Labour MEP lashes out at ‘obscene’ Lou Bondì appointment

Joseph Cuschieri lambasts Lou Bondì appointment on festivities foundation in Facebook outburst.

Joseph Cuschieri
Joseph Cuschieri

Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri says Lou Bondì's appointment on festivities foundation is a "shameful decision" and an "open challenge" to people of good will.

The appointment of Bondiplus presenter and Where's Everybody? director Lou Bondì on the board of a new foundation responsible for the organisation of national festivities was met with derision and stirred up controversy all over the social media.

In a comment posted on his Facebook wall, MEP Joseph Cuschieri wrote: "Lou Bondì's appointment on the board of a new foundation responsible for the organisation and coordination of national festivities, is a shameful decision. It's an open challenge - SFIDA - to Maltese and Gozitans of good will."

Bondì was yesterday appointed on the Foundation for Maltese National Festivities which was handpicked by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and falls under his remit.

Cuschieri, who in 2008 had stepped down as an MP to allow Labour leader Joseph Muscat to sit in Parliament asked: "who is behind this appointment? Who is so powerful to roll over Labourites like a bulldozer? What brings certain individuals together to scratch each other's backs? Certainly not the Malta Taghna Ukoll (Malta for all) slogan."

In his Facebook outburst, Cuschieri, recently appointed as head of the Labour Party's delegation in the European Parliament. pointed out that he did not vote Labour for such "strange" decisions which raise legitimate questions on such shady and bizarre decisions. 

"In the meantime, thousands of Labourites await justice to be made with them over injustices done by Lou Bondì's government," he wrote.

Cuschieri added that he would not remain silent when confronted by such "obscenities," whatever the consequences and retributions awaiting him are.

"I was never afraid and I am not scared of defending what is right and Labourites."

