Ethical misgivings and political motivation - PN leader

PN leader Simon Busuttil talks about a country's administration surrounded with ethical misgivings and led by political motivation.

Unlike political motivation, ethical standards do not feature highly on the agenda of the current government, Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil said.

Speaking during an interview this morning the newly appointed leader recalled the saga of parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca and how he was allowed to make €3,600 in one morning was a prime example, Dr Busuttil claimed. The MP was allowed to carry his private practice at the same time he was supposedly on government duty.  Dr Busuttil urged the government to publish the figures showing Mercieca's total income from this practice since appointed as parliamentary secretary.

The downward spiral in ethical standards is pushed further when PL allowed a person under criminal investigation to run for the post of MEP.

The PN leader said the party has evidence a prison amnesty was promised before the elections. "Buying votes with promises verges on corrupt practice", Busuttil said. He did not mention who were the candidates promising the amnesty.

The fact that a company carries out a feasibility study on a project and is allowed to tender for the same project is shocking. "This attitude of anything goes is unacceptable", Busuttil said. The contract should have read that the company would be excluded from the project and not that the company should not expect to be given preference if the bridge is ever built.

Labour MPs will benefit from a second income if the proposed law permitting parliamentarians to take up other positions goes through.

Simon Busuttil continued that MPs who are appointed on authorities and boards will get paid for their position. This will be additional to the parliamentary honoraria they receive.

Dr Busuttil recollected PL's clamour over the amendment to the parliamentary honoraria as proposed by the previous administration. "I was against the proposed changes however by allowing MPs to sit on boards this administration is doing worse by granting them a second income", he said.

Political motivation seems to be behind every move made by the current administration. The government is harassing the operators of the San Frangisk animal hospital at Ta' Qali after they won a public tender.  The appointment of former Nationalist MP and former European Commissioner John Dalli also smells of political motive. Dalli was given his appointment a day after the police commissioner said there was not enough evidence against the former commissioner. "This makes me believe the PL was already in agreement with John Dalli", the PN leader stated.

The first 100 days post election were a time of change also for the Nationalist Party. Leadership changes resulting in the appointment of a new team and a wide leadership, Dr Busuttil concluded.

Changes are also expected in the party's ailing financial sector. An ad hoc commission has been set up and will forward its recommendations by the end of the month.

The people at the helm of the newly appointed PN administration strive to return the factors of belonging and zeal, which the party had lost over the years, PN leader Simon Busuttil said.


