MP donates his honoraria to address social problems

Save a Life foundation launched by Nationalist MP Claudio Grech this morning; shocking statistics about first district revealed.

Newly elected MP Claudio Grech today declared his intention to donate his parliament's honoraria to 'Save a Life Foundation', which he founded.

The foundation, which also includes the participation of Caritas and Puttinu Cares, was a personal initiative of Grech and his wife.

"I feel that this foundation is needed to address the social problems found in the first district," Grech said.

He admitted that the house-visits he carried out in the weeks prior to the 9 March  election, and the fact that he was raised in Valletta and Hamrun, made him conclude that he could not remain a bystander any longer.

During the launch, Claudio Grech presented some shocking statistics about the reality found in first district localities. For instance, the district has the highest number of drug-related cases and the largest number of prison inmates (21% of the total).

Almost four in every ten Valletta residents have some form of illiteracy problems. Valletta also has the largest number of single parents per capita (2.5%), the second highest unemployment rate (5%) and the highest number of requests for social housing assistance (9%).

The statistics also show Valletta tops the list in social security cases with the other first district localities following closely.

The 'Save a Life Foundation' will fund community-engagement projects, create social equalisation opportunities and encourages measures to keep youths away from drugs, alcohol and gambling.

However it declared that it would not be ready to issue cash donations to organisations or payments to address individual needs.

The initial projects feature a literacy and digital library programme with the St Augustine's parish in Valletta, infrastructure projects in St Joseph Band Club and the extension of the Hamrun and Valletta nurseries.

When questioned about how the latter will help youths with social problems that would not afford the relatively high fees that football nurseries charge, Grech stated the nurseries were undergoing a difficult period.

He mentioned that the Valletta nursery only has over 100 youths in their ranks, and other infrastructural limitations. Grech also remarked the building of a class with the infrastructural upgrade of the Valletta nursery, keeping up with other nurseries that already have this academic element within their premises.

Dr Victor Calvagna and Mons Carm Farrugia, on behalf of Puttinu Cares and Caritas respectively, thanked the Nationalist MP for this initiative and his willingness not only to invest financially, but also for dedicating his time and energy to this cause.

My God. This man might have ended up living in a garage in Valletta with four other people, and he may have received a salary from smart city, while still getting a salary from Mita and yes he may have been involved in pushing the businesses of his friends, in which he had a stake. Yes this is true and much more ... But just look at what he does with the money. This is the quality of men that Austin Gatt surrounded himself with. One cause that Claudio is especially suited for is Birth Control. I mean just look at him ... he is an inspiration for birth control. And his philanthropy does not just end there you know. Why between him and Austin, they have bought a whole Canton in Switzerland ... leaving us Maltese here in Malta with a Kantun!
Imissu issa dan Claudio Grech IHEGGEG il-kollegi tieghu , ex-Ministri ta' GonziPN u l'ex-Prim Gonzi jroddu lura l'onorarja li kienu hadhu huma wkoll u li L'POPLU QIEGHED JISTENNA li tigi mghotija lura! Anki jekk ghal xi kawza gusta! Zgur Joseph Muscat ma hux sejjer issib OGGEZZJONI, fuq kollox hekkkien sejjer jghamel hu..... u Claudio Grach bhal ohrajt fil PN JIKKUPPJAW u tal-lanqas din id-darba ghal kawza gusta! L'effett tat-terremot li holoq Dr. Joseph Muscat ;)
Il-Beatu Claudio Grech seta' ghamel dan l-att ta' karita' minghajr hafna pubblicita' u fanfarri. Il-fatt li m'ghamilx dan jindika li din mhi xejn hlief ipokresija banali biex jikseb ftit pubblicita'.
Up to some months ago Gonzi pn and his followers were denying we even had problems of this nature in Malta A step in the right direction, others should take his example
Ok lets be objective : At first glance this seems to be a knoble gesture, until one reads "I feel that this foundation is needed to address the social problems found in the first district," ......... but why limit this to the first district only... ah ok ok you're a candidate there. Charity has no borders, no class, no districts, Mr Grech.
Shocking statistics. After 25 years of your beloved government. Shame.
Shocking statistics. After 25 years of your beloved government. Shame.
He must have really made a lot of money under Aust or should I say A.G. to do this.!!!!!!! NO one works for nothing unless he is filthy rich.
Ftit snin ilu biss, Joseph Muscat irrinunzja miz-zieda li ried jaghtih il-gvern. Joseph Muscat ried li din iz-zieda tmur ghal-karita. Il-gvern ta Gonzi PN ma tax iz-zieda lil Joseph Muscat u dawk li kienu se jircievu xi ghajnuna baqghu b'xejn grazzi ghal GonziPN. Dan m'ghamel xejn gdid.
Welldone Mr Grech, but not everyone owns the business you and your wife owns. If someone pay a visit to an erderly home at M'Scala which some time ago was a hotel you immediately notice that he/they did not need the honoraria. Please spend some of them on better erderly meals.
Emmanuel Mallia
A very nobel act indeed. However, what we want to see, as citizens and voters, a complete list of perks enjoyed by politicians, chairpersons, CEOs and top government officials. We believe, that perks alone are much better than honoraria
OMG, OMG, OMG. I can't believe it. ALL Politicians are turning into SAINTS. All 69 will be beatified before John Paul the second. OMG, OMG, OMG
Mathew 06: 03-04 ........... "But when thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth. [4] That thy alms may be in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee."