Malta's EU presidency discussed in Dublin

Parliamentary Secretary for EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds, Ian Borg, discusses Malta's presidency during visit in Dublin.

Parliamentary Secretary for EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds, Ian Borg, today visited Dublin in Ireland which currently holds the Presidency of the EU.

Borg had several meetings during which he was briefed in detail about the planning and organization necessary for such an important and engaging event in view of the fact that Malta will be hosting the Presidency of the EU in the first six months of 2017.  Also present for today's meetings were delegations from Holland and Slovakia, the other two countries which, together with Malta form the trio of the Presidency.

The Parliamentary Secretary said that although the presidency is very demanding, likewise he is convinced that through a national effort, Malta will prepare itself in the best possible manner in order to organise successfully the EU Presidency in 2017.

Tomorrow, Borg will hold several bilateral meetings between the Maltese delegation and delegations from the Irish Presidency.