Opposition MP proposes Constitutional amendment on sexual orientation

Appeals for “sexual orientation” to be added to the fundamental rights and freedoms protected by the state.

Nationalist MP Claudette Buttigieg.
Nationalist MP Claudette Buttigieg.

Opposition MP Claudette Buttigieg has presented a Private Members' Bill which aims to amend the Constitution.

The Bill calls for the words "sexual orientation" to be added to Article 32 and 45 of the Constitution, which list the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals which are protected by the state.

The proposed amendment would see Article 32 read: "Whereas every person in Malta is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed, sex or sexual orientation, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest, to each and all of the following..."

On the other hand, Article 45 of the Constitution protects against discrimination based on race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed and sex, The Opposition's proposal, in line with it's electoral proposal, will include sexual orientation in the article.

Speaking at a press conference in Parliament this afternoon, Buttigieg said the Bill went beyond changing the Constitution.

"It is useless changing a law if the mentality does not change," she said, adding that a change in mentality will only happen through educational campaigns promoting equality.

"We are calling for a change in the mentality and culture of the country," she said.

After presenting the bill to Speaker Anglu Farrugia, PN deputy leader for party affairs Mario de Marco explained that the Constitution "guaranteed the ultimate protection of citizen's rights," adding that he expected the Labour government to welcome the amendment, which would guarantee that no law could be discriminatory.

He added that the amendment would introduce immediate protection from discrimination on the groiund of sexual orientation and ensure that no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory.

De Marco said the amendment is expected to provide redress to victims of discrimination in other areas which do not at present include an obligation of equality on the grounds of sexual orientation, such as health, education, personal integrity and personal life.

The amendemnet would bring the local legislation in line with the protection contained in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Newly elected MP, Claudette Buttigieg stressed the importance of the bill, pointing out that legislation can make a huge difference in people's lives.

"Some persons live in constant fear and this not only effects their life but also of the persons around them," Buttigieg said.

The Opposition also noted that the amendment retains the State's discretion to legislate and regulate areas related to matters of personal law and thereby does not provide for same sex marriages.

"The regulation of this area of law is one that relies heavily on deep-rooted social and cultural connotations, and revolves around the right to marry which is to date not established to include a right to same sex marriages."

Buttigieg also said that despite the government had set up ta consultative council to draw up a civil union  law, she had not received an invitation to participate. She said the Opposition represents a large portion of society and is willing to participate in the council.

After all, Buttigieg added, the PN had initiated the process in the previous legislature by proposing a civil partnership and cohabitation act.

The Parliament's House Business Committee, set to meet next week, will decide when the Private Members' Bill will be discussed.

Emmanuel Mallia
Get back to tv and make a better use of yourself. You are acting like a talk talk empty bucket !
Emmanuel Mallia
Cheap means of getting popular. A tv presenter, who in less than a year became an expert on many issues !
Emmanuel Mallia
Do we have queers at the top of PN ??
And what were her views before the elections? And what were her party' s views? Why is she speaking in favour of these amendments now? Does she and her party want to get all the merit for these changes? They were always and will remain the Negative party. That is what PN stands for. From singer to presenter to member of parliament. What's next? MEP, party leader, president of Malta??
well done Claudette Buttigieg BRING OUT THE FIRST POLITICAL PARTY ALL BEING TRANSVESTITES!! I am sure Simon would like that!! after all untill today we have no idea what Gonzi's relationship was with Simon even though they were seen holding and shaking at one time!!hahaha!!
Claudette ruhi. Taf x'qalet Anne fenech rigward id-divorzju. Forsi ma tafx m'inhi. Anne hi dik li rceviet 70000 euros ghal konsulenzi minn ghand gonzipn u illum xi president tal-pn. Ivvotat kontra id-divorzju izda kienet kuntenta li ghadda. Ara fliema bassezzi qed taqaw. U din li qed tghidu illum hija l-istess haga. L-aqwa li tilaqu u ghadkom tahsbu li il-poplu bahnan. Mhux diga hadtu lezzjoni kolossali. Ahjar tmur tbiegh xi libsa fuq in-Net.
Where was Claudette Buttigieg before the elections? Why is she now trying to jump on the bandwagon when it has become a bed of roses in this regard, to try and be more hero than her mentor Laurence Gonzi? Opinions do not change overnight which therefore seems to me that Ms Buttigieg is trying to get mileage out of the suffering of others, suffering caused by HER PARTY and her Government.
While welcoming this news it's hard not to think that this is just a feeble PR exercise. If the PN wants to be credible and heard by the LGBT community it should have presented a private bill for a same sex state marriage which is one step better than what the government is proposing. A constitutional amendment is fine but as MP Claudette Buttigieg said "It is useless changing a law if the mentality does not change," Parliament must send a clear message that we are all equal and all have the same rights.
Perhaps we are already thinking for next year EU membership election so we need to make a UTURN now
Perhaps we are already thinking for next year EU membership election so we need to make a UTURN now
Il motto tal PN huwa Religio et Patria ! Issa messhom jzidu Religio et Patria et Opportunizmo! Halluna fejn kont dawn l ahhar snin ta diskriminazjoni sinjura Claudette?
Ara, stenbhu wara 25 sena. U-turn kollosali.
This MP Claudette Buttigieg, is just plastic and make up and make believe,....exactly like her leader.
PN, good morning and welcome to the year 2013!
PN, good morning and welcome to the year 2013!
What a big head! Take it easy my dear desire and learn to walk before you start runnning. I is a pity she was not elected PN leader
David Bongailas
I welcome the fact that the PN seems to have woken up from a deep slumber and is now realizing that not everyone in Malta is white,heterosexual and middle class, however Ms.Buttigieg your government did absolutely nothing to protect the LGBT community when in government, on the contrary many times the PN government was guilty of blatant bigotry and discrimination. Just ask Joanne Cassar. Ms.Buttigieg has some cheek in trying to portray the PN as some defender of LGBT rights.
Ian George Walker
This is just grandstanding - a cheap grab for attention. She knows very well that a wide-ranging review of the Constitution is in the offing. That is the proper forum for this proposal.
Kont qed nippretendi illi dawn il-sinjuri tal-Partit Nazzjonalista li hafna minnhom kien parti mill Grupp taht Fenech Adami u Lawrence Gonzi jitolbu biex dawk li gew politikament diskriminati jinghataw kumpsens xieraq. Kont qed nipretenti ukoll li Dr Simon jigbor dawk il-flus li shabu hadu min wara dar kullgadd ninghajr l-ebda dritt. Jien jienikolli inhallas xi haga irid naghti l-interessi fuq u jekk Simon irid jitwemmen hekk ghandu jordna lin-Nazzjonalisti shabu biex jaghmlu. Niddedika diska lil PN MPs, "Don't forget to Remember' jew kif kienu jghidu huma "Biex ma tinsix"
Emmanuel Mallia
Trying to be popular in shameful acts of society !
Emmanuel Mallia
forgetting our religious values to gain votes !
Some cannot resist being out of the limelight to impress.