Do we want to make a new beginning? If we do, we must not forget the past, but we must forgive the past, otherwise we will be going back to square one, where tribal politics divided the people. We must decide what we really want. I went through hell under the PN government, but I'm willing to forgive as long as the opposition reciprocate to this kind of politics where all the people can work together, even when know that they have different opinions.
@kukkanja...... meta se jitghallmu l-Laburisti........... Taf meta? Meta jerga jkun hemm il veru partit laburista, il partit li ahna l laburisti ivvutajna ghalih.
Muscat should resign and Cuschieri should take his place! Lol!
This is the second time in quick succession that Joseph Cuschieri has felt obliged to air his grievance in favour of the downtrodden laburist. He should be commended for his stance and we should all give him our united and totally unqualified support in this respect. Feeling and expressing empathy for the neglected and marginalised laburist should never be penalised! Is is imperative that the Prime Minister should see to the redress of the injustices suffered by the suldati tal-azzar IMMEDIATELY!
Hafna Maltin ma jafux li issa dhalna fl-epoka tal-post kolonjaliozmu u li l-glied u iz-zeqzik hu mera biss ta dak li gara fil-50s,60, 70 sal-lum? GonziPN tielf ghax ma kienx Ewropew; inqeda biss bl-Ewropa. Kif tista tkun Ewropew u tkun kontra id-divorzju u id-drittijiet tal-gays? Muscat hu virtwali u qed jghix l-era tas-sena 2013 bil-hsibijiet moderni ta porim Ministru zaghzugh u modern! L-injoranza tal-passat u l- glied ta bejnietna nitfugh fid-dustbin tal-passat. Bondi vera li kien pastaz, u carlatan fix-xandir politiku imma Bondi hu Malti ukoll! Proset Joseph talli int twettaq dak li twieghed u mhux paroli biss! Id-divizzjoni halliha ghc-cwiec!
il maltin qieshom il hut tal bahar imorru ghal larf u jibghallaw is sunnara.
This was foretold last year in the Protocols of the Fly. Truly. All foretold - look:
Taf x`naf. LI Muscat ghamel kummisjonijiet iktar milli ghamel ministeri u kummisjoni kontra l-ingustizzji li batew hafna laburisti genwini taht il-madmad tal-PN ma sar xejn. Taf x`naf li dawk il-laburisti tal-qalba qabel l-elezzjoni xi ministri ggarantewlhom job mal-gverm. Dik hija il-gustizzja ta` Muscat. Tal-misthija.
Was you brother an asset or a liability to the PL with his daily sermon on super one under Alfred Sant. He was a definite liability as he managed to dissuade many labourites voting labour without attracting any pn votes to labour. The same applies to Lou Bondi. He was a definite liability to the PN something Simple Simon did not realize. Simon made the same mistake as Alfred Sant did. However Joseph Muscat being smarter than both of them acknowledged that Lou Bondi's programmes were in reality helping the PL to attract more votes. In all probability the labourites complaining about the appointment of Bondi, never missed any of his programmes, making his programmes popular. For sure they will also complain if his programmes are not renewed on TVM, as they will be lost on what to complain. Well done Joseph Muscat, you outsmarted them all.
Hanqa ta hmar qatt ma telghet is-sema, jghid il-Malti! Muscat rebah rebha storika ghax kien kapaci jigbor l- bicca kbira tal-Maltin flimkien u ghax ma semghax mill-hmir! Kif se niftehmu bhala Mlatin jekk inhallu barra lil minn jobghodna? Bondi importanti li jibqa jezisti u jibqa jidher fil-publiku ghax hu mera ta x'jista jerga ikun SimonPN fil-Gvern! Jien ivvutajt labour biex innehhi l-ghanqbut tal-passat; meta se jitghallmu l-Laburisti u n-Nazzjonalist?
@pig ... hekk tahseb?
Mr Joseph Cuschieri MEP surely remembers that the late Labour Government under Dr Alfred Sant received much spooks in the wheel, if not “sabotaged” by prominent Labour individuals. I sincerely hope that this will not happen again. The Party General Conference is the place to air one’s vexation on all matters. Again, there were many ex staunch PN supports that joined the Labour movement under the leadership of Dr Joseph Muscat. So what is wrong by including a competent person like Lou Bondi in the Maltese National Festivities Commission? You may disagree with his views, but the fact remains that he is a very competent person. I presume he has enough abilities to organize on a grand scale such festivities. The public in general is mature enough to weigh all political statements made by anybody or anyone. Dr Joseph Muscat directed the Labour movement to achieve outstanding results in the general election. All labour supporters have faith in his way of governing. There could be times that not everybody agrees with his governance, but, ultimately, he always steers to the right directions. I am sure that you are not afraid of anything!You may express your views. But who are you to say what is right or wrong? Please do not speak for all the labourites!! Only the leader of the Labour Party may assume such a role!! So please either follow the leader, give him a helping hand or quit!! Thinker
