Labour MEP lashes out at ‘obscene’ Lou Bondì appointment
Joseph Cuschieri lambasts Lou Bondì appointment on festivities foundation in Facebook outburst.
Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri says Lou Bondì's appointment on festivities foundation is a "shameful decision" and an "open challenge" to people of good will.
The appointment of Bondiplus presenter and Where's Everybody? director Lou Bondì on the board of a new foundation responsible for the organisation of national festivities was met with derision and stirred up controversy all over the social media.
In a comment posted on his Facebook wall, MEP Joseph Cuschieri wrote: "Lou Bondì's appointment on the board of a new foundation responsible for the organisation and coordination of national festivities, is a shameful decision. It's an open challenge - SFIDA - to Maltese and Gozitans of good will."
Bondì was yesterday appointed on the Foundation for Maltese National Festivities which was handpicked by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and falls under his remit.
Cuschieri, who in 2008 had stepped down as an MP to allow Labour leader Joseph Muscat to sit in Parliament asked: "who is behind this appointment? Who is so powerful to roll over Labourites like a bulldozer? What brings certain individuals together to scratch each other's backs? Certainly not the Malta Taghna Ukoll (Malta for all) slogan."
In his Facebook outburst, Cuschieri, recently appointed as head of the Labour Party's delegation in the European Parliament. pointed out that he did not vote Labour for such "strange" decisions which raise legitimate questions on such shady and bizarre decisions.
"In the meantime, thousands of Labourites await justice to be made with them over injustices done by Lou Bondì's government," he wrote.
Cuschieri added that he would not remain silent when confronted by such "obscenities," whatever the consequences and retributions awaiting him are.
"I was never afraid and I am not scared of defending what is right and Labourites."