Joseph Muscat irked by state of affairs in health
John Dalli’s appointment to address health problems spurred by minister’s lack of success.
The appointment of ex-Health Minister and ex-Health Commissioner John Dalli was not only based on political convenience but was also spurred by the lack of success of current Minister Godfrey Farrugia to address the present problem in the local health state.
Reportedly, Muscat is irritated at the current situation at Mater Dei hospital where waiting lists and queues issues have not yet been addressed but remained at the same levels under the previous government.
Apparently, John Dalli, will tomorrow be on site at Mater Dei and "grab the bull by its horns" and whatever was considered normal under former Minister Joe Cassar will no longer be tolerated.
Read more in today's issue of Illum

Emmanuel Mallia •
Part of the problems at Materdei are the nurses. There a lots of empty beds, but are nurses instructed to deal only with one or two patients ?

Emmanuel Mallia •
I will not be surprised that our national health service will soon be against payment ! There are at least two top officials connected with government health services who strongly oppose a free national health service !

It will take more than three months to solve the maladministration and bad practices inherited from the Nationalist administration!

One has to be very careful in handling the situation at Mater Dei. Sitting down round a table and holding discussions with management, medics and paramedics is the only way forward. Bulldozing over everybody is surely not a solution, as one risks throwing the baby with the bath water.

Lawrence Covin •
Things aren't always what they seem. Maybe the Govt. and the people at large think Mater Dei is a State-run hospital when it isn't. Maybe it's 'run' by a few private -practising individuals, who knows?

Dalli will run circles around Dr. Farrugia and will screw him and the rest of the country.
PL have been so long in opposition - they are showing they really have no clue what was going on in this country to trust Dalli. And those in PL who know what is going on - they have long been accomplices of Dalli and PN in general.

Mr.Staff reporter you are twisting the truth. Joseph Muscat himself stated that the hiring of John Dalli was suggested by the current health minister. You are also not honest since one cannot judge the performance of an individual in three month. Keep in mind he found a 60 million shortfall. Hiring of John Dalli is political expedient or because of an incompetent minister. Make up your mind.
No health will remain free Joseph Muscat has pledged this. And the problem is not only the Health Centres but the cabal of medical barons that are holding the hospital to ramson. There is a Mafia style conspiracy with even families have multiple barons that control the hospital.
You know it but no paper prints it as these are too powerful. This is a long way from saying that Dr. Farrugia is inefficent.
But since labour took over Malta today and illum and doing all they can to oppose the government. Really though their opposition is quite derisory.

The Bull should not only be grabs by its long horns but also by its balls and please a

I perfectly agree that Mr. Dalli can help Minister Farrugia in determining the main problems at Mater Dei. Minister Farrugia is doing a superb job but the time has come that nonsense from Joes Cassar should not be tolerated and Mr. Dalli will be helpful in seeing to this.
We have heard enough from Mater Dei from doctors being appointed consultants with qualifications and not enough qualifiation under the previous administration to long waiting lists!!
As Minister Farrugia has pointed out the time is also ripe to primarily employ on the basis of experience and to leave inexperienced doctors as backups!

Dalli is the true pioneer of political corruption in Malta. There had been other corrupt politicians clearly - just about all of them, but no one has done it on the same scale and audacity as Dalli. He is the richest Maltese person who has ever lived and most of his wealth is hidden away. 50 Million from Snus? Pocket money.
Dalli is also the person who destroyed PN. He opened the cracks which others widened. But Dalli has no loyalty except to his own greed.
He will be the catalyst which will destroy PL eventually. Remember this prophecy.

Dalli is going to be at mater Dei? I advise visitors to leave their wallets at home!
If Dalli wants to help mater Dei, maybe he makes a donation of a few billions to the hospital. Maybe they rename it Mater Dalli.
Dalli can afford the generosity, a lifetime of serving the country has left him a multi-billionaire.
What do you think the whole Olaf case is about. Let Olaf disclose the information they have on Dalli's bank accounts instead of all the BS in the face of obvious wrong doing.

This what you get when one have drive but not hard skin. Dr. Farrugia is a good man, I will trust my life in his hands but when dealing with those fat cats who all they consider is money, in my mind he is too good.

Emmanuel Mallia •
And it is going to get worse with the newcomer, who is well known to have created hardship for the people ! The health service must remain free- we paid for it !!

Unless PL administration tackle the clique which uses Mater Dei for its own ends, there will be no improvement- it has sabotaged the PN administration which gladly let things be since its members were all PN appointees. Godfrey farrugia shares only very little of the blame, he has been given a next to impossible task unless he is given power to investigate and sack the saboteurs.

The problem is not Mater Dei but Health Centres. Health Centres must operate on 24 hour basis using modern equipment.