Mr Joseph Cuschieri MEP surely remembers that the late Labour Government under Dr Alfred Sant received much spooks in the wheel, if not “sabotaged” by prominent Labour individuals. I sincerely hope that this will not happen again. The Party General Conference is the place to air one’s vexation on all matters. Again, there were many ex staunch PN supports that joined the Labour movement under the leadership of Dr Joseph Muscat. So what is wrong by including a competent person like Lou Bondi in the Maltese National Festivities Commission? You may disagree with his views, but the fact remains that he is a very competent person. I presume he has enough abilities to organize on a grand scale such festivities. The public in general is mature enough to weigh all political statements made by anybody or anyone. Dr Joseph Muscat directed the Labour movement to achieve outstanding results in the general election. All labour supporters have faith in his way of governing. There could be times that not everybody agrees with his governance, but, ultimately, he always steers to the right directions. I am sure that you are not afraid of anything!You may express your views. But who are you to say what is right or wrong? Please do not speak for all the labourites!! Only the leader of the Labour Party may assume such a role!! So please either follow the leader, give him a helping hand or quit!! Thinker
Joseph.You and your brother have always been a blight on the Party. Both of you talk before you think. Don't you know with that devisive rhetoric rememiscent of when your brother was the boss of the Party. Such talk was deleterious to the party and we never won an election. If you do not understand what Joe Muscat wants I am sorry for you. The appointment of Lou Bondi is a show of maturity and looking for the interest of the country. We surely did not win by 36,000 because we promised retribution but because we promised Malta for the Maltese. If you don't like either ask for a meeting with the executive of the party or even better ask for an extraordnary general meeting to thw discuss the situation. Shooting your mouth off playing the hero on facebook is not helping the Party.
Joseph Cuschieri, if you want to make a point, resign. Simple.
@pjg. labourites are still awaiting a redress to their 25 years of injustices. Cuschieri is right. The appointment of Bondi is a slap in the face. Now we will also invite the Witch for the ultimate kawlata.
proset josep cuschieri - shame on you joseph muscat - din ghamiltha ghax kibritlek rasek - kont taf li ser twegga lilna li baghtejna taht il gvern ta bondi - ma nahsibx li ghandek tippontifika dwar ir-rebha ghax wara d-dizastru ta gonzi pn il-poplu bilfors ried il bidla - nahseb li stajt kkontibwejt qabel biex il-partit laburista seta jirbah elezzjonijet precedenti tinsiex li inti qbilt mad-decizjoni zbaljata li ma naccettawx r-referendum ta l-ewropa - hemmhekk imissek ghamilt rivoluzjoni - kieku accettajna l-elezzjoni konna nirbhu l-gvern hafna qabel
Ghandek rgun Joseph. Il-laburisti veri huma warajk. Min qed jiehu dawn id-decizjonijiet qed jisfida lis-suldati tal-azzar li zammew lill-PL shih u qawwi. Jekk fil-PL hemm min irid jisfida lil dawn in-nies, jien cert li dawn lesti biex jilqghu l-isfida tieghu. Issa naraw min hu wara l-laburisti veri mill-ministri tal-Kabinet. Jekk kulhadd se jibqa sieket ifisser li l-Ministri li ghandna jigu jaqgbhu u jqumu mill-laburisti ta veru. Ghandek ragun biex tbiegh Joseph meta tghid li filwaqt li qed jitwaqqfu dawn il-Kummissjonijiet kollha, il-Kummissjoni kontra l-Ingustizzji ghadha ma twaqfitx. X'intom qed tistennew?
Well done, keep it up Joseph Cuschieri. Speak your mind, as the country needs you.
Paul Sammut
Dan l-MEP wera li hu Tuba Tubun anzi Tubetta.
pgj: I am a Labourite since the day I was born, and for the past 15 years I have suffering one injustice after the other just because I am a Labourite. For the past 10 years or so, I have been listening and watching Lou Bondi spitting hatred towards me and everything red. I voted for a change. After 100 days of Labour government, I am still suffering and finding no help, and Lou Bondi has been rewarded in this way. So when I read all these posts, I can tell that they are made by people like me, who are still waiting our turn to be heard, and who have felt insulted by this decision.
So long as Mr Bondi is not being appointed Chairman of PBS it's all right for me , but it's high time of looking at the cases of those suffering an injustice (If not injustices) under a Nationalist government.
