Government in 'wide-ranging' negotiations with China - Muscat

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat reveals government is in ongoing negotiations with Chinese government on several projects.

The government is currently engaged with on-going wide-ranging negotiations with the Chinese government, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said,

Speaking this morning, Muscat dispelled criticism on the blacklisted Chinese construction company who are set to carry out a feasibility study on the bridge linking Malta to Gozo for free.

Last week, the government announced an agreement with the state-owned China Communication Construction Company to conduct a €4 million feasibility study on the feasibility of a bridge to Gozo, for free and without expecting anything in return.

Asked whether the government knew the company was blacklisted by the World Bank, Muscat said: "When the Chinese Government offers its biggest company to carry out a feasibility study for free, and you also have another feasibility study being carried out on all options... I think we had to accept it."

He added that the government could not refuse such an offer because in the dynamics of the bi-lateral relationship with China, and the on-going "wide-ranging" negotiations between the two countries on other projects, it made no sense to refuse the offer "from a country of China's international standing."

Asked to explain what projects the two countries were negotiating, Muscat said "it is not the Government's style to announce projects before they materialise."

Another Chinese state-owned company, China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation is among the companies shortlisted by government in the international call of expression for the construction of the new Delimara power plant.

Il partit laburista qed igenninhom lin-Nazi..Proset Prim Ministru min qed imaqdar ghax ma jixtieqx il gid ghal pajjizna,komplu bin negattivita li ghandkom dalwaqt itihielkom ir risposta,il Prim Ministru kellhu il vizjoni u kien jaf fejn irrid imur u jasal..Good Luck ghal gid li sa jkollok bil hila ta Alla l'ewwel u tieghek li sa tipprovdilna...God Bless You.
Prim ahna warajk fuq din il haga.....l'Ewropa dejn biss qed iggib lil dan il pajjiz. Mintoff ra hafna gid mic Cinizi u dejjem ghajnuna. Go for it....kif jijd Gonzi.
Be careful to China, they are creeping up. China just brings a nightmare into Malta. China always destroys the harmony in areas. China dreams the Empire.
Just google Chinese investment in Europe and USA and grow up peanuts.
historian 1 tant int injurant li lanqas bil-Malti ma taf taqra. Jaqaw qatt ma mort skola jew taghmel parti mill-gdur u kabocci ta` Muscat.Hdura u injuranza grassa ghandek int ghax lanqas taqra bil-Malti ma taf ja bahnan.
Tiny Malta has finally, becoming mature and is starting again to look beyond Europe at the growing economic giants of the East and that includes India. Mintoff, of course is the forrunner of such thinking, but all was halted under the myopic policies of the PN Government for the last 25 years. Our misfortune is that neighbouring Libya development is moving in a haphazard fashion, as it is not being carried out in a stable political structure, other wise tiny Malta with her adept and able people would be laughing
Tajjeb li dawk li jahsbu li huma ghorrief imma fil-fatt huma gdur, ikunu jafu li c-Cina llum hi il-hames l-akbar pajjis li jionvesti f'pajjizi ohra. L-Ingilterra, il-Germanja, l-Olanda u l-Lussumburgu huma fost l-aktar pajjizi ewropow li ghandhom investiment Ciniz u li qed jikber b'rata qawwija. Fil waqt li dawn il-pajjizi jaghmlu minn kollox biex izidu l-investiment Ciniz, xi gidra Maltija tipprova ddahhaq. Over $10.5 billion of deals by Chinese companies in the United States so far this year - Reuters
