European Commission to investigate removal of MCA chairman
European Commission to investigate removal of Malta Communications Authority chairman, Antonio Ghio, MEP Roberta Metsola says.
Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola welcomed the reply given by the European Commission to her question on the "abusive removal" of the former Chairman of the Malta Communications' Authority (MCA) Antonio Ghio.
" The Commission has confirmed that the independence of National regulatory authorities, such as the MCA, is laid down in European law and this is a key pre-requisite to ensure effective and impartial regulation," Metsola said.
She added that i t was clear that the Commission believes that there are sufficient grounds to warrant a thorough investigation of the removal of the former MCA Chairman and to ensure that Malta is in line with EU law.
The MEP pointed out that if the implementation of EU law is confirmed the Commission is committed to reverse the trend that it says 'would negatively affect growth and jobs.'
"The Commission's reply shows that Joseph Muscat has overstepped his mandate in his zeal to replace the MCA Chairman. He must apologise and take immediate steps to rectify the situation. Malta's reputation is at stake. "
Metsola reiterated her commitment to stand up for the rights of all Maltese and other European citizens on the Maltese islands.
"I will also work to ensure that the Government sticks to Malta's obligations under EU law and that these are never ignored, bypassed or outright breached," she said.
Recently, during a Parliamentary debate, minister Chris Cardona explained that Ghio resigned out of his own will and the government accepted his resignation.
However asked whether Ghio was asked to resign, Cardona said that he did "not remember" whether Ghio used the term "forced resignation" when the latter submitted his resignation letter.
"If that was the term used I do not have it in my file. There were hundreds of resignations but I can confirm that the chairman's resignation was accepted by the government."
In his resignation letter, Ghio wrote: "Whilst there is no doubt in my mind, as further explained below, that no resignation from my present post has to be tabled, I am herby, as requested, offering my forced resignation from Chairman of the Malta Communications Authority."
Quoting Maltese and EU laws regulating national authorities responsible for communications, Ghio added: "It is clear that your requests as per the letter dated 12th March 2013 do not fall within and are not reflected in the national and European provisions regulating the Maltese regulatory authority responsible for electronic communications."