Qormi residents benefit the most from EU food aid

More than 27,000 benefitting from the EU food aid programme in 2013.

The amount of people benefitting from EU food aid almost quadrupled between 2006 and 2013. While in 2006 there were slightly more than 7,000 beneficiaries, this year, aid is being given to more than 27,000 people.

The EU food aid programme aims to help the most needy in society. Malta started benefitting from 2005 but no statistics were kept for that year.

The locality with the most beneficiaries for the last three years was Qormi, with over 1,000 resident benefitting from this EU scheme this year. Marsa (806 persons) Zabbar (760) and Hamrun (730) followed.

This EU scheme donates free cereal, rice, sugar and milk. They are distributed on a monthly basis to the parishes and several NGOs.

Information given by the Government during yesterday's parliament sitting, suggests that San Gwann had no residents benefitting from this scheme in the last six years.

During 2013, 1,500 Gozitans are expected to benefit from this aid. This is an increase of slightly less than 500 from 2010.

The amount of Maltese beneficiaries increased by 5,000 between 2008 and 2009, and by a further 6,000 between 2010 and 2011.

Fil-waqt li m'ghandix idea x'inhu l-punt ta' Xifajk, ghax in-nies jikkwalifikaw fil-bidu tas-sena, il-kumment ta' Stambozzu hu wiehed li jrid jahseb fuqu ghax jidher car mismanagement min-naha tal-Parrocca tal-Fgura. Tqassim isir kull xahrejn lill-Parrocci, imbghad f'idejn il-Parrocci biex iqassmuh lill-beneficarji fil-lokal taghhom. Barra minn hekk l-artiklu hu zbaljat meta jghid li jitqassmu cereal, rice, sugar and milk. Dan ghaliex Sugar and Milk l-ahhar tqassmu snin ilu. Illum jitqassam Spaghetti, Penne, Polpa, Pizelli u Ross. Rigward il-kumment ta' Mike Farrugia, l-espert fil-EU Funding milli jidher, gentilment nitolbu to enlighten us how ths is mismanagement of EU funds at its best.
Mela hawn il-faqar fil-pajjiz? Wara mitt Gurnata tal-Moviment Progressiv u Moderat jigru dawn l-affarijiet. Iben il-Maghtuba kief tela fil-Gvern gholla il-paga, imam ghidli dawn tal-Progressivi u Moderati u tal-Haddiem. Lanqas qatt ma kont nemmen lisejrin jigru dawl l-affarijiet. Hemm bzonn li Iben ilMaghtuba jerga jixxota halli jiehu hsieb il-Partit tal-Haddiema u lil Haddiem.
You must be kidding. Here in Fgura we get notting after 4 months we had only 1 Pasta (Fusilli) 1 Rice, 1 Can Peas and 1 Can chopped tomato per person, while in Senglea they got 4 Rice , 3 tins Peas, 3 Polpa and 1 Fuselli for one person. We never had any Sugar or Milk and Jam we had back in early 2012. Monthly supply hi...hi you should say 3 to 4 times a year and I am beeing conservative
EU funds mismanagement at its best.