Gozo's connectivity issues should be tackled holistically - AD

Alternattiva Demokratika urge government to address Gozo's connectivity problems within a wide-ranging strategic plan.

Government should look at Gozo's connectivity problems holistically rather than focus on individual projects, Alternattiva Demokratika said.

"It would be much better if instead of focusing on individual proposals, government were to consider Gozo's connectivity issues holistically together with the social, environmental and economic impacts generated," AD deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said.

Cacopardo said the Chine construction company's offer to carry out a feasibility study on a bridge linking Malta and Gozo was made whilst other studies are simultaneously under way on the linkage of the two islands through a tunnel below the seabed.

"Alternattiva Demokratika considers that this government like its predecessor is tackling the issue incorrectly."

Instead of being addressed individually, the proposed solutions should be considered within the context of a Strategic Plan which addresses the Gozitan island's connectivity, which assessment should factor in social, economic and ecological impacts, he added.

"It does not make sense that within the context of the EU's regional policy Malta presents its case for Gozo's double insularity and requests additional funding on this basis and then without consideration of the impacts opts to discard the double insularity issue through a physical link between the islands."

Cacopardo also pointed out that to date Gozo's Tourism policy is based on Gozo's double insularity and that tourism in Gozo could be wiped out as a result of the physical links proposed.

A Strategic Plan of this nature would then be subject to public consultation which should not be limited to Gozo but should be on a nationwide level, Cacopardo said.

I am one of those who have long supported the idea of building a bridge , causeway , or tunnel between Malta and Gozo but can we afford it? ; I enjoy the trip between Malta and Gozo and vice versa but in rough inclement weather I don't enjoy it so much let alone those who have to make the trips daily!