PN opens new political chapter

PN leader Simon Busuttil pledges the return of a party by the people, for the people and warns government about its political misdemeanours.

36,000 voters cannot be wrong and the Nationalist Party should accept that it was itself wrong and do something about it, newly elected part leader Simon Busuttil said.

Closing the PN's general council, Busuttil held that those who did not vote for PN in the last election cannot be considered to have been mistaken. Many within the Party walls still cannot believe the landslide in the election result, but this has to be accepted. "The party has to admit that it was to blame, find back its strength and move forward", he said.

Simon Busuttil voiced his apologies to those the party had hurt, disappointed and ignored and pledged the building of new bridges with party members. At the helm of the party he has commissioned various boards to help the party return to its former glory.

A commission led by Francis Zammit Dimech is entrusted with finding the way forward and presenting a more professional party. Raymond Bugeja will be chairing a commission to help make PN financially stable. This commission will also evaluate the commercial interests of the party.

Dr Busuttil announced that he wants to lead a party made by the people for the people. In line with this he will himself start doing house visits. He appealed to the party members to advise him on who are those most in need to be heard and incited MPs and candidates to follow in his steps and reach out to the public.

The PN leader warned the government against its breach of ethics and political misdemeanours. It is unacceptable that a Parliamentary Secretary carries out personal duties earning him over €3600 weekly. Parliamentary Secretary Franco Mercieca, was granted a waiver to carry out eye surgery procedures which would otherwise need to take place abroad. However it was revealed that he is also carrying out routine eye operations. "One cannot accept to have a part-time Parliamentary secretary," Busuttil held and demanded explanations from the Prime Minister. He explained how the code of ethics is non negotiable and a prime minister cannot bend the rules to suit his needs.

Dr Busuttil heavily criticized the return of vindictive transfers in the health department, the army and police ranks. He pledged the total support of the party to those individuals and trade unions that stand up and challenge these unjust transfers. "The Malta Taghna Lkoll slogan has lost it's meaning and proved to be nothing but deceptive propaganda," Busuttil said.

The PN will not stand back and allow the Public sector to turn into a Labour Party club. The government should ensure that the public sector is impartial in its operations as it is not there to cater just for one section of the public. Dr Busuttil rebuked Muscat's appointments of government officials that were directly involved witin the PL prior to the general elections.

The government is behaving as if it is still in the opposition. The use of its media to attack the opposition ranks is proving to be anti democratic and oppressive, Dr Busuttil argued. The new politics employed by the Labour government are based on the lowering of standards and not on the meritocracy advertised in the electoral campaign. None the less the Opposition will back the first seven bills put forward by the government and strive to be a constructive opposition.

On a more personal note, Simon Busuttil said that he leads the party not to be someone but to do something. He reiterated that a new chapter will be written for the Nationalist Party and the people will see the party return to its former glory.

Busuttil presented the new Team PN and called to his side deputy leaders Mario de Marco and Beppe Fenech Adami, together with party officials Paula Mifsud Bonnici, Ann Fenech, Carol Aquilina, Jean Pierre Debono and Alex Felice Calascione. Flanked by the new officials, the PN leader said that the party will be led by a united team, full of energy which will regain the people's trust and place PN on a winning stance.


Is Mario Galea opening the New Chapter too? I very much doubt it. Once a politician, there will be no new chapters, it will always be the same chapter. La tikber ir-ras bil-mod biex tigi f'posta kemm ghal politikanti Nazzjonalisti u kemm ghal Politikanti tal Moviment Progrrssiv u moderat. Dr Muscat thallix lil politikanti tieghek tikbrihom rashom ghaliex l-ewwel wiehed jien jiddispjacini li ikun ivvutatjlek.Suppost kulhadd kellu jibqa saqajh f'art, u mhux nahsbu li sirna xi haga u ihallu ir-ras tikber aktar min ta Humpty Dumpty.Dan il-kas gara San Giljan fejn il-hotel.
"Simon Busuttil voiced his apologies to those the party had hurt, disappointed and ignored and pledged the building of new bridges with party members." Granted! But the way forward must not only be "... building new bridges with party members" but also 'rebuilding and mending burnt and broken bridges" with both party members and sympathizers and other voters alike. If I am not mistaken, I guess that is how the other party turned the tables!
New chapter? What new chapter? Il-bloggers tieghek-Dr Busutill, ghadhom jinsulentaw 'l-iswitchers' jigifieri dawk li ma felhux aktar lil klikka!Ighajjru bit-tfal u bil- familja b'kollox: bhal ma ghajjru lilek! New chapter? Bit-tghajjir se tirbah l-voti u bl-istess ex ministri li fallew lil Malta (6 biljuni) u hallew anke 8 miljun ewro dejn fil-partit?
Dr Busuttil knows that all government employees and parastatal employees are owed an apology because they were 25 years of hell. Any Labour leaning employee working in some place where overtime was common was many times warned that s/he would be transferred say for reading l Orizzont or in my case being an official in the Young Socialist League besides a delegate to the MLP conference. On the other hand there were others who were PN councillors but were never warned
Mohhna fil-glorja , ghejja nkunu humli l-ewwel.
PN opens new political chapter.... with the same faces, the same names , the same limited talent that Gonzi used to complain of with the American Ambassador! Let the Busuttillotti continue with more PNtomimes from TeamPN!