MGRM launch 'Love is Love' pride week
Malta Gay Rights Movement launches pride week entitled 'Love is Love'.
'Love is Love' is the theme for this year's Pride Week which will take place between the 17 and 23 June 2013.
This year Malta commemorates the 40th anniversary of the decriminalisation of sodomy and moves ever closer towards the enactment of a Civil Union Bill that will hopefully grant meaningful recognition and rights to same-sex couples, the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) said.
"It is also the 10th anniversary of the Pride March which was first held in Malta in 2004 and this year will be held on the 22nd June at 11am in Valletta, gathering in front of the law courts at 10.30am."
MGRM noted that representatives of all political parties have confirmed their participation including various cabinet members.
It pointed out that the Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties was supporting the Pride March event while artists Chiara, Glen Vella and Miriam Christine Borg will be performing following the March.
The week's events will also include an LGBT festival, the launch of an 'It Gets Better Video,' produced by the US Embassy with the participation of local activists and the annual WomenSpace event.
Monaliza Lounge in Valletta will also be organising a number of parallel events throughout the week.
MGRM also noted that a report recently released by the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) shed light on the social and human rights situation of LGBT people in all EU countries including Malta.
"Clearly, despite increased awareness, contempt, derision and discrimination continue to be an everyday part of the lives of LGBT people in family life, employment, education and in the provision of goods and services, all because of who we love."
Echoing UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, MGRM said that for generations LGBT people have been made to feel anything but free and equal. 'For far too long, their suffering was met with silence in the halls of power.'
The movement added that 'Love is Love' is a celebration of "our identities and relationships and our claim to the promise, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of a world in which all persons, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity enjoy the protection and recognition they deserve."
Information on the Pride Week events can be obtained through the MGRM website on or MGRM's facebook page.