Government moving Delimara power plant goalposts - PN

Opposition MP George Pullicino demands comprehensive environment and social impact studies on Delimara power plant.

The government was consistently moving the goalposts in its plans to construct a gas power station and gas storage facilities in Delimara, the PN said.

Speaking during a press conference this afternoon, Opposition MP George Pullicino said that the in just a few weeks the Labour government had changed the original 10-year power purchase agreement to five years and was now planning to increase the storage tanks from 60,000 cubic metres to 180,000 "three times the size of the Mosta Dome."

"I ask whether the government will also move the goalposts in relation to power plant's energy generation capacity," Pullicino said.

He said that one of the options is to have floating storage facilities, moored permanently at Delimara. Pullicino explained that such a vessel would be 300 metres long, 52 metres wide and 15 storeys high, obstructing the ridge completely.

Questioning the aesthetic and environment impact of a vessel of similar proportions on the site, Pullicino also noted that such a vessel would be 12 metres deep, however the sea in the harbour is only eight metres deep.

This would require dredging, Pullicino added, stressing that this could create further problems, especially with the protected posidonia meadows in the surrounding areas.

The 300-metre-long  vessel will also need a 400 metre quay, which will pose additional problems due to the low depth of the sea.

Pullicino also pointed out that the quay might also be necessary to remove or relocate the existing Has Saptan underwater fuelling facility.

He questioned whether this would require the relocation of the facility and the costs this would incur. He also questioned the cost of the mammoth dredging works required.

Pullicino said wave modelling studies would also be needed to analyse the impact on the Freeport and reiterated that a detailed risk assessment study would be necessary to ensure that this facility is in conformity with the Seveso directive.

While reiterating that it was not opposed to switch the country's energy generation to gas, the Nationalist Party called on the government to carry out all the necessary studies before initiating the construction of the plant and gas storage.

He insisted that any decisions regarding the new gas plant at Delimara should only be taken after carrying out detailed risk assessment studies to avoid any negative repercussions.

"The government has issued a project description, however it has failed to make any mention of the risks involved and whether it would be carrying out the necessary studies," he said.

Come on PN stop this critisism and admit that the PN had no Energy strategy. So what if certain details has to be updated? We will have power station running on Gas at a lower cost and tariffs and that is what the people wants and not nitty grity
George Pullicino and his GONZIPN partners have not learnt their lessons in ARROGANCE and deceipt of the public. They keep creating obstacles so that the new gas powerplant, the salvation of Malta as promised by the PL, would not be up and running in the time allocated. In short they still want you and me to keep paying utility bills through the nose when they made their millions during their reign of corrupt, arrogant, deceitful and discriminatory Government which was despised by over 57% of the electorate. Stop creating false obstacles and just shut up and for once allow the people to benefit with low energy tariffs which bled us under your reign for far too long.
Meta dan il-bravu jispjegalna kif kuntratt ta' miljun ewro spicca jigi 29 miljun, forsi forsi nibda nemmnu. Ghalissa, kull ma jghid hu paroli fil-vojt!!!
Does't Mr George Pullicino realize that the election campaign is now past and that the PN is no longer in Government? Mr Pullicino,from his behaviour, seems to think that his Party is still governing Malta and wants to know how the PL, if elected, would realize the energy project.
Opposition MP George Pullicino demands ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With what right does Opposition MP George Pullicino DEMAND? WE, THE PEOPLE OF MALTA ,demanded so much, even begged to get a peek at the BWSC Agreement and all we got was a referral to the YELLEW PAGES..... AND NOW IN OPPOSITION MP George Pullicino demands !
George Pullicino huwa lanqas wiehed li jista jitkellem fuq dawn l-affarijiet. George Pullicino forsi nesa jew haseb li l-poplu nesa l-mod imbazwar li kienu jsiru l-affarijiet taht ir-responsabbiltajiet tieghu. Bizzejjed ihares lejn certu progetti, fosthom il-Maghtab, l-istess Power Station f'Marsaxlokk u l-Impjant tal-iskart f'Wied il-Ghajn biex wiehed jifhem it-tbazwir li sar. Pullicino m'ghandu ebda kredibilita. Biex ma nsemmghux il-kummenti li ghamel fuq l-entitajiet li kienu jaqghu taht ir-responsabbilta tieghu mill-Awditur Generali u mill-ex Awditur tal-MEPA.