Barroso should restore Dalli’s integrity - Green MEPs

José Bové and Bart Staes call for Kessler’s resignation and demand that Baroso restores Dalli’s image.

Green MEP José Bové said he was not surprised by the Maltese judiciary not to prosecute former Commissioner John Dalli. "I am very happy for John Dalli and his family, for whom the passed months have been a nightmare," he said. The image of Malta can now start to be restored after being badly damaged by the Dalligate affair.

OLAF's documents prove that the inquiry was done only à charge and not a décharge, with not a single fact justifying the decision to sack Dalli in October 2012.

Member of the Supervisory Committee, judge Mme. Pignon last week stated that the European Commission as guardian of the Treaties of the EU, has the absolute obligation to make sure that human rights are respected. Throughout the Dalligate affair, persons involved had several fundamental rights breached. The position of Director-general of OLAF Giovanni Kessler, is thus untenable and the European Commission has to quickly act and find a solution for the post of director-general.

Manuel Barroso has failed in protecting the fundamental rights by taking hasty decisions. The legal aspects of the OLAF inquiry were not respected and if he cares about the reputation of the European institutions, he has to have the political courage to bear the consequenses, José Bové stated.

MEP Bart Staes argued that the decision of the Maltese authorities is the same as that he and José Bové reached months ago.

Staes stated that after sacking Dalli hastily and unjustly Barroso should invite Dalli to his office, apologise and find ways of how the EC will restore the professional integrity of the former Commissioner. Barroso should, dismiss Kessler and call for an official and independent inquiry on the mismanagement of the OLAF investigation on Dalligate.

The Green MEP's Bart Staes and José Bové were reacting to reports published in by MaltaToday quoting Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit saying there is no criminal evidence to arraign former health commissioner John Dalli.


@il-bully. Ghandek elf ragun tinket. Malta stmata daqs paljazza. Trid tkun vera politiku tal-habba gozz biex thalli kollox ghaddej. Jien bhala Malti inhossni umiljat. Shame on you intom li hliftu quddiem kulhadd li ha tahdmu u tkunu lejali lejn Malta etc. etc.!
I am no buddy of John Dalli who never paid me any drink! But having been at the receiving end of a similar copy cat miscarriage of justice, I support that however circumstantial it may have been, in the name of transparency, if there was evidence of wrongdoing by Mr Dalli he should have been duely confronted with it and at the same time be given the opportunity to defend himself according to standard values of fair justice that the EU projects to stand for. As a full EU member state, both Malta and its commissioner John Dalli deserve to be (and seen to be) treated as treated better with dignity.
U KEMM NAQQAS AKTAR Gonzi li kkundana mill ewwel il "siehbu" John Dalli, li kellu il-Tonio Borg lest bies jehodlu postu u jgib jigri il Simon lura! Bicca bizzilla mahduma minn Gonzi bl-ghajnuna xi Loo Bondi & Co, xi DCG u....... ta' Barroso wkoll!
Priscilla Darmenia
@ il-bully. – Remember that it was part of the GonziPN’s plan to remove Dalli as commissioner to make way for Tonio Borg to take his place and wonder of wonders the magic boy Busuttil brought over from Brussels to take Tonio Borg’s place as deputy leader of the PN. How do you expect that the PN MEP members will defend Dalli, and the PL MEP members were comfortable watching what was going to be the outcome.
Issa ilna nisimaw fuq inkjest l hemm u l hawn,meta u kif il membri parlamentari ewropew ser jagixxu.Mela kullimkien l istess?Paroli paroli.
Can I ask the highly payed Maltese representatives what on earth are they doing in Brussels? It is so disgusting to see people from other countries defending Mr. Dalli and not one of our champions of free speech and democracy, representing our only two political parties stand to defend the integrity of an innocent man who happen to be Maltese,our brother,