Jean Claude Micallef hints at possible PN MEP candidature
TV presenter Jean Claude Micallef hints at possible PN MEP candidature in May 2014.
TV personality Jean Claude Micallef will most probably be one of the MEP candidates on the PN ticket, next year.
When questioned from Sunday newspaper 'Illum', Micallef stopped short from confirming his intentions: 'I'm simply looking forward to be the Maltese in Europe, and the European in Malta'.
Micallef has just been elected on the national executive of the party.
David Casa and Roberta Metsola are the current PN MEPs. PN leader Simon Busuttil already declared that the party should aim to win three seats from six in the upcoming EP elections next year.

B'Jean Claude Micallef zgur li s-south ikun kburi. Huwa rapprezentant ideali ghalina fl-EU.

A bright and charismatic figure who would represent the country in the best possible way in Brussels. Jean Claude has always based his decisions on the greater good of society and he has always worked close to the people through the medium of television. Whether it has been through discussions or charity events, he knows the right notes to hit and would represent the values that this great country has been built upon.

Using his celebrity to get himself on the gravy train... what qualifications does he have?

Mela meta se tibda tahdem il-kummissjoni biex tifli u taghzel il-kandidati tal-PN ghall-elezzjonijiet? Issa dan jonqos wara tal-Eurovision!

Wasn't this guy with the NO movement for divorce?My conscience will prevent me from ever voting for you.
Gli uomini passano, le idee restano.