aktar fis possibli jitlob apologija lill-John Dalli biex apparti r-rapport tat-telfa jinghalaq dan il-kapitlu li hu aktar gravi u tal-misthija mit-telfa ghax b'hekk biss il-PN juri li qieghed jirrikoncilja ma dawk li sofrew ingustizzji...issa naraw u zmien itina parir. Nisperaw li l-bidla tkun qed tidher li qed issir!!!!
once john dalli has been exhonorated it is hightime that he is given something to do perhaps a secretary to a board or better still if he accepts the office of president of malta. the labour government would recprocate the former government task when placing dr george abela to the same position
Salvino Giusti 08/06/2013 Waqt li nifrah minn qalbi lis-Sur Dalli niitama li r-reazzjoni jew il-kummenti ta Giovasnni Kessler minn Brussell ma jfissrux jew ma jkunux indhil mhux mitlub fl-affarijiet interni ta' pajjiz Sovran, membru tal-Unjoni Ewropeja u tal-United Nations li hi Malta.
i am very happy for John Dalli and his family that all this has finally come to rest and I wish John Dalli and his family all the best. This all shows us what a liar Gonzi was and I believe he did this as he new Dalli would have been a competitor in the run up for a new leader for the PN.
Issa? Baroso? TeamPN? Jerga jmur lura Kummisarju u jigi lura Tonio Borg?
Politically I do not share Mr. Dalli's views. I also totally disagree with how he, as minister, perceived society and its needs. But as a human being I respect the man and am extremely happy for him and his family. Mr. Dalli is correct to: "concentrate on fully restoring my integrity as well as Malta's name at an international level, which is of the utmost importance."
For heaven's sake let us clear Malta's name as John Dalli aptly said.
I have always submitted that John DAlli was framed by GONZIPN and OLAF together. This wonderful news now vindicates John Dalli and my steadfast assertions to this fact. May God be with John Dalli and his family for this wonderful victory.
Finally a ray of hope for the embattled ex-commissioner. This exoneration is a good beginning for Mr Dalli and his family ... however those responsible for the damage to this personality and to the image Malta in general have a lot to answer for! Justice has still to be done, starting with GONE-zi and finishing with the Barroso the puppet.
The Maltese people will surely appreciate if the police commissioner enlightens us if he is investigating the alleged frame up of Mr.Dalli. I do not think he needs anybody's instruction to find out who had the motive and the opportunity to commit such a vile act.
Barra li kellu klikka; GonziPN zgur li kellu 'a hidden hand'; gharukaza li jipprovaw isalbu familja u bniedem onest bhal Mr Dalli fuq ezigensi politici! Nispera li min kien responsabli -kardianli papiet u paggi u shahar- jiehdu dak li haqqhom!
Mr John Dalli would do very well to follow the antics of the Bilderberg Group Conference and its corresponding protest, that is taking place in Watford, England, this weekend, 7th - 9th June, 2013. It was the Bilderberg Group that founded the EU and is indeed the hiodden force behind it till this day. In this context one would well to access: http://www.infowars.com/b/ White Hat
Nifirhu mieghek Sur Dalli ghall-battalja ohra mirbuha. Is-sewwa jirbah. Bhal hafna Maltin ohra genwini nixtiqulek li tohrog rebbieh u konvinti li int tista tkompli taghti sehem importanti lil Malta.
It-teorija tkompli tissahhah - Hadma bejn il-PN u l-EU biex jitnehha Dalli, jibaghtu lil Tonio Borg u jigi Simon minfloku.
jien dejjem emmint li S Sur Dalli gie imcappas vilment bit tajn min klikka tal hdura.Dan il bniedem jixraqlu li ikun president ta Malta halli dawk li hamguh jiehdu risposta.Ibqa mixi kif spjegajt Sur Dalli.Din il klikka tasal li taghmel min kollox.L aqwa li gonzi pn kien imexxi gvern li il klikka qalet li ma kienx hawn gvern tajjeb daqsu.Morru inhbew u tghidux li intom Maltin.