Mr Cuschieri in no way am I agreeing to the appointment of Mr Lou Bondi to a government board but these happened before ; a former secretary to former Prime Minister Dr George Borg Olivier was made Post Master General , while a former Nationalist MP was made a magistrate. Both these were made by Mr Mintoff!
Mr. Cusschieri you are the least that I expected you to have faith in Joseph Muscat. Do not let your head get big. There were many aspects before the election that I thought Muscat could do different, but the result prooved me wrong and him right. I am sure that there is reason in his madness. So give him a chance and I am sure he will proove he was right
Mr. Cusschieri you are the least that I expected you to have faith in Joseph Muscat. Do not let your head get big. There were many aspects before the election that I thought Muscat could do different, but the result prooved me wrong and him right. I am sure that there is reason in his madness. So give him a chance and I am sure he will proove he was right
I'm quite sure that almost all these commentators posing as Labourites are in fact nationalists who still can't accept the fact that Joseph Muscat trounced GonziPN by over 36,000 votes. A real labourite would remain loyal to the party leader no matter what.
@maltipur: Logic is one thing. Insulting the intelligence of the great majority of all Maltese of good will is another. Logic is one thing. Promoting people who should be behind bars for crimes against the people is another. Logic is one thing. Licking your enemy's ass in the hope that he will convert is just plain stupid. Alfred Sant tried it and he lost everything within 18 months. Unfortunately he pulled down all those Maltese who had long suffered injustices and were hoping for redress and they have continued to suffer ever since. By the same logic we should abolish the Courts and hope that those who break the law will self correct. Such is the unfortunate state of this VERY VERY WRONG AND ILL CONCEIVED DECISION TO APPOINT BONDI. May God now help us.!!!!
From the outside, it looks like a horrible decision. But Joseph Muscat is somehow operating in a different way that the average Maltese operates - he's using logic and not vindictiveness, which is something I have admired in him. Years ago, in Singapore, they freed the prisoners and made them join the army and they ended up as very good fighters for their country. There is a lot to learn from what the PM is doing. He's not the typical Maltese that loses his temper and acts without thinking. At this stage, I too disagree with choosing Lou Bondi but there is a good chance that the "goofs" that he is making may turn good results. Don't judge or condemn too fast. This man is not stupid and is not evil and maybe his tactics might work to the benefit of the LP and to Malta.
PL=Partit tal fardal- bejn il ministri,gudikatura, MEPs, issa nafu min qed imexxi il pajjiz dizgustanti
Prosit Wara li hdimna tant biex nehilsu mid-dittatura ta GONZIPN, issa ser nigi nsulentati, Joseph. Intant lill dak. Hamsa u ghoxrin sena jinsulentana f'wiccna. Grazzi, taf x'baqalek. Taghmel Lill Norman Vella u lill- Daphne fuq il- boards tal-parrukkiera u s-shahar. Grazzi mill-qalb.
Naqbel mieghek Cuschieri. Li xi had itellgha gvern biex jehles minn certi sangisugi u mbaghad jerga jitfahhom f'hobbu ma tantx iddoq. Min ha d-decizjoni jew irid jaghmluh beatu jew hemm xi skorfina nieqsa.
Jien mort nivvota PL ghax kont tqazzist nisma` qanpiena wahda minn filghodu sa filghaxija kontra dak kollu li kien jew ghamlu gvernijiet laburisti. Wiehed minnhom kien Lou Bondi. Illum ghadna PM li qed japprova dak kollu li ghamel Bondi. Jidher li l-laburisti ghal dan il-PM m`huma tajbin ghalxejn. Hlief nazzjoalisti ppatentjati mhux qed naraw f`boardijiet u ministerji.Issa gie Dalli li hlief hdura personali kontra il-laburisti ma kellux. Jien hlift li fl-elezzjonijiet li gejjin jien u l-familja tieghi mhux se mmorru nivvutaw. Jekk hemm bzonn lanqas fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. Jien battejt ingustizzja taht il-PN u l-PM mhux qed jaghmel xejn hlief cuccati u hnizrijiet lil min haqar il-laburisti.Ghadna PM tal-gimmiks, paroli u issa qazzes il-kulhadd ghax hlief il tal-qalba u n-nazzjonalsti li saru miljunarji taht il-PN mhux qed jaghti widen.Nitlob il-laburisti veri biex jinghaqdu u jiehdu azzjoni kontra dan il-PM qarrieq u ippokrita.
Remove Loo immediately. Joseph you are not only shooting yourself in the foot but in the head. If you invite someone for dinner & he goes to the toilet to phone your enemy, do you trust him? There are many decent Nats you could have chosen but certainly not Loo out of all Gnats! Get rid of him today before tomorrow or you will see an anti-PL tsunami in MEP elections only 11 months away!!