PN government awarded former candidate €890,000 in legal contracts

Former PN candidate Georg Sapiano received over €890,000 in legal contracts by successive PN administrations.

Former PN candidate Georg Sapiano
Former PN candidate Georg Sapiano

Lawyer and former PN candidate Georg Sapiano's firms received €890,000 in legal contracts from six ministries over the last few years.

Answers provided by ministers in Parliament show that Sapiano and his legal firm have benefitted from a series of contracts awarded by the Nationalist government, totalling over €890,000. The contracts were awarded to the lawyer's firms Sapiano & Associates and Aequitas Legal, with a number of other contracts going to Sapiano himself.

Most contracts were awarded by direct order, however transport minister Joe Mizzi said that the there was no information whether the contracts awarded to Sapiano and his firm by Transport Malta, worth over €333,000, were given by direct order or tender.

In 2010 alone, Transport Malta awarded the lawyer's firm €131,504. Sapiano has in the past represented the Association of Car Importers.

Over a span of 10 years between 2002 and 2012, Sapiano received €243,010 by the Occupational Health and Safety Authority and over €113,000 by direct order by the Water Services Corporation between 2000 and 2006.

Sapiano's firms also received a number of contracts by the Prime Minister's Office and by social services agencies such as Appogg and Sedqa.

The questions about Sapiano's contracts were posed to all ministers and although most ministers said that agencies and departments under their responsibility had not awarded any contracts to Sapiano's firms, the lawyer still received a sizeable amount from siz ministries.

The flamboyant and successful lawyer, known for being driven around in a luxurious BMW similar to that of the President of the Republic, was an articulate TV presenter on NET and PBS before contesting the general election on the PN ticket in 2008. 

However he only managed to garner 58 first count votes and later complained about the spending spree by other Nationalist candidates in their campaigns.

Malta kienet taghhom tal-ftit, isthu.
No wonder he was a fervent defender of the Order. What about the rest of us Nationalists what did we get, higher bills.
Ħbieb, aħsbu ftit kif qabel l-elezzjoni il-PN qatt ma kellhom problemi biex iħallsu l-ħaddiema tagħhiom, imma Alla jbierek mal-elezzjoni spiċċalhom kollox. Ma nagħmlux mod li kienu qed iħallsuhom wkoll mit-taxxi tagħna hux?
This proof beyond any doubt that I was correct! The last fund raising that the PN made was a flop with all this money for the local boys they should have raised at least 2 million euros. When I hear, one forgot to declare 700,000 euro in a foreign bank, another made 900,000 euro. Veru cwiec ahna il-Maltin to take this arrogance and do nothing about it. Ahna ahna jew mahniex?
Emmanuel Mallia
He has been silent ever since ! He suddenly disappeared from the scene !
Lawrence Covin
This was the guy who made us look like a bunch of fools in Europe when his company was commissioned to produce translations of official documents. Oh boy! Speak about lost in translation! He should have got the money for the creative howlers.
Imbghad issib xi 4 qtates ipokriti tal-PN jiehdu skandlu ghax specjalista jkompli jipprattika b'mod limitat. Jien dejjem hsibt u rragunajt li l-PN ghandom religjon u alla ghalihom. U aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien aktar nikkonvinci ruhi dwar dan.
Qabel mhux Malta taghna lkoll kienet izda Malta ta' gonzipn u l-bazuzli biss. U il-poplu jhallas . U lilna jigi jtina 1 euro 16 cent u jivvota mill-qalb sabiex jgholew id-dawl u l-ilma. ISTHU JEKK TAFU.
Only transparency will stem this scourge. And to those who say: "good for him" and "live and let live" - remember that every Euro that was given to this guy by his friends could have been spent on the many Maltese families who are struggling to make ends meet. If JM wants to make sure this doesn't happen on his watch, he has to introduce full transparency and disclosure. When taxpayers money is spent on "consultation", the taxpayers have a right to know and to see what was actually delivered and at what price.
Qabel mhux Malta taghna lkoll kienet izda Malta ta' gonzipn u l-bazuzli biss. U il-poplu jhallas . U lilna jigi jtina 1 euro 16 cent u jivvota mill-qalb sabiex jgholew id-dawl u l-ilma. ISTHU JEKK TAFU.
David Bongailas
Such a pity the PN is now in opposition!!!! Issa ser jaghmlu nies bhal Dr.Sapiano ??!! X'jigifieri jghixu b'pagi normali bhal nies normali ??!!! Il-gvern missu jiehu azzjoni. Basta Malta taghna Lkoll!!!
Mhux ta' b'xejn joqghod jitfettah fuq is-siggu meta jkun quddiem xi camera.
... jidhili kien lino spiteri li kitibha .... il-gvern laburista ghamel zball kbir li fl-ewwel jiem li tela' ma ghamilx audit intensiv u estensiv tal-wirt li halla warajh gonzipn fl-oqsma KOLLHA tal-amministrazzjoni .... b'dan l-ezercizzju kien johrog kollox .... il-wirt ta' gonzipn u tal-klikka tieghu konna nsiru nafuh mill-bidu sal-ahhar .... u konna nsiru nafu aktar dwar l-ipokrizija, is-serq, il-hmieg, il-korruzzjoni, il-gideb, l-infiq zejjed, il-hela u dak kollu li gonzipn kien maghruf ghalih .... issa qed nisimghu dawn l-affarijiet hergin qatra qatra ..... u l-istampa shih ma hi se tohrog qatt b'dan il-mod ..... u gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu jghorku idejhom u jifirhu li helsuha scot free .... stennejt ahjar minn gvern laburista ....
Ara tat-TOM din l-istorja ma qabduhiex. Din mhix daqshekk interessanti ghax tista tmiss lil xi big head. Imma issa tghidx kemm huma kuntenti li Franco Mercieca ser jieqaf jaghmel eye surgery ghax dak kien jaqdi lic-cittadin komuni. Maaa x'ipokresija.
Dan l-avukat per bene li qaghad imiss lil Dr Sant waqt dibattitu fl-elezzjoni tal-2008? Jidher li kellu ghalfejn jitpastaz: suucessful klikka lawyer! X'ma jitlax id-deficit u id-dejn! 5 biljuni fejn marru?
I think that the government needs to hire an OUTSIDE AUDITOR to go over all of the government books. I think maybe the government is getting to lose with the TAX PAYER's money. in other words " Kemm saru galantomi bi flus hadd iehor".
Ara Times of Malta...din l-istorja ma ggibix...fuq il-karozza tal-PM iggib. X'faqar ta' gazzetta! Prosit MT!!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!
Why Georg? Does the WRAPPING has anything to do with it? And what did the Maltese people get in return? Did we tax-payers get full value of taxes paid from these consultations???? One should at least expect DOUBLE in return on investment of our taxes of the amount of €890,000 in legal contracts!