‘Nightmare’ MEPA discussed in PN defeat report

Mario de Marco prepared to assume ‘full responsibility’.

Mario de Marco with former MEPA chairman Austin Walker.
Mario de Marco with former MEPA chairman Austin Walker.

Former environment minister Mario de Marco is prepared to assume full responsibility for the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, described as a "nightmare" and a "bureaucratic monster" in the PN's electoral loss analysis.

In July 2009, de Marco was tasked with implementing the MEPA reform document that had been drafted and finalised by the Office of the Prime Minister. Three years later, he was appointed minister for tourism, culture and the environment.

"Throughout the term as minister for the environment, I tried to ensure that the environmental dimension of MEPA attained a stronger role. I never saw myself as the minister responsible for development," de Marco told MaltaToday on Friday.

Nevertheless, he added, he was prepared to assume "full responsibility" for the failures of MEPA subsequent to his appointment as minister for environment in 2012.

"Should any single councillor think that my position within the party is untenable, I have no difficulty in making way for more deserving individuals," he insisted.

The bureaucratic hurdles faced when dealing with MEPA featured prominently in Labour's electoral campaign. The PL's own reform includes the splitting of MEPA into the Authority for Environment and Resources and the Authority for Planning and Sustainable Development.

The commission responsible for drafting the analysis of the PN defeat in March reported in its 38-page executive summary that the public regarded MEPA as a "bureaucratic monster" and a "nightmare" for both contractors and families. The Authority topped the list for excessive red tape.

Worryingly, the public also commented that MEPA officials made it hard to find assistance, citing red tape or "sabotage attempts."

"The general perception is that the MEPA reform not only failed to deliver the desired results but strengthened public perception that the Authority was a bureaucratic monster which no one controlled," the commission said.

De Marco, now Opposition spokesman for the economy, investment and small business, admitted that striking the right balance at MEPA was always hard, and will remain hard.

"The interests at stake are large and often diametrically opposed. If you please the applicant you will displease third party objectors, and vice versa," he said, adding that the less MEPA was in the political limelight, the better.

De Marco said that development applications were often complex cases involving not only planning issues but also environmental ones.

"This country does not seem to want to allow technical issues to be decided by technical people, and the temptation of interested parties to seek the intervention of political interests remains large but is wrong," he added, referring to the development lobbies that pandered to the Labour Party. But for the former minister, the new government was offering "quick-fix solutions."

"The future of development has to be linked with sustainability, hence the importance of regeneration and restoration projects, as opposed to development at all costs," de Marco said.

"However, not everyone takes kindly to this."

@KDZ. Kemm niccara punt. Joseph Muscat qatt ma kien deputat fil-parlament Malti jew f'xi post fit-tmexxija fil-partit qabel sar kap tal-PL. Ghal kuntrarju, Simon kien vici kap, u t-tlieta l-ohra kienu deputati (u ministri) meta l-partit tilef l-elezzjoni. Lanqas qed nghid li ghandhom jintremew in-nies u t-talenti taghhom, imma dawn l-erba tal-PN kienu f'pozizzjoni ta responsabilita tat-tmexxija meta l-partit tilef b'margini storiku. Ferhanin tal-PN bihom? Well and good.
KZD - Joseph Muscat lanqas biss kien membru fil-parlament - ma tistax tqabblu ma' DeMarco. Demarco kien responsabbli tal-MEPA u issa, wara li lahaq qed jghid li jerfa' r-responsabbilta' tad-dizastri fil-MEPA. Nixtieq inkun naf kif se jerfa r-responsabbilta' ghax bil-paroli biss ma naslu mkien.
How is Dr. Mario Demarco prepared to assume full responsibility .... or is it just idle talk and rhetoric in which the PN excel???? Bla...bla... bla.. bla.....
fufa Allura bl'istess kejl, skond inti Joseph Muscat ma kellux jilhaq ghax kien fil partit meta il labour rega tilef fiz zmien Alfred Sant.. Prosit hej, ejja nibqghu narmu in nies u it talenti taghhom bl'addocc.
Tgħid is-Sur Austin Walker jista jgħidilna kemm investiga kazi b'allegazzjonijiet ta' korruzzjoni li tressqu quddiemu?
Now Mario Demarco wants to take full responsibilty for their blunders in MEPA now it is to late you should havevtaken responsibilty when you could have done something to effect a change now the people who have paid the price of your blunders dearly have voted you and your party out so just stay in tbe opposition where you cannot do any more harm enjoy.
Mela la Demarco qed jerfa' r-responsabbilta' tad-dizastru u l-hmar-il lejl tal-MEPA, ghaliex hareg ghal-leader tal-Partit u issa anki lahaq Vici-Kap??? Tghassad u tilhaq! Ara veru m'hemmx minn fejn taghzel.
Of course Mario accepts to shoulder responsability now the Deputy Leader post has been filled up ........... by him. This report should have been published before all the leadership race. PN the party without scrupples.Partit Negativ
Ghalhekk kien ikun ghaqli kieku r-rapport tat-telfa tal-PN hareg qabel inhatret it-tmexxija tal-partit. Kieku nies bhal De Marco li diga beda jaqta qalbu ghax qal li lest icedi postu, ma kienux jikkontestaw. U fl-ahhar mill-ahhar lanqas Chris Said, Beppe u Simon ma kienu jikkontestaw ghax kollha kemm huma kienu min ta quddiem fit-telfa. Imma s-sinjura Anne haslithom u gabithom puri u jfuhu.