Emmanuel Mallia
a frustrating look, just like Gonzi had. Is he sure of himself of what he is saying ?
Simon, Never ever take us for a ride again, we spit and do not swallow.
Emmanuel Mallia
The usual layers talk . They pretend that we have forgotten the Gonzipn dictatorship style administration, which simple simon was part of it. And PN try to convince us that they have changed and there are new faces. Just like lawyers- distort the plain truth, and the black call it white !
Gonzi might have gone but Busuttil is not any better - the same old clikka is still there and this can be easily seen by exactly the same way Busuttil and Gonzi incite the people on innuendoes, part truths and downright lies. I cannot for the life of me see how they can reconcile their conscience, if they have one, with the way they attack people's credibility damaging families and reputations for the sake of one moment of political glory. No the PN is still the same - they have switched from GONZIPN to BUSUPN but the formula is still the same.
John Mifsud
Simon Busuttil has suddenly become very sensitive and delicate on matters pertaining to ethics and correctness. I suppose it is to be commended, but one wonders on which planet was he living up to 9 March 2013.
May I just ask Simon Busuttil one question - if a political party cannot take care of its OWN finances how does it expect the electorate to believe it is capable of continuing to run the country's finances? A simple, few word answer will suffice. ALBERT FENECH - Qawra
Some people seem to think that if they believe their own lies,others will too. Well they'r Wrong.
Biex jitkellem wahdu tajjeb Simon bla hadd ma jmerih! Kiek kien hemm John Dalli hemm jew xi Franco Debono zgur ma kienx jitkellem kif tkellem u jinkixiflu ir-WRAPPING tieghu ta' Lupu libes ta' haruf!
Rita Pizzuto
Ara veru dab Simon ma tghallem xejn mill-umiljazzjoni li sofra l-partit li ma' Gonzi kien imexxi. Fl-intervista rega; rritorna jghid ic-cucati ta' qabel l-elezzjoni. Imma dakinhar ma rebahx voti, anzi tilef, u din id-darba se jibqa' sejjer jitkaxkar ma;-hmieg. Sakemm nhux kapaci jgib il-provi hadd mhu se jemmnu li qed jghid li l-PL skont hu xtara l-voti. Dik dejjem kienet prerogattiva tal-PN. Kompla jaghzaq meta qal li issa li Austin justa' jigi mfittex ghax heba li kellu 700,000 ewro fil-banek svizzeri,allura dak ghalih ma jiswiex ghax Wistin m'ghadux membri tal-kbara tal-partit. Mhemmx cans lijikkundnnah u la ma jaghmilx hekk hadd mhu se jemmnu li jrid inaddaf. Ukoll ta' min jghidlna kemm dahhal flus minghad tax-Shell biex imexxihom f'kawza kontra l-Gvern fi zmien li ma setax jahdem metga kien membru tal-UE.
Anqas jisthu jitkellmu fuq etika n-nazzjonalisti? Simon Busuttil missu jitkellem dwar il-hatriet ta` nies fis-segretrjat tal-ex-ministru tal-finanzi fil Kunsill Malti ta' l-Isport u ta' ohra fis-segretarjat tal- ex prim ministru Gonzi fil-Malta Film Facilities, hatriet li sehhew qabel l-elezzjoni. Jaf Simon Busuttil kemm tawhonm salarji gholjin li dawn it-talin? Min jaf jekk gewx segwiti l-proceduri tas-servizz Civili? Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur!
Emmanuel Mallia
Where are the ethical standards of your friend Gonzi ? Governing without a majority ! Simple Simon was his deputy !! Lest we forget !!
One would have thought that the changes within the PN were for the better. But it seems the clique is still in charge and determined to continue its Maltese political strategy by scaremongering and character assassinations. The newly elected leader of the opposition ought to keep in mind that before spewing his political insinuations, he ought to take into account the mess his party’s administration left as a non functioning government. In regards Franco Mercieca, my question to the esteemed leader of the opposition would be as follows. How would he react if he or someone close within his family needed Dr. Mercieca’s select services which are in short supply in Malta? We do not recall Simon Busuttil coming to John Dalli’s assistance as a Member of the EU Parliament, yet now he has the audacity to criticize his appointment as a health consultant in Malta in a field he is highly experienced in EU affairs and in the building of Mater Dei. Would the leader of the opposition be more ethically serene if the Prime Minister appointed someone from the last PN administration that created this mess? Mr. Busuttil as an MEP should be familiar with the EU policies, therefore to suggest that MP’s should not be paid if sitting on committees or boards is absolutely hogwash. Would the leader of the opposition be willing to reveal his extras received when he was sitting at different committees in Brussels? In conclusion Mr. Busuttil, your political strategy smells and it reflects the same strategy used by that fascist clique that controlled Malta for the last 25 years because their arrogance made them feel comfortable in expecting that the Maltese political mentality will not change. However we all know what happened in the last election. As leader of the opposition, you continue to fail miserably in your party’s leadership and Malta cannot afford to once again return to trust such political maneuvers that are ruled by cabals and a closed circle of a clique that remains entrenched in the PN.
AMAZING ... so they knew what ethics and right and wrong where all the time. GonziPN just did not think it applied to itself. Now all of a sudden they have discovered their scruples! As for the financial situation of PN - in the end they defrauded their own party. Why not bring out in the open what happened and then we may believe you that something has changed. If you are part of the cover up - that means you are an accomplice.
Thgid mhux sejjer nemnek. Jekk ghada jitilaw in Nazzjonalisti jerga (Alla inixxifli ilsieni) tahseb li sejjer timxi mal- dawk li ma jaqblux mieghek bhal ma qed jaghmel il-Kapo tal Progressivi u Moderati. Il-proverbju malti jghid "Hanzir taqtalu denbu hanzir jibqa. Bhalissa ghandi dubju jekk nergax nafda li tal-Progressivi u Moderati ahseb u ara kemm sejjer nafda li tal-Partit nazzjonalista. Kellhom cans jinbidlu kieku riedu f' hamsa u ghoxrin sena, imam mhux talli indiblu talli hraxu fid-dimkrininazzjoni lejn haddiehor.