iz-zmien itina parir; jew nergghu ghaz zmien nilaghqu il-komunisti jew qed jiprepara ghall barra mill-eu. Taf ghaliex ghax dawn in-nie drajniehom jghdu haga jaghmlu ohra. Bhalbierah iffahar l-EU meta ghandhom l-anzita liema bhala ghall-ewropej.
@il-bully - One would more prefer to see projects being executed than promised ones on paper and left forgotten. Leafing through one would find quite a few of these phantom promised projects. And you also speak about CORRUPTION. Are you serious because you must be joking. @fufa & still worried - The late Dom Mintoff had an incredible foresight. He even predicted the crisis in the Middle East when he said "riesaq lejna sħab iswed li ħadd m'hu jinduna bih".
bully,if you are REALLY interested in black and white information,with the same argument I ask you to give us in black and white where those 6,000,000,000,euros DEBT your PN accumulated where did they go?
dennis vera tajjeb biss biex toghod t-ghamel it tijatrin wahdek quddiem il mera. Li ma kienx ghall dak li hrixt il hdura u lghira li kellek u ghadt ghandek ghalieh,int qieghed tittallab illum ghax anqas bicca penzjoni maghndek ghax shabek tal PN ivvotaw kontra il penzjoni fil parlament.
Let me be clear, I am not saying that the Chinese company is not corrupt, but the World Bank is also a corrupt organisation. ( Corruption runs amok in all large corporations. This is inevitable with the current monetary system.
That's the way to do it Joseph. That's where the investment is, together with the Gulf States. Unfortunately, just about all our European mates are 'caput'. So head east my friend.
The Chinese are clever.They are expanding their Empire without firing a shot They own half of the USA "THROUGH DEBT." Now because of the failures of EU they will soon own large chunks of EU.Mintoff saw all this coming.
Qisek qed tara` xi film ta` zmien il-Kavalieri. Taf x`jonqsu il-Prim? Mantel iswed, bis-salib ta` tmien ponot u il-kliem: Jien Muscat il-Grammastru, Re ta` Kastilja nghix fil-kwiekeb ta` Europa Nostra. Isimghu u tbeghdu ghax intom gdur u jien biss nifhem biex indawwar il-kliem.Iva ic-Cinizi se jaghmlu il-pont bejn Malta u Malta. Issa xi tridu. Jekk joghogbkom tbeghdu ghax intom imbecilli. Jien il-bravu minn Burmarrad iben il-bdiewa u l-gdur u l-kabocci. Taf x`nesa` jghid Guzeppi Li ic-Cinizi saru jafu bina bis-sahha tal-Perit kbir Mintoff.Avloja lil Mintoff nehhewh minn kulimkien anke mill-kwartieri tal-hgieg tal-MileEnd!
Qisek qed tara` xi film ta` zmien il-Kavalieri. Taf x`jonqsu il-Prim? Mantel iswed, bis-salib ta` tmien ponot u il-kliem: Jien Muscat il-Grammastru, Re ta` Kastilja nghix fil-kwiekeb ta` Europa Nostra. Isimghu u tbeghdu ghax intom gdur u jien biss nifhem biex indawwar il-kliem.Iva ic-Cinizi se jaghmlu il-pont bejn Malta u Malta. Issa xi tridu. Jekk joghogbkom tbeghdu ghax intom imbecilli. Jien il-bravu minn Burmarrad iben il-bdiewa u l-gdur u l-kabocci. Taf x`nesa` jghid Guzeppi Li ic-Cinizi saru jafu bina bis-sahha tal-Perit kbir Mintoff.Avloja lil Mintoff nehhewh minn kulimkien anke mill-kwartieri tal-hgieg tal-MileEnd!
Mr. Jurgen Balzan, The heading says: Government in wide-ranging negotiations with China - Muscat. I beg you to verify this statement. First: We have NOTHING said or promised on the road map as presented in Malta Taghna Lkoll, Manifest Elettorali 2013, black on white. Second: What is this man trying to do to us? Third: For the record it is reported that Mr. Fu said: QIAN GUOLIANG 48, IS THE THIRD CHINESE IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS . . . CORRUPTION IS ALWAYS RANKED AS A TOP PUBLIC CONCERN. Fourth: While at it do not try to get a petition because Chinese endowed China with 'BLACK JAILS' for anyone who dare challenge their emperor.
"....I think we had to accept it." It makes good sense to me to steer clear of any possible problems that the World Bank may have had with this company, regardless of who the ultimate owner may be, and safeguard oneself against pit-falls that might have been encountered in the past. Thats normal due diligence.