Joe Zammit Tabona appointed PM’s special envoy for business promotion

Prime Minister appoints former High Commissioner to the UK as his special envoy for business promotion.

Joseph Zammit Tabona
Joseph Zammit Tabona

Joseph Zammit Tabona has been appointed as the Prime Minister's special envoy for business promotion, MaltaToday has learnt.

Official sources have confirmed this appointment, amid reports that the High Commissioner to the UK is to be replaced by one of Malta's top tourism operators and well-known TV host Norman Hamilton.

Zammit Tabona qualified as a chartered accountant in 1971 and during his career he held numerous chairmanships.

He was a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers until his retirement from active practice in March 2000. He was chairman of the Accountancy Board, the Malta Stock Exchange, FinanceMalta and Viset Malta plc.

He also chaired the Malta Development Corporation (MDC), the Malta External Trade Corporation (METCO) and the Institute for the Promotion of Small Enterprise (IPSE), whose functions and activities were absorbed within the Malta Enterprise Corporation which he also chaired.

Zammit Tabona was twice President of the Malta Federation of Industries, a member of the Board of Directors of Bank of Valletta, a member of the Board of the Malta Council for Science and Technology and a Director of HSBC Life Assurance Malta Limited.

Staqsu lil Haddiema tal-MDC, IPSE u Metco kemm ha hsieb il-haddiema Zammit Tabona. Tefahhom il-barra minghajr ebda raguni u hallihom f'infern sal-gurnata tal-lum! Nippretendi li dan ghad irid jaghti kont tieghu flimkien mal-amministrazzjoni ta' dak iz-zmien.
Meta saret l-integrazzjoni tal-MDC, IPSE u METCO f'organizzazzjoni wahda l-Malta Enterprise, il-haddiema ghaddew minn tensjoni kbira. Qattawlhom qalbhom u kien hemm haddiema l-anqas biss baghtu ghalihom ghal-interview fis-selezzjoni tal-personnel il-gdid tal-Malta Enterprise. Dan kollu gara fis-sena 2004.
Another GonziPN scumbag who will continue to use this country for promoting money laundering and illegal activities for his personal gain. Who will be given an appointment next? I am expecting Gonzi and Gatt to be given a role any day now. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Congratulations to Joe Zammit Tabona. He worked hard, achieved results and his new appontment is well merited. Well done goes to the new administration for retaining his services through his new appointment.
I have been quick to criticize other appointments that smacked of favoritism, so let me rush to applaud this appointment which appears to be born out of genuine recognition of Mr. Zammit Tabone's potential valid contribution in this field.
Proset u Awguri it -tnejn li huma.
An excellent appointment!