Refalo non-committal whether he prefers a bridge or a tunnel
Minister for Gozo awaits studies’ conclusions before stating his preference on the possible permanent link between the two islands.
Anton Refalo
Minister for Gozo Anton Refalo did not commit himself whether he preferred a bridge, a tunnel or no permanent link. In an interview published in today's edition of 'Illum', Refalo simply stated that he would prefer "whatever outcome the studies conclude to be the ideal choice".
He said that while the environment should be safeguarded, "the Gozitans have every right for an improved quality of life." During the same interview the Minister admits that improved accessibility is one of his priorities in this legislature.
Satisfied after the latest agreement with the Church for an elderly care centre, he described the Church's strong role in Gozo as a very positive influence.
Read more in today's edition of Illum

Anton habib tieghi mhux ahjar tiprova issolvi l-ingustizzji li qed jidhlulhom lis-segretarji tieghek u li ilna inbghatu minhom ghal hafna zmien.Naf li ministieri ohra ma hummiex jghinuk biex issolvihom izda ibqa fuq kliemi il-brige jew tannel ma nkunux ghadna fil-gvern meta jkun se jibda jsir.

When in 1972 a feasibilty study was held about a bridge , causeway or tunnel between Malta and Gozo , there were strong objections by the Gozitans many of those argued that it would ruin their lifestyle but 2013 is not 1972! Nowadays a lot of Gozitans study or work in Malta!