Mater Dei: 600 patients on stretcher in March

600 patients without a bed in Mater Dei during last March, 300 in April.

There were 595 patients last March who were left on a stretcher due to lack of beds and overcrowding at Mater Dei Hosptial.

Giving details in reply to a parliamentary question by Joe Cassar, the Minister for Health Godfrey Farrugia informed his predecessor that while in March the it amounted to 595, the figure was brought down by half in a month.

In Area 2, there were 299 patients on a stretcher in March and 133 in April. In the new Medical Admissions Unit, there were a total of 296 in March and 173 in April. No patients on stretchers were recorded at the Paediatric Corridor.

The problem of lack of beds in the hospital seemed to be the most alarming in Area 2; In fact, on 12 separate days, there were between 18 and 20 patients on a stretcher in Area 2 alone. Two-thirds of these were between 18 and 26 March.

Without a doubt its the government's fault. Start charging patients something every time and problem is solved. Who wouldn't like to go for a visit at Mater Dei everything is for free,Patients go there even for a headache.
Emmanuel Mallia
The new propose new kid on the block will probably be proposing that the health service will not remain free, as his comments in the past !
Kullhadd jipreteni il-mirakli issa wara 25 sena ta serq, tgerfix u disastri ohra taht il-famuzi Nazzjonalist. Dr Mucsta qed tafda wisq f'dawk ta flimkien kollox possibli. L-istorja tan 1996 sejra tirrepeti ruha. Once bitten two shy!
Whoa Silver! I thought leaving patients on stretchers in the hallways of Mater Dei Hospital over night was A PN problem. It seems like nothing changed at Mater Dei except the Government. Neither the PN nor the PL can fit five litres of water in a one litre can. Even PM Joseph Muscat cannot do that. That is why, like many others I suggest that St Luke Hospital be renovated and start using it to alleviate the over population at Mater Dei, until that is accomplished, there will be stretchers with patients in the hallways of Mater Dei.
Araw x`PM morna nivvutaw. PM tal-paroli li qazzez lil kull min jisimghu.Qal: Problemi f`Mater Dei jigu solvuti fi ftit granet ghax ghandu il-famuza Road-Map!Issa jrid 10 snin ghax sab dizastru qal. Pilloli out of stock. The laughing Stock Grech qal li se jibghat kollhox bid-DHL ezatt kif jitla`u min ma jistax immur ghall-pilloli jibaghthomlu d-dar.Sab dizastru qal. Irrid 10 snin ohra.Malta taghna lkoll. Tista` ma taqbilx maghna, izda tahdem maghna. Kif jista` jkun ma taqbilx mieghi u tahdem mieghi! Dan x`hasibna xi corma qzieqez. Issa qal dan ma jistax ikun u nfexx fi transfers politici vendikativi ghax induna li kif jista` jkun wara 25 sena nazzjonalisti dejjem mexxemxu l-laham, issa jmisshom immexxemxu l-ghadma.Ghadna gvern li falla` f`kollhox.Issa naraw x`gej ghal kontijiet tad-dawl. Nahseb ikun irrid 20 sena ohra!!!