PBS employees demand answers on restructuring process
PBS employees demand answers on maligned restructuring process at the national broadcaster.
Public Broadcasting employees are calling on the government to carry out an investigation in the restructuring at PBS prior to the March election.
"Who's protecting the executive chairperson of TVM Anton Attard?" a number of PBS employees told Sunday newspaper Illum following the opening of the PBS Creativity Hub.
"We didn't expect this from Joseph Muscat" the employees said.
They are concerned with the expense on new furniture, which was bought and not used, and the contractor who was responsible of the PBS facade not being the same one who won the tender in the first place.
Read more in today's issue of Illum

PBS employees are right to ask who is protecting TVM Anton Attard and Lou Bondi and his WE. They have a right to answers and to the promises they were made in the run up to the elections. It seems evident that the absolute abuse of power at PBS prior to the elections, the abuse and breaking of the Law, seems to be left unaddressed by the new Government,and therefore give the signal that the more you abuse the more you get protected. That is not what the 57% of the electorate voted for.

"We didn't expect this from Joseph Muscat" the employees said. I don't think anybody, except the die hearts, expected all this from Joseph Muscat. Joseph Muscat is like a little kid at Christmas overwhelmed with all his toys. He discards the toys he got and plays with the boxes instead. And this is only